Media lectures Republicans
I’m sorry, but I just love that picture and needed to write a post around it. The New York Times and the Washington Post feel the need to tell Republicans what they need to do to be successful in the next few years. That’s like me taking advice on how to expose phonies from Christopher […]
Washington Post: Want to help veterans? Stop pitying them.
Chief Tango sends us a link to an opinion piece in today’s Washington Post by Howard Schultz and Rajiv Chandrasekaran entitled “Want to help veterans? Stop pitying them” which is basically the same thing that we’ve been saying for a while. The press, politicians and even many veterans’ advocacy groups tend to focus, with legitimate […]
On the Absurdity of Being Earnest
White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest, speaking about the situation in Dallas: there “are screening procedures in place at our border.” Sure there are, Mr. Earnest – sure there are. And the CDC folks in Dallas are working desperately to track down and monitor about 100 close contacts of a man who recently came to […]
The anti-war whispers
I know something about the anti-war protests of the last Iraq War, often times finding myself in the center armed with nothing but my camera. And, yeah, now that Obama has begun it’s second term safely, some of the anti-war creatures from the last decade’s protests are raising their slimy heads, a little. John Kerry […]
Geraldo, You Had Me from ‘Declaration’
Quick, someone at [This Ain’t Hell] tell the Devil to check his ponds for skim ice. I know it’s gotta be starting to freeze over down there, because I just found myself nodding my head and agreeing with Geraldo Rivera in his appearance on the O’Reilly show. Geraldo pointed out to Bill that the optimal […]
Washington Post learns to love the Iraq War
They’re only eleven years too late, but the Washington Post editorial board has decided that we need boots on the ground in Iraq. Isn’t that nice of them? I mean, I wonder what has changed that they decided they can finally get behind the president? Earlier this year, Mr. Obama was dismissing al-Qaeda offshoots as […]
“Well, who was the a**hole that did this?”
With the recent 40th anniversary of Nixon’s resignation in 1974 about a week ago, there have been a number of articles about Watergate in the media. That’s to be expected. Predictably, there have also been more “hit piece” articles about Nixon in the media recently – like this one from MSNBC. That’s also to be […]
Fanning the Flames in Ferguson
Chief Tango sends us a link from USAToday entitled “Pentagon fueled Ferguson confrontation” an opinion piece by David Mastio and Kelsey Rupp. It’s subtitled “Department of Defense provided surplus military vehicles to local PD” the gist of the article is that the police in Ferguson have been armed by the Pentagon for their confrontation with […]
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