Supreme Court sides against the power of faceless bureaucrats

| July 12, 2024

The Founding Fathers intended for our elected representatives to make the laws of the land. However, as time progressed, bureaucrats sitting in offices had been allowed to make decisions and regulations that impacted the citizens. After being fined $700 for “sea monitors”, a group of fishermen took to the courts. One of the arguments their lawyers made was that there shouldn’t be an assumption that a federal agency had interpreted things as Congress intended. The case reached the Supreme Court, who ruled in favor of the fishermen.

From Fox News:

In a David vs. Goliath dispute, a group of fishermen sued a government agency that mandated the fishermen pay $700 for “at sea monitors,” arguing that the rule is out of the bounds Congress set for the federal agency.

The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the fishermen in a 6-3 decision last month, and, in doing so, overruled what is known as the Chevron doctrine — a legal theory established in the 1980s that says if a federal regulation is challenged, the courts should defer to the agency’s interpretation of whether Congress had granted it authority to issue the rule, as long as the agency’s interpretation is reasonable and Congress had not addressed the question directly.

Justices Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor dissented from the majority, warning that eliminating Chevron could give judges without expertise authority in legal disputes regarding regulation of food, medicine, the environment, etc.

But conservatives and Republicans, who argued Chevron gave the government too much power to rule through bureaucratic red tape, praised the decision.

“The Supreme Court’s decision in Looper Bright v. Raimondo is a big win for the little guy and a big blow to big government. Power ought to reside with Americans and those they elect and not the faceless leviathan of 3 letter agencies that has thrived under Joe Biden,” said Sen. Eric Schmitt, R-Mo.

“I think what this decision should mean is that our elected leaders in Congress should be the ones who are making the laws that impact Americans’ everyday lives, and not unelected bureaucrats in cubicles in Washington, D.C.,” Casey Mattox, vice president of legal strategy at Stand Together, told Fox News Digital.

Additional Reading:

Herlihy, B. (2024, July 11). ‘Big blow to big government’: Major SCOTUS decision strips power of ‘faceless leviathan’ of federal agencies. Fox News. Link.

Category: Supreme Court

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Good. Reminds me of during Covid when HUD was passing ‘law’ stating people couldn’t be evicted for non payment of rent, resulting in people making more in unemployment weekly than they were working….and decided to just stop paying rent. 3 letter agencies have been overstepping their boundaries for years.


Would FJB be one of those 3 letter agencies? Asking for a friend.

Old tanker

There are people in prison and or out of a job because of rules made by bureaucrats that have the power of law. It got really bad when president depends made the aft target FFL’s as a means of gun control. Not criminal control just hitting folks who were and are law abiding citizens.


Progs love to use their bureaucratic power to interfere with lawful enterprises engaged in businesses they dislike. This case drives a stake into the heart of the doctrine that enabled that.


It’s not just at the fed level that power mad boo row RATS show their despotism. It is past the time that we show that we can fight “City Hall”. After we dismantle all of the 3 letter agencies, we need to go after the “lobbyists”.

SCOTUS got this one right, too.


When everything in your life is run by people nobody voted for, you don’t live in a free country.

Forest Bondurant

Federal agencies that play their stupid games (e.g, the TSA, ATF, DOE, etc.,) should stand the f@ck by.

This is going to ruin the worlds they live in, and rightfully so.

Amateur Historian


Last edited 1 month ago by Amateur Historian

Our faithless government is always punishing our citizens with this stupid bullshit and then fails to do the right thing like stop the Chinese from raping our fisheries with their factory ships.

A Proud Infidel®™

A good start, but the war on the Deep State must be kept up. Leftists have wet dreams about how they can further Government manipulation, micromanagement and control over peoples’ lives in any way they can get.