Matthis muddies debate on Marc Hall

| February 19, 2010

DanNY sent us this link of phony soldier Matthis Chiroux defending Marc Hall, the Stop Loss Rapper, on Russia Today;

Of course when the interviewer compares Hall to Chiroux, Chiroux takes the opportunity to mention how brave they are for being chickenshits. Chiroux also says that Hall isn’t being persecuted for his song, but because he refused to go to Iraq. That’s absolutely false. Hall himself admits that he wasn’t tossed in the hoosegow until he mailed his CD to the Pentagon right after the Hasan murders at Fort Hood.

Chiroux also advocates for a draft to replace Stop Loss which fails to address the fact that the Army uses Stop Loss to avoid bleeding experience. And Chiroux doesn’t really want a draft anyway. He just wants something else to complain about.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Phony soldiers, Usual Suspects

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Clearly the “reporter” has a veiw to push and to hell w facts.


Why does anyone continue to give Matthis a soapbox to stand on? He craves the attention to feed his narcissistic fantasies and these gullible doorknobs continue to cook up a meal for his ego.

I won’t even wast the time to comment on his latest round of stupidity.

Casey J Porter

Notice he did not correct her when she called him an Iraq Vet. Motherfucker. You can also tell he’s still doing drugs. Notice he seems a bit thinner and he cheeks are more sunk in. Could it be bad lighting and resolution? Maybe, but I’ve seen more than my fair share of drug users. I’m pretty sure he still riding that train, high on cocaine. O.D. and die you fucking rapist.


Is it just me or does Matthew look like he has been living a hard life lately? I mean dude looks like he lost some weight, generally unkempt, and either drunk or stoned….I mean just my opinion.

I also love the fact that they both fail to mention the part in the rap “song” where the “artist” mentions killing his officers. I am sure that is just a tiny itty-bitty piece of why they are keeping a close eye on E-0 Hall.
I would also like to point out how Chiroux thinks its better to have a draft than a volunteer military. I guess he needs anew drum to beat on since the old tired one is wearing thin.


Chiroux also advocates for a draft to replace Stop Loss which fails to address the fact that the Army uses Stop Loss to avoid bleeding experience.

So his solution to being involuntarily kept in the Army (which he joined of his own volition) for a period of time is to force others to join the Army against their will…?

The stupid, it burns.


Just waiting for Matthis to develop meth mouth. Cuz he sure exhibits the rest of the symptoms.


Fark…. Looks like Skeletor Chiroux is snortin’ or shootin’ my State’s biggest illicit chemical export…