Media lectures Republicans

| November 5, 2014


I’m sorry, but I just love that picture and needed to write a post around it. The New York Times and the Washington Post feel the need to tell Republicans what they need to do to be successful in the next few years. That’s like me taking advice on how to expose phonies from Christopher David Duke, but the Times, as is their wont, lectures Republicans with some fractured history;

Campaigning on pure negativity isn’t surprising for a party that has governed that way since Mr. Obama was first sworn in. By creating an environment where every initiative is opposed and nothing gets done, Republicans helped engineer the president’s image as weak and ineffectual.

Yeah, no. The President and his staff engineered that image all by themselves by making him a weak and ineffectual leader – they didn’t need Republicans to help them in that regard. Benghazi, ISIS, Ebola, Fast & Furious all come to mind when the public needs examples of this White House’s failure to act in a timely manner. Not to mention that veterans have been complaining about Shinseki and the way the VA has been run for years, and it took the deaths of veterans to drive the point home finally.

And, oh, by the way, New York Times editorial board, it’s Harry Reid who hasn’t passed a budget in the Senate for five years, and all of the legislation that he’s been sitting on over the last year or so, waiting for yesterday’s election. So sell that crazy somewhere else.

From the Post;

A full debate on the United States’ fight against the Islamic State is past due, with significant congressional review of and consent to the sustained air campaign over Iraq and Syria still lacking. The “sequester” — those utterly irrational, across-the-board budget cuts that should never have come into effect — is set to hit harder next year. Lawmakers have plenty of reasons to head off the budget sledgehammer, from preserving military readiness to maintaining investment in programs that sustain Americans’ quality of life.

While I agree with the Post that sequester is irrational and dangerous, it came out of the White House and it was enacted by a cowardly Congress not making the tough choices so I don’t have much hope in that regard. Especially, while the Post itself is calling for personnel cuts at the Pentagon without personnel cuts to the rest of the Executive Branch employees.

Can we please stop calling the redistribution of wealth of productive Americans to those who are less productive “investments in programs”? While I’m not in favor of pulling the rug out from under the truly needy, it’s hardly an “investment” when people won’t work for their way in the world. It’s only an investment in selfishness and a sense of entitlement. So let’s call it what it is.

Thanks to Chief Tango for the links.

Category: Media, Politics

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“A commander is responsible for all that his unit does or fails to do.” – Leadership 101

I guess that those editorialists at the big fish wrappers don’t think that concept applies to the Commander-in-Chief.

Mark Lauer

Unless he belongs to the Republican or TEA Party.




Now we just have to find someone who actually is a leader and understands when to say “yep that’s my fault.”


And so it begins. Next will be a story about the mean bullies of the Republican Senate who are being mean to their Democrat colleagues. Every Dem congress person who lost power and position will have ample time to mug the microphone and whine incessantly. If the NYT wants a lesson in pure negativity, they should review their articles about every initiative that has originated from the right side of the aisle. I hate the mainstream press.


Yeah, I’m waiting on the Nooo Yawk Fishwrap to tell the R’s that they should share the chairmanships of the Senate committees, because the R’s need to “give something” to the dems.


Based on the last several years, I’ve got a suggestion as to what the incoming GOP should give their “loyal opposition” during January of next year:

3/17 Air Cav

Hondo…….God I’m old, I had that album back in 72-73!

“but I’m talking about Shaft” Shut your Mouth”


He’s a bad mutha……….


Damn Right!


one of the best soundtrack albums ever…


Yeah, if the R’s were smart, they would treat the dems like the dems treated them. Go with the “nuclear” option and take it from there. Start challenging the president and force him to veto bills and then have to explain himself. Obama has had it far too easy with Reid squashing everything in the Senate. Now’s the time to get him on the record and make sure people have periodic reminders of his ineptitude.


Bingo. Start with getting a budget out posthaste (highly symbolic and practical, and something that hasn’t happened in around 6 years). Then move on to other matters.


What they really need is a super majority (60) to be able to override a veto.

