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IVAW on the death of bin Laden

| May 16, 2011 | 2 Comments
IVAW on the death of bin Laden

Jose Vasquez, the executive director of Iraq Veterans Against the War released a quixotic statement last week to temper our celebration of the death of Usama bin Laden; As service members and veterans who have experienced the Global War on Terror firsthand, we respectfully encourage the American people to consider the killing of Bin Laden […]

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Matthis in Philly HS last week

| May 16, 2011 | 48 Comments
Matthis in Philly HS last week

TWo of my ninjas sent us this link to “We Are Not Your Soldiers” anti-recruiting efforts in a Philadelphia High School last Wednesday. Notice at about 4:50 into the video, Samantha goldman walks into the classroom and the camera follows her capturing some of the students’ faces. You don’t have to watch the video, it’s […]

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Dhimmi Ann Wright

| May 16, 2011 | 3 Comments
Dhimmi Ann Wright

While Israel is busy battling protesters who breached the country’s borders on five sides this weelend, ANSWER and Ann Wright (you can see her records at that link) are planning to open a sixth front from the sea. Here’s Wright surrounded by the people who would behead her given half a chance; The last time […]

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Matthis to speak to your kids at your schools next week

| May 13, 2011 | 35 Comments
Matthis to speak to your kids at your schools next week

There’s some information on We Are Not Your Soldiers next tour dates, but it’s not clear and it may be a counter-intel operation. We know that Elaine Brower is a regular here because she shuts down the videos we embed, so this may be a stunt to make us look foolish, but here goes; Monday, […]

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Matthis still in your school talking to your kids

| May 12, 2011 | 9 Comments
Matthis still in your school talking to your kids

In an article posted today on the “We Are Not Your Soldiers” website, Matthis brags about how he converted some students to his anti-recruiter campaign in Manhattan earlier; Matthis, explained that recruiters will prey on the youth, as young as it takes to get them interested in joining the “delayed entry program” so that by […]

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Kokesh fully embraces DADT repeal

| May 11, 2011 | 14 Comments
Kokesh fully embraces DADT repeal

Tell me that doesn’t look like the banner for a gay dating website. One of my ninjas who is upset that Kokesh keeps sending him shit sent that to us. I explained that TSO and i were tossed onto his mailing list, too. Somehow we got removed when we used old blog posts to sabotage […]

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Matthis in your school talking to your kids (Video updated)

| May 11, 2011 | 35 Comments
Matthis in your school talking to your kids (Video updated)

This is from a session Matthis had with high school students in Brattleboro Union High School in Brattleboro, Vermont [(802) 257-7335 131 Fairground Rd, Brattleboro, VT]; Elaine Brower changed the settings on the original video so we couldn’t watch it, but, thanks to NotSoOldMarine who sent me a copy of the video, I put it […]

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Matthis wants to slap you for saying you’re non-violent

| May 9, 2011 | 19 Comments
Matthis wants to slap you for saying you’re non-violent

Matthis is such a giant pussy he won’t even threaten you to your face; Somehow, Matthis thinks that all Americans are violent because we pay our taxes, yet he remains morally above the rest of us while he uses tax-payer-funded VA benefits. I wonder how he explains this picture of him pretending to be a […]

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