J Patrick Bedell is really a tea partier, despite the best evidence available

| March 5, 2010

While I was reading my newest favorite non-milblog, Legal Insurrection, I ruminated about the lengths the Left will go to misrepresent these clearly Leftist suicide nutters. Early this morning, I’d read DrewM at Ace of Spades who pointed readers to Patterico’s dumpster diving in regards to Bedell.

I actually Googled “John Patrick Bedell” “Tea Party” and you’ll find some gibberish that someone wrote this morning – but it’s real gibberish. Seriously – it wasn’t coherent in the least – that’s not hyperbole.

But I went to read my email and OldTrooper and NHSparky had both emailed the same article from the Christian Science Monitor;

John Patrick Bedell, whom authorities identified as the gunman in the Pentagon shooting on Thursday, appears to have been a right-wing extremist with virulent antigovernment feelings.

If so, that would make the Pentagon shooting the second violent extremist attack on a federal building within the past month. On Feb. 18, Joseph Stack flew a small aircraft into an IRS building in Austin, Texas. Mr. Stack left behind a disjointed screed in which, among other things, he expressed his hatred of the government.

Details of Mr. Bedell’s case are still emerging. But writings by someone with his same name and birth date, posted on the Internet, express ill will toward the government and the armed forces and question whether Washington itself might have been behind the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

Of course, if someone had done this in, say 2005, “ill will towards the government and the armed forces and questioned whether Washington itself might have been behind the September 11th terrorist attacks” would have described 98% of Democrats. But now because there’s a Democrat in the White House and Democrats control Congress, anyone who opposes the government these days must be a Right Wing nut.

And how did Joseph Stack become a right wing nut when he clearly espoused communism? I mean, he quoted Marx right in the last line in bold in his screed.

Peckerwood Peter Grier’s (the journalist for the CSM) evidence that Bedell seems airtight; he drove his car across the country, dressed in a business suit for the shooting and owned two guns. Case closed – who else but a conservative would do that?

Of course, Peckerwood Grier couldn’t help but throw up SPLC’s specious reporting;

The Pentagon attack and the destruction at the IRS building in Austin, Texas, come at a time of explosive growth in extremist-group activism across the United States, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks such organizations.

The number of US extremist paramilitary militias grew from 42 in 2008 to 127 in 2009, according to a just-released SPLC annual report.

So-called “Patriot” groups, steeped in antigovernment conspiracy theories, grew from 149 in 2008 to 512 in 2009 – an increase that the SPLC report judges as “astonishing.”

See how easy it is to be a shit-mouthed, fucking liar without caring?

Category: Liberals suck, Media, Usual Suspects

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AW1 Tim

“a shit-mouthed, fucking liar “..

So……. are you referring to POTUS, or Pelosi, or Reid, or Ron Paul, or LaRouche, or all of the above.. 🙂

I’d say you could pick anyone at random from the Democrat voter rolls and that description would apply.


It’s like they’re not even trying to hide the fact they’re lying anymore. They just put out the same old shit and expect us to line up with a spoon in each hand.


Did we really have any other beliefs that this would happen?


Actually Jonn, I’ll posit that there is a clear, if currently anecdotal, link to the Paulian world view with both Stack and Bedell.

As to whether Paul is left or right, that I’ll leave to the sages.

In truth it may well be a ‘chicken or egg’ sort of critter?


Wait, have we ensured that this guy did not come from Congresional district 22 in Texas?
I would die laughing if he was a staffer for the Republican…er, wait she is a democrat…hhhmmmm. http://valorguardians.com/blog/?p=17790

Clearly there is no possible way democrat would have anti-government or anti-military sentiments, why just look at the peace loving people in Berk… http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5iVqLiseUp_e6Hh-oq7I9vWLgfNXQD9E4ACR00

But at least POTUS has absolutely no connection to extremist left… wing… organizations… http://www.suntimes.com/news/politics/obama/902213,CST-NWS-ayers18.article

Hmm, maybe the government should start an official US dictionary and just change the definition of words like:
Success: you are successful if you meant well, regardless of result
Failure: Republican
Democrat: God like, infallible, peaceful, all knowing, meant to lead.
Republican: hateful, violent, mouth breather, needs to be lead.

YAY, now we truly can have change!


[…] Jonn over at TAH has some links and thoughts on that matter. […]


From Michelle Malkin’s website, here is the election registration of Bedell:

Guess which party he registered under in 2005 and was actively registered under as of 2008?


EMID 15324137
PrefixTitle MR
REGDATE 20051006
PARTY Democrat
ResAddr1,ResAddr2,ResCity,ResState,ResZip 110 Georges Dr Hollister,CA

Old Tanker

For a dude so pissed at the Government he sure hasn’t voted in awhile……..he might have tried that instead of shooting…..

Avalon John

We have a lunatic leftist bitch that shot her sibling and then some other teachers when she was passed up for tenure.
And DHS wants to focus on returning veterens and RWers…
Then we have a ranting marxist that drives a plane into an IRS building.
And DHS wants to focus on returning veterens and RWers…
Finally we have a MIHOP/LIHOP truther nut shooting things up in the nation’s capital.
And DHS wants to focus on returning veterens and RWers…
Oh yeah, we have a muslim slaugtering soldiers in Ft Hood.
But DHS wants to focus on returning veterens and RWers…