Maybe in 2016? I want to send that quisling Reid to the unemployment line so bad I can taste it, but we won’t have the proverbial snowflakes chance of survival in the Hot Place if the Repubs don’t come up with some stellar legislation. Ie, accomplishing things in spite of Obama.


OldSoldier54: um, overriding a veto requires a 2/3 vote in each House of Congress. In the Senate, that would be 67 vice 60.

60 votes is what’s required in the Senate to invoke cloture. (I’ve confused the two a time or two myself.)


Yeah both the Senate and the House of Representatives need a 2/3 majority vote to overturn a veto.

67 in the Senate and 288 (I think it’s 288, I might be off) in the House, which Republicans do not have in either.


The democrats also implemented the “nuclear option” procedure to prevent fillibusters and a couple other things.

When the republicans tried to implement this procedure years ago, but the democrats said “how dare you!” (including Senator Obama) But when they did it it was “well we need this to improve the process” and so forth.

I’m not up on how far reaching that is, but it is there.


I wonder if he still gets a “tingle” in his pants over President Obama?

Pinto Nag

GAWD, I wish you’d post a warning…BRAIN BLEACH, where is my BRAIN BLEACH…!!!




My question has been answered, apparently the tingle is gone.

and over on Ace of Spades: Chris Matthews: Obama Lost Because of “Sycophants” Who Just Tell Him That Everything He Does Is Right

I’m laughing my ass off.


Hey, Republicans! The New York Slimes and the Washington ComPost don’t want you to succeed. Their employees and writers won’t vote for you so be smart and ignore their stupid asses. Dance with the one who brung ya’. These other fucksticks don’t like you and will never like you so quit trying to please them. Hell, please guys like me by pissing them off. Give them something to scream about. Those liberal tears taste like an ice cold Veteran’s Lager….damn General Order 1A. 🙁

Mr. Blue

One needs to remind the Republican leadership that the press doesn’t like them, will never like them, and all efforts to play nice with the press won’t ever work- ever.
Just look at what happened to former Media Darling McCain.

Now, it’s not true that the Press wants Republicans to die in a fire. What they want is for all Republicans and their family members of to be exposed and humiliated in scandals, their reputations destroyed, and then die in a fire.

2/17 Air Cav

When will the networks visit the tent cities that are bound to suddenly spring up all over the nation? Poor people, unemployed people who have exhausted benefits or are about to exhaust them, and sick people all ceased to exist during The Emperor’s first six years. Amazing how that works. I just hope that the Repubs like Ted Cruz take this bull by its horns and go on the offensive for once. They had their chance under Bush but they all screwed it up. Principles are not the stuff of compromise. All ready there is talk og a “need” for immigration reform. Bullshit! We have the appropriate and adequate laws. We need them to be enforced. The thing is, though, any congratulatory message any of us sends to our newest critters needs to include WHY we helped put them in office. And it cerainly wasn’t to appease those who have spent the past six years trying to fundamentally transform America.


” I just hope that the Repubs like Ted Cruz take this bull by its horns and go on the offensive for once.”

Amen, Brother!


Can’t remember who said it last night in there winning speech but: rather than measuring how many people that got onto the assistance rolls maybe the R’s need to work to measure how many people that where able to get a ‘hand-up’ amd off the rolls.

Also gonna got with Krauthammer on this one: pass at least a bill a week, start with the easy stuff Keystone, etc. Make the President work/make a decision on the record! If he Vetos, take the case to the public and work to override. Don’t think a D up for re-election in 2016, will be able to keep their head down for too long, especially if its an issue affecting their State and would create jobs. (Would be a good way to lose in 2016 if they did.)


Correct, make Øbola veto things. Then make the dems vote to uphold that veto. Those Progs who will have to face the voters in 16 are going to be mighty nervous over how the voters may view them.
And, give the nominee for AG a real hearing, don’t rubber stamp him. Find out where he stands on F&F, among other things, and where he’d go if it can be proven that Holder and Øbola are up to their eyeballs in F&F, the IRS and other things.


