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J Patrick Bedell is really a tea partier, despite the best evidence available

| March 5, 2010 | 20 Comments
J Patrick Bedell is really a tea partier, despite the best evidence available

While I was reading my newest favorite non-milblog, Legal Insurrection, I ruminated about the lengths the Left will go to misrepresent these clearly Leftist suicide nutters. Early this morning, I’d read DrewM at Ace of Spades who pointed readers to Patterico’s dumpster diving in regards to Bedell. I actually Googled “John Patrick Bedell” “Tea Party” […]

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DC IVAW House seeking roomie for criminal enterprise

| February 26, 2010 | 20 Comments
DC IVAW House seeking roomie for criminal enterprise

It seems that Geoffrey “Stolen Valor” Millard and Stevie “Flake off to Canada” Yoczik have a new plan to act like dorks. Apparently, they think they can convince enough Joes in the DC National Guard to shirk their responsibilities like they did (Millard and Yoczik both went AWOL – Millard went to mommy’s house and […]

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CPT Eric Holmes May; Crackpot

| February 25, 2010 | 32 Comments
CPT Eric Holmes May; Crackpot

Have you ever wondered how really nutty the Left is? I mean, as soon as you think you’ve found the nuttiest, another pops up. That’s pretty much my day-to-day life. But this one, this Eric Holmes May, well he’s going to be tough to beat. He has a group of other crackpots and they call […]

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Mother Jones on Oathkeepers

| February 24, 2010 | 5 Comments
Mother Jones on Oathkeepers

In the comments, BOHICATwentyTwo left this link to a Mother Jones article about the Oathkeepers. It was written by Justine Sharrock who visited us last year when she erred in writing an article about Adam Kokesh. Sharrock quotes folks like Glen Beck and Lou Dobbs as they praise the Oathkeepers, but I think Beck and […]

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An open letter to New Mexico voters

| February 24, 2010 | 61 Comments
An open letter to New Mexico voters

There’s a letter going around the internet that’s an open letter to the voters of New Mexico warning them of IVAW’s Adam Kokesh. I’ll lend my voice to it. Bubba of What Bubba Knows sent it to me first – he posted it on the Gathering of Eagles website. Our buddies ConcreteBob and DanNY posted […]

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As if you need another reason to dislike Matthis

| February 22, 2010 | 17 Comments
As if you need another reason to dislike Matthis

Someone sent me this video of Matthis Chiroux talking to a group of snooty kids in some Long Island educational organization. It’s actually the Woodhull Institute for “ethical leadership” so, boy is Matthis out of his depth. This is from their “About” page; The Woodhull Institute for Ethical Leadership is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, nonsectarian educational […]

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Interrogator Camerino plays lawyer, fails

| February 21, 2010 | 7 Comments
Interrogator Camerino plays lawyer, fails

Late last week, the Justice Department announced that it probably didn’t have a reason to prosecute the White House legal team upon whose opinion the Bush Administration built their interrogation policy. As lawyers argue from their particular point of view, DOJ’s mind seems to be made up. This from the Washington Post; “When you combine […]

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Matthis muddies debate on Marc Hall

| February 19, 2010 | 7 Comments
Matthis muddies debate on Marc Hall

DanNY sent us this link of phony soldier Matthis Chiroux defending Marc Hall, the Stop Loss Rapper, on Russia Today; Of course when the interviewer compares Hall to Chiroux, Chiroux takes the opportunity to mention how brave they are for being chickenshits. Chiroux also says that Hall isn’t being persecuted for his song, but because […]

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