Oh, This Is Rich
Remember those “fine folks” over at Media Matters? Those stalwart “progressive” people who think the mainstream media does a great job, who profess to speak for the “little guy”, and who often support organized labor?
Well, it seems as if the folks who actually work for Media Matters want to form a union. So, since they’re a good progressive organization with a track record of supporting labor, that means Media Matters’ management should be happy about that . . . right?
Apparently not. The management at Media Matters has gone on record opposing the formation of a union by their workforce. Seriously.
Their employees are, predictably, “not amused”.
I never knew “hypocrite” was spelled using two capital “Ms.” I guess it is now, though.
It also looks to me like this shows there is a God – and His sense of humor tends towards irony. Although based on this collection of Biblical quotes, He also doesn’t have much use for hypocrites.
Category: Media
Excluding “low-pay”, the single biggest reason for people that want to unionize is perceived mistreatment of the “workers”. I wonder what kind of work environment is fostered by the management that is encouraging the workers to organize? But great article. What goes around comes around. Maybe they can get Al Sharpton to organize a protest on behalf of his people.
Oh, this is brilliant!
So, Media Matters, I guess it’s not too fun being on the other foot, eh? I hope you and the rest of your propaganda-spewing bureaus vanish off the face of the Earth.
I’m sure Mark Levin is dancing right about now.
Reap what you sow Leaf Eaters!!!
MGySgtRet. You said it before me Sir. Yes, let them reap what they sow.
Media Matters is an unbiased, educational organization. At least that’s what got it TAX EXEMPT STATUS! Can you believe that shit?
In this Administration, 2/17 Air Cav – yes I certainly can.
They’re “unbiased” in precisely the correct direction.
Every lefty in the world loves the idea of a union work force, until their business is impacted and they suddenly realize that the math involved means some employees will get shit canned to cover the new union benefit package.
The employees often don’t understand that aspect either, as liars from the union tell these employees that the company management is flush with cash. People educated in public schools over the last twenty years who actually understand basic business math from an owner’s perspective are relatively rare.
Those employees fail to realize there is usually a finite cash flow that has to cover everything from labor to electricity and when one of those cost factors increase the only way to maintain profitability is often to reduce labor costs. It’s cheaper to run mandatory overtime with fewer employees than to run more employees on straight time. The biggest misunderstanding for many is that overtime can be mandatory, folks think the 40 hour work week means they can’t be compelled to work beyond 40. That’s also false, it only means if I compel you to work 60 hours I have to compensate at 1.5 your normal rate for the 20 hours of overtime. That’s still cheaper than another full time employee.
I am not surprised by this, it probably means that Media Matters has been playing some favorites with compensation. Two reporters covering similar areas with one making twice as much as his colleague. As that becomes common knowledge under a union negotiation things will get dicey for employees. As some will take a cut while some will get a raise and others will get canned.
No argument about any of that, VOV.
I’m just enjoying seeing a bunch of hypocritical bastards exposed for what they really are – hypocritical bastards.
Agreed, I must confess a rather delicious irony is involved here that has me smiling all morning.
Funny how easy it is to write about greedy corporate managers in a theoretical sense and then the Karma fairy stops by and smacks the shit out of them…
VoV…Again well said. As someone who worked in the labor, union side and management as well you spoke the truth. Union ass hats promise employees the moon and stars and never mention the downsides. Because they are after…dues money. Labor never stops to think, “How do these union guys make a living”? In these negotiations, management is always in the driver’s seat because they ultimately control cash flow. They know the math of overtime versus more employees. Plus, except for pay, an overtime employee costs no more in benefits than a 40 hour employee. These are the things labor does not think about ahead of time. If you’re comfortable in your bed and treated well, thank God and leave it alone. Mess it up and turn the tables and labor will lose every time. Watched it happen repeatedly. Most often heard from union dicks…”well you’ll have the right to grievance”. Again, if you are treated well, no need for grievances.
I don’t universally demonize unions. There are good ones and bad ones out there, and I can attest from personal experience that having a union rep in a disciplinary process can be a good thing for everybody.
However, it has always seemed to me that most (not all) unions follow a natural progression:
1) Boss treats employees like shit
2) Employees unionize
3) Boss has to deal with union
4) Boss treats employees better
5) New boss is not a dick like old boss
6) Employees are happy
7) Union has become bloated and comfy with ever-increasing dues income, doesn’t want to lose it
8) Union needs to justify its existence, starts spewing bullshit & demanding more, more, more
9.A) Boss caves, costs skyrocket, boss has to downsize to stay in business, employees get screwed, Union blames boss for their mess
9.B) Employees see where this is headed, tell union to fuck off, union tries to leverage dues out of non-members “for the greater good,” union loses lawsuit, hides in the corner pretending it’s still relevant.
As Dana pointed out, it’s deliciously ironic that MM evidently treats their own workers like such shit, and now must reap what they and their fellow limousine liberals have sown. I don’t believe in karma, but I do believe in comeuppance. With any luck, they’ll end up with a common shitty union that eventually drives them to ruin.
Basically, this is a win-win for our side.
Shoe, meet other foot. Other foot, meet shoe. I’m sure the two of you will get on famously.
Nice one.
It really is sweet to watch when these special little snowflakes get a huge dose of reality. In their wonderful Utopia where everything is rainbows and unicorns, all should recognize their specialness just because, well, uhm, just because, like they shouldn’t have to tell us how special they are and it’s our fault that we do not see it. Or something.
Or, put another way, the rules are for all of us infidels, not for them. Just because they say so.
Another MM lefty-Mikey Moore-also apparently loved him some unions until it came to his own employees.
The longer I see the left in action the more I appreciate “1984”: the power of propaganda, the inner party vs. the outer party and the proles-it’s all observable right there in real life. Media Matters will get by with this too, just watch. Too many politicians and media outlets are beholden to them to push this and it will die out. Only the conservative media will give this any coverage and the right thinking people know that you can’t trust “Fix Noise”.
I was also thinking Orwell… but more like the end of Animal Farm, when the onlooking animals started having difficulty telling the pigs from the farmers.
It’s all the same theme-there is no classless society where the needs of all are somehow magically met.
That Blair understood that and yet remained a committed leftist is perplexing, but the vision of that better world is powerful.
I was taking an Anthropology class in the fall of 1989 and the prof was a Yugoslavia expert. Somehow, I managed to find “The New Class” by Milovan Djilas and read that (he describes the same sort of phenomena-the inevitable emergence of a new elite in Marxist societies-see also Michel’s Iron Law of Oligarchy) and did a report on it for that class. Then the wall came down, the prof was crestfallen, but to his credit he gave me a fair grade.
Marxists spend a lot of time talking about the inherent contradictions of capitalism, but refuse to see the glaring inconsistencies of their own worldview.
TLDR-commies are deluded.
“Animal Farm”?-according to those big brains over at MSNBC, it’s a “parable about income inequality”.
I shit you not-http://hotair.com/archives/2014/04/30/video-on-msnbc-animal-farm-is-a-parable-about-income-inequality/comment-page-1/#comments
DAMN, I can’t quit laughing!! Isn’t Media Matters funded by none other than KAMERAD George Soros just like MorOn dot org and a few others? It’s like when one asks Nanny Lugosi is any of the businesses she and her husband own are unionized!
Proud…I would think the Communist George Soros would be all for a unionized work force. Funny how things change when the dollars start moving the wrong way.
Or when they’re NOT talking about spending someone else’s dollars . . . .
NIMBY attitude. How ironic. The prog Libtards want to continually push for unionization onto others, but they don’t want to unionize themselves.