Agree on the AG point. If it was me, I’ld also use death by a thousand bills. How it would work: create a one or two page bill (no amendmemts) covering a sgle item. Example. We the congress approve the Keystone pipeline. Send it up. Or ‘No further action may be taken by the President on imagration or amnesty and the president shall enforce all imagration laws until a certified report is sent to and ratified by congress that the boarder is secure’. Do that for everything. So every single item has a seperate vote/veto. Make them go 100% on the record, no ‘I didn’t read the whole bill’ or I would have voted for it didn’t because of amendment X.

A Proud Infidel®™

I LOVE the sound of liberals bawling while they grind their teeth.


I believe that Zac Brown states it best in one of his songs: they can “lick my sack”.
That is all.


Adam Sandler said much the same in one of his pieces as well – except his phrase was “can lick my sweaty nut-sack”.

Green Thumb

Enter stage left: Phil Monkress.


Or, as Shaq said to Kobe, “How’s my ass taste”?

Pinto Nag

I take it that you and Hondo aren’t the elevator music types, then? 😉


That would be correct, PN.

Not really much of a fan of reggae, either – and the Sandler piece is reggae. But the Sandler tune is a hilarious parody, if also HIGHLY NSFW. And it’s one any guy (or gal) who’s ever owned an old clunker can appreciate. (smile)


Watching my liberal friends and their friends having mental breakdowns on facebook today is priceless…


I have my foot on their neck and I am not letting up… good naturedly of course.


Foot on neck? Pfft. That’s a half measure.


A full debate on the United States’ fight against the Islamic State is past due, with significant congressional review of and consent to the sustained air campaign over “Iraq and Syria still lacking. The “sequester” — those utterly irrational, across-the-board budget cuts that should never have come into effect — is set to hit harder next year. Lawmakers have plenty of reasons to head off the budget sledgehammer, from preserving military readiness to maintaining investment in programs that sustain Americans’ quality of life.”

Yep, one day after the elections, the Obama engineered, mismanaged and malfunctioning from day one, war against ISIS is now…Congress’ fault. Who knew?


Jonn, don’t know much about Pulitzers or how they’re nominated or awarded. But if it should become my mission, I’d find out & nominate you for brief, summing it up journalism! Rock On & Fuck you unemployed Wickres!

Old Trooper

“Campaigning on pure negativity isn’t surprising for a party that has governed that way since Mr. Obama was first sworn in. By creating an environment where every initiative is opposed and nothing gets done, Republicans helped engineer the president’s image as weak and ineffectual.”

Um, no, the democrats had both houses and the presidency from 2009-2011, so that dog won’t hunt, morons.


Further, it amazes me (really it doesn’t) that the media’s advice to the Democrats was basically, keep on keeping on. Translated, “Your do nothing, about anything attitude except stroking Obama’s ego, private parts and ass kissing is good to go with us”.

“NOW FOR YOU, YOU, YOU GUYS! “You Republicans, it was all your fault. You made Obama look like an ass clown because even though HIS Senate stymied every effort to reign him in or bring change, YOU guys were always naysayers. You just couldn’t get on board with Benghazi, Fast and Furious, the IRS scandal, the VA scandal, trading a traitor for five terrorists, cutting the military down to the Boy Scouts, no…nothing! You just never gave the President a chance, a break or helped him out at all. So, yea it was all YOUR fault for everything that has happened these last 6 years! If it hadn’t been for YOU guys none of these supposed “scandals” would have ever come to light or been called “scandals to start with. But NO, YOU JUST HAD to call attention to the HERD of elephants in the living room. The pressure YOU guys put on Obama was SO BAD, his golf game took a huge nose dive over these six years and Michelle says sex has been nonexistent for years now! Shame on YOU guys! So YOU guys are going have a lot to answer for! But it’s okay because WE in the media, will be here to call you out for every “i’ not dotted and “t” not crossed. Our criticism will be loud, continuous and relentless. So don’t expect US to get on board with any new plans or programs for the betterment of America. Hell NO! If it’s not Obama approved, we’ll be on your asses 24/7, like white on rice! WE the MEDIA have SPOKEN!”


