Matthis to speak to your kids at your schools next week
There’s some information on We Are Not Your Soldiers next tour dates, but it’s not clear and it may be a counter-intel operation. We know that Elaine Brower is a regular here because she shuts down the videos we embed, so this may be a stunt to make us look foolish, but here goes;
Monday, May 16th: High School of Staten Island, has invited Matthis Chiroux and Joe Urgo to speak in four different classrooms. The school is located in a very conservative area of the most republican borough of New York City. However, thanks to a very progressive teacher of High School Seniors, Maria, we will be there talking to the students about the horrors of war.
Wednesday, May 18th: New Jersey Convent High School, located in Bergen County, New Jersey, again Matthis and Joe, along with anti-war military mom, Elaine Brower, will be speaking to two classes of High School students. If you are a student in the New Jersey area, please contact Susan, who is a teacher there, at 917-520-0767, and ask to have the tour come to your school!
There is no “High School of Staten Island” Nor is there a “Convent High School” there are high schools on Staten Island (Elaine Brower’s home by the way) and there is a high school in Convent Station, NJ in Bergen County.
My concern is that Brower put it on their website – they never do that. I’d be less suspicious if she just emailed me the dates.
But thanks to one of my ninjas for the link.
Category: Antiwar crowd, Usual Suspects
There is no teacher at St. Elisabeth named “Susan” and they had no guest speakers nor had any idea what I was talking about. The number for listed for “Susan” is Elaine Brower’s:
By the way Elaine, when did you even think you could out smart a Ninja? hahaha Dumbass!
Obviously she didn’t do her ninja homework
I’m aware of that site, very funny stuff. Almost as funny as Elaine and Matthis attempting to grow a brain.
Elaine Brower never ceases to set the stupidity bar ever higher.
Always remember: Her son was “broken in a way few understand” by his service in Iraq. Yet when he was assigned to desk duty by the NYPD because of supposed mental health injuries, Elaine raised holy hell and told the NY Daily News “there’s nothing wrong with him.” In fact, she claimed his expertise fighting terrorists in Iraq is just what the NYPD needs. Of course, while he’s an expert, Elaine still considers all other Marines “baby killers.”
Thanks for making it easy to demonstrate what an inconsistent idiot you are Elaine. Nice try on the counter-intel. Maybe your son can give you a few pointers, assuming he still tolerates your flaming lunacy.
The link to the false speaking tour is dead. But we still got your number. When I look at Elaine I can’t help but think she is the real life mother of Snooki from jersey shore.
Why oh why do they think they are smart enough to pull shit like this? Metthis doesn’t have enough working brain cells left to do anything other than take in oxygen and release CO2.
Elaine is all over the map except in 1 area, she hates the military other than her son.
Have you tried contacting the school boards, county by county?
Brower or whomever can spread disinformation on the net more easily than in person. You could spend a lot of time and money (minutes = money) chasing them around the US. Going to the school boards (and their websites) may be the faster way to go.
Perhaps one of the legal beagles, or Susan who is not a beagle, could answer one question for me: what is to prevent a US citizen from going to a consulate/embassy of the Phillipines, and reporting Chiroux’s confession to rape?
I’ve sent an e-mail to bloomberg and the schools chancellor wondering who authorized a Self Admitted Rapist of Minority Women to come into a school in New York City and speak to Minor children? do the parents know what the school has exposed the children to? Who at the Board of Education authorized such appearances?
Office of Special Investigations
Schools chancellor
Mayor Bloomberg
On another note, Matthis is claiming that he has photos of himself outside the wire in Afghanistan. I have emailed the Tufts Daily to see if I can get those photos.
CORRECTION: An earlier version of this op-ed incorrectly stated that Chiroux had made public statements regarding seeing dead civilians in a combat zone and, on his blog, spoke about erectile dysfunction. In fact, Chiroux has not made public statements about seeing dead civilians and did not speak on his blog about erectile dysfunction. The op-ed also stated that Chiroux had never gone “outside the wire” — as in he had never left Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan. Chiroux has disputed this, providing the Daily with photographic evidence.
Wonder which of the brainiacs came up with ‘New Jersey Convent High School’? They could have at least been a little more creative. I might suggest naming one of the fictious high schools after Elaine.. ‘Our Lady, Queen of Self-Grandizing Media Whores’. Just a thought.
oops… fictitious, sorry.
they should know by now that we are experts at counter-intel by training, and those of us that are NCOs have a knack for sniffing out bullshit. still… I find it appalling that these Bolshevik wannabes get anywhere NEAR a school public or otherwise.
John’s Ninjas should make their own version of a Hong Kong Kung Fu movie. I’d pay to see disgruntled former secret squirrel types emerge from bushes to lay a beat down on hippies and fakers.
Matthis tried this one time before when he was in IVAW. Seth Manzel and him told a few people a story they thought was too juicy for me to pass up so they could ID my ninjas. It didn’t work that time either.
I have said often, and Elaine Brower reinforces it, that many people are content to let us think they are foolish. Some however insist on opening their mouths/keyboards and proving it of themselves. What a snake. She and Metthis deserve eachother. The lowlife bitch.
They seem to have got a hair up their collective ass since I started blowing up email inboxes at Battleboro Union High School. Speaking of, I didn’t get the call from the Principle today that I was promised but maybe on Monday. Preliminary word from him was that Chiroux and Upton had to misrepresent their agenda to get into the school’s “diversity day”. Telling the staff they were from a Revolutionary Communist Party front group and wanting to explain to the kids how people in the military are war criminals and machinery in the Evil American Empire might not have been as conducive to entry.
Way to, NSOM!
Doc, I just might have to take you up on that idea.
NSOM, you are not alone on talking to that school. If you post on this blog against these fools and don’t take action, well, that’s just plain sad.