According to the congressional website, The House will only be in session for 15 days during the remainder of 2014. The Senate, perhaps a few days more, but it is hard to tell because the target adjournment date is yet to be determined (Senate only). I hope there is an effective plan to stop Obama during this lame duck interval. If he sneaks grants amnesty to 30+ million I am going to be handing out hearty handshakes and warm cups of soup (in between rigging parachutes).


I talked to my congressman before I voted last night. I asked him wether he supported John “No cajones” Boehner for continued speakership. His reply: “Yes and no” then went on to this long lecture about raising money and there being no one of enough stature to take the roll. I said my teen daughter could do a better job that that idiot. Next I told him no amnesty. Period. I looked at him and said if the President or congress tries to push it there will be hell to pay and I assured him it is the next step to civil war. His response was along the lines of not doing anything rash and let the system work. I told him Americans have run out of patience and the system is what brought us here, then I walked in to vote. I for one am not letting this go. Just because the republicans have the majority doesn’t mean they can act like they did in the early 2000’s. They need to do the mandate of the vote and stop Obama and his radical agenda. I am not a subject and I did not serve 20 years, 20 days, and 20 hours to let a bunch of dimwits pander to criminals. Mr Obama has done exactly what he set out to do, Fundementally transform the United States to a Bill Ayres paradise. Now we have to deal with a lame duck senate and house that are going to try to f**k us to the very end. Prepare.


And good riddance to that tool Harry Reid. Maybe the guys in white coats can now catch him and put him in a padded room.


I agree Cowpill. And I hope the Republicans re-introduce and pass legislation that confirms the same “affordable health care” for members of Congress that the rest of us have to suffer under. That legislation was introduced during the fight over the govt. shutdown but was blocked by Dingy Harry. Well, soon it will be “open season and screw the limit” and they better get ‘er done. I too am sick of being treated like a subject. Hell the illegal aliens get better customer service from the federal bureaucracy than I do and I have paid taxes since I was 15 years old. If I complain, I get an IRS audit. If they complain, they get a press conference and their face on a T-Shirt. This shit has to change.


Not a tsunami? Well, pray tell – what do they call a gain of (likely) 9 Senate seats, the highest post-WW2 (and possibly in 100-years) majority in the House, an all-time high in state legislative houses controlled, and an all-time high in the number of state legislators?

Sounds like a damned big wave to me.


You forgot the upset in the Govenor’s races in dark blue territories like Ill. Mass. and Md.

Pretty clear message people are fed up.

Mr. Blue

This is the part where reality intrudes inside their isolated little leftwing bubble, and they don’t like it.

They have told themselves they represent the interest of the People, but are waaay out of touch with actual people.

In the bubble, Obama is still popular and his policies are working, dammit! They checked off all the right boxes on the diversity sheet!

Thus, expect a bit of shock, surprise, and anger when the peasants begin to revolt.


So the same media that for 6 years has basically been carrying the water of their Dear Leader, excusing his every mis-step and blaming Republicans for all the ills that have befallen our country are now going to offer advice. And offer it to those same Republicans that have just cleaned the clock of the Dear Leaders party. Yeah, forgive me if I don’t ask all those pundits to get in a neat, orderly single file line and KISS MY ROSY RED ASS!!

For 6 years I have listened to loud mouthed Democrats tell conservatives to “get over it”, “deal with it” and “elections have consequences”. Shoe, meet the other foot!! Suck it up liberal whiners. You lost. FACT!!


Don’t forget, Øbola saying “I won”, and “They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back.”

Adirondack Patriot

I watched Charlie Rose this morning on CBS. Clearly, thier “job” is to explain to America why it voted the Democrats out in droves last night. For 90 percent of America, we know why, but liberals are baffled.

Green Thumb

The picture above is missing Rachel Maddow with all of the extra make up she was wearing last night.

And all she did was make excuses.

Maybe they should have had Dildoberto on their to offer his opinion?


Do you think anyone will ever watch that show again?

I don’t.

Green Thumb

Who knows?

I went red on this one but have always been a moderate democrat.

That being said, I “mix it up” with coverage during elections to see both sides as they both can be biased.

Anyway, Maddow and Matthews suck. Bad.

Very sort-sighted they are; and paid as such.

But in the end, it appears neither one of those clowns has any integrity.

I watched them (CNN) the last election (2012) show and they were ecstatic!

They appeared happier than Phil Monkress (All-Points Logistics) being in Boy’s School dormitory at night.


I always vote independents or write-ins, to be honest. Republicans and Democrats both aren’t lookin’ out for anyone but themselves and their cushy career– all scum sucking parasites with different taxonomies.


“That’s like me taking advice on how to expose phonies from Christopher David Duke,…”

Actually, it’s exactly like allowing the insurgent commiescum dictate the details of counter insurgency against the same commiescum.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

The funny thing is, almost everyone seems to be missing the demographics of a lot of these close elections.

In a lot of these races it was about the simple fact that the 1% got rich as hell over the last 6 years and the middle class took it up the ass.

If Republicans think this was a mandate for rightist policy overall they will get a rude awakening in 24 short months. I hope the Republicans get the message that this was about more than the ACA or Benghazi or even Fast and Furious because most people don’t give a flying fuck about any of that except on the internet message boards.

People voted their pocketbooks and their perspective on the current party in power’s lack of vision for economic improvement.

The Republicans should have learned that lesson when they got popped in 1992 with a sitting incumbent president.

The electorate is voting economy first and ideals second, learn that lesson or be doomed to fail every other election cycle. It’s not that hard to see the historical pattern.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Oh and for the record Mathews and Maddow are indeed total assclowns…in case anyone mistakes my response for anything other than a simple observation.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Their tears are salty and delicious….


Sorry I have not been around much lately, working on some issues here in NYC. Some serious some not!

So, I noticed the whole “Hopey and Changey” thingy did not work out so well last night.

In fact, Reagan Democrats, the hispanic vote, blacks and all those post racial, tree hugging, everyone is equal loons came out and pretty much sent the message that Obama’s time of fundamental change of our country is over.

Yeah, he has pretty much fuchted everything up.

Carter even has harsh words for him. Good move Jimmy, you are now official the nation’s second worst President of all time.

So what does he do today?

He doubled down on his notion of immigration reform, veto power and his pen.

2016 is just around the corner from political point of view.

In January 2015 we will see the first democrat Presidential dreamers …they will all have some splanin’ to do!

I can feel me feet! Start the death watch … I have 33 years!

Pinto Nag

“He doubled down on his notion of immigration reform, veto power, and his pen.

2016 is just around the corner from a political point of view…”

I won’t rest until he’s out and gone. I have a terrible premonition that, if circumstances don’t hand him the opportunity to abort the elections in 2016 altogether, he’ll make them meaningless with exactly what you indicated — illegal aliens, veto powers and his pen.


Two words:

Constitutional Crisis!

He said today, the 2/3 of voters who did not show up on Tuesday showed up for him last time.

This man is sick in the head. My 8 year old knows better!


I’d buy a T-shirt with that picture on it. Especially a RangerUp T-shirt. Just sayin’

Delilah T.

While it’s still stinging in Illinois that all counties except Cook went RED in the state race (and Dold gets his job back), if you want poor loser personified, Quinn hasn’t called Rauner yet, and probably won’t.

If this isn’t the result of the reality check that started in 2012, and then hit hard in 2013 – remember the national parks being closed for no reason? – then what is it?

Reality finally hit home. If the GOPers are smart, they’ll start courting all groups for 2016 right now, e.g., Hispanics, seniors, African-Americans, etc.

They have a chance to do some good stuff here, and they had better NOT blow it.

2/17 Air Cav

“If the GOPers are smart, they’ll start courting all groups for 2016 right now, e.g., Hispanics, seniors, African-Americans, etc.”

I hope not. It is precisely this targeting of groups to garner votes that sickens me about the Dems. They have to give a lot of shit away to get those votes, whether it’s their souls or more and increased entitlements. The way to win hearts and minds is with a less intrusive government that gets the hell out of the way of both individuals and businesses. Principled governance and limited government–that’s the ticket. There is no need to pander or cater to special groups. It is better–much better–to appeal to the individual.

Old Trooper

In a nutshell; the republicans weren’t elected to make nice with the democrats. If people wanted that, they would have elected more democrats.

The msm is still in denial. It’s interesting that when the democrats win; it’s suddenly a mandate for them to do whatever they want. When republicans win; it’s a message that they need to work with the democrats.

I say screw you, media.

Climb to Glory

It’s so funny seeing these Machine idiots go down and the stunned look on their faces. Marty O’Malley, Deval Patrick and the potato head himself Patty Quinn, all fine government leeches. Good riddance you bunch of useful idiots.


Tingles looks like he just realized the hot young thing he went down on last night in his speedball alcoholic high was his mother.

Green Thumb

I wonder if his face hurts?


I’ve been rubbing salt in the wounds at Kay Hagan’s (Soon to be Dim-NC) site:

Folks, poor Kay. She lost but leaves with a senator pension and bennies that all of us would lust over….and that we (even poor Dims) will pay for forever. Oh, and her bennies are exempt from Obama-Hagan Care that she voted for. She did jack crap as a senator except blind vote as Harry’s bitch, but leaves very nicely rewarded, esp including our $ that she helped push to hubby. So, you Dim peasants: what are you paying for your Obama-Hagan Care? Oh, you don’t know because Dear Leader banned the insurance companies for telling until after the elections. I love it that you Dims are paying for her lifetime luxury.

OSC(SW) Retired

I don’t think they should get anything until 20 years service but you can rest a little easier knowing that her pension will only be about $800.00 per month and there are no other benefits attached to it that are free. If she elects to keep FEHB, survivors benefit, etc it will eat the entire pension and cost her some. But she does get to start collecting it next year when she turns 62.

Farflung Wanderer

I have a better picture, mate.

Look for Ed Shultz’ face when it cut to him just after it when some races were announced going Republican.

It was freaking hilarious.


Sorta on this note, we really need a special post-election Wednesdays/Thursdays with Claymore

2/17 Air Cav

Claymore has enough DU material from Tues/Wed alone to post every day, every week, for I don’t know long. Here’s a taste from one DU thread I linked here yesterday. I rather enjoyed the message. I’m certain you will too.


Ugh, so much hate and bile.

Pinto Nag

Let’s face it: we feel the same way about them. And not them, so much, as their asinine politics. Most dems I know personally are big-hearted, generous people who are there to help when you need them. But — they are absolutely whacked in the head on all of the same issues: the situation in the ME, heavy industry, gun control, etc. It’s like they’ve all memorized the same script. And the minute you try to talk to them (assuming you’ve been able to back them into a corner long enough to get them to listen to you) the volumn starts to get turned up. I have two liberal acquaintances that I can get screaming at me in about two sentences, every time.

Until we figure out how and why they think the way they do, and change it, this mutual hate on both sides is going to continue.


Actually, there is a distinct difference between us and them, or at least between them and a lot of us. I don’t hate any of them. I intensely dislike a lot of what they do, but that never translates to literally hating them just because they act like spoiled children.

Jane Fonda and John sKerry seriously test that hate thing, but even them – I don’t actually hate them.

A Proud Infidel®™

That liberal creampuff needs some serious Kool-Aid, and a group hug while several verses of “Kum-ba-yah” are sung!


I just hope somewhere in the GOP they realize this was NOT a mandate of pro-R sentiment but an anti-D repudiation. Had there been viable third party – non-Republican non-Democrat – candidates who sounded intelligent on all ballots, BOTH major parties would be shaking their heads and wondering ‘wtf happened Tuesday?’


The Reps now have a chance to be the adults under the dome. Based on some of what I’m observing, they might just do it this time around.


One can only hope… Washington has lacked adult supervision for too long