Fight these fuckers. Fight the supporters of rapists, like Elaine Brower.
I have something in the works but if I get stonewalled I’ll have to shift gears. The delicate thing about this is organizations like the WCW are mainly compised of disenfranchised narcissists. If you starve them of the oxygen of attention most of the motivation and cohesion of the fair weather revolutionaries falls away and they die. The root cause (orgs like the RCP) will always be true believers but without the jolt of enthusiasm from the “look at me” crowd they’ll just wither on the fringes.
@ #14 – Atta boy! Hehehe…..
If you need help, NSOM….holla bro.
NSOM, So you’re saying th principle was fine with Marxists but the fact that they were WCW is what bothers him? wow didn’t see much difference.
Folks, NSOM is doing, I am doing it, and you can contact this school too. I sent this:
To the administration, Brattleboro Union High School:
Is the staff at this school so bent on delivering a progressive/socialist education program that they find it acceptable to allow a communist, admitted rapist, and his ilk on the campus and to have a forum with the students? Unbelievable!!!!, but then, perhaps given the state of progressive education today, it is totally believable. The value of indoctrination of students outweighs their safety, it seems. If you claim to have been ignorant of his past, his actions, his motives; one can only wonder whether you check into the backgrounds of those you allow to be amongst your students. If perchance, you did check into him, and still allowed this outrageous performance, I can see how you could justify it, in your minds.
Brattleboro Union High School is a danger zone for children.
Did you not see Matthis Chiroux’ own web page?:
Had you even googled him you could have found volumes at this site, including testimony from his FATHER on his shortcomings:, Just put his name in the search box at the site and see if you can justify allowing him on your campus, amongst your students.
Sign me, Frankie Cee
Their e-address is:
NSOM I had the e-mail returned as not able to deliver. Would you post the e-address that you used here so I can get mine to them.
Readers, do not use the e-address that I put above. Seems it is wrong, even though I copied it from their site.
The fuck face crew strikes again:
You’ve got to be shitting me. They’re using the 12 July footage AGAIN. I think I am about to pop a god damned blood vessel. Does anybody have any DA PAO contacts? I am sick to fucking DEATH of this. I am going to get my buddies together and beat their hobby horse into the ground.
Ninja…who’s the ugly guy he’s with on the left of him? Did he also serve?
Curious in Beaufort
17 minutes 39 seconds?, I will try to watch it, but no promises.
Nope, 1 minute 30 some seconds was more than enough of these two assholes. Do they get paid for this speaking thing? By who?
It isn’t bad enough that we have the Socialist/Progressive teachers warbing the thoughts of our kids, but these two dipshits doing it is beyond the pale.
Kids cannot take a 3 inch tall rubber soldier to school, but they can have admitted rapists among them. What a flippin’ crock of feces.
You know a thought would be contacting talk radio in the State areas to help reach parents, teachers and school administrators. I send off a email to Mark Levin and Sean Hannity telling what is going on.
A few things guys.
First, the principal got back to me, he’s been very helpful. He didn’t clear the presentation and his event coordinator is out of town so it’s a standby to standby type situation until their return. Regardless, he has assured me that he is investigating how Chiroux & Co. got on campus and I believe him. He also contacted “We Are Not Your Soldiers” and asked them to remove the video as they have a policy against the taping students “in that manner”. He told me WANYS complied. This may prove to be a valuable avenue of attack in the future. Privacy laws, esp concerning children, can be very strict.
Secondly we should keep in mind when we contact these people that it is usually not constructive to attack people or their values right before asking them to cooperate with you. Brattleboro is a fairly liberal area but there is plenty of space between them and the WCW; I’d say more than there is between that community and most veterans groups. So if you do contact the administration it would probably behoove you to express a broad concern but focus the anger on the deception of the WCW, not the school faculty who may very well have been duped. As a matter of fact it seems the Principal was looking into this affair before I contacted him and did so at the behest of a concerned faculty member who witnessed the event.
Anyway, the acting Principal is Steven Perrin and he can be reached at It might be more fruitful to contact local veterans groups or family and friends from the area to contact the school district. Locals will always have more pull. You can also consider forwarding concerns to Vermont’s Rep, Peter Welch or local members of the State Assembly (
I’ll keep you guys in the loop.
Good point NSOM.
It is all about who you are writing to. Consider how many emails a day that people in these positions receive. If you write with the grammar and social edicate of those that post on YouTube you will most likely get ignored.
NSOM, I must agree with your #31 above. My e-mail to them, (that failed in delivery), was surely “over the top”, as I wrote it while incensed at these turkeys of WCW. Your point is well taken, as today it is far to easy to hit the “delete” key, and move on to something more palatable to “them”.
WANYS is actually violating the rights of those young students. To film in a public or private school you must first approach the board and the superintendent and get their permission. Most of the time the principal can not give the o.k. Then you need a release form for everyone who is going to be on camera or can be identified in anyway. For those under 18, even if you do not see them but hear them, you need to get the parents to sign a release form. Then you need location release paper work. It has to be detailed for the room, or any other location you shoot at in the school. If you shoot in some place on campus that is not covered in the form, you’re in big trouble. If any students can be identified by face, voice, or clothing, you must blur them out or mute their voice completely if you have not a parent / guardian release form.
All the paper work must be very detailed. WANYS, WCW, and the Commie Club could actually face legal action from parents, the school, and the schools could face legal action from parents as well.
My thoughts were similar but I’m not sure about jurisdiction in these cases.
I’m pretty sure Brower is a resident of New York and I’m pretty sure that WCW is registered there as well. I’ll look into jurisdictional authority and municipal codes/state laws of the areas in question while I wait on word from Brattleboro. If anyone is familiar with federal statute on this subject let us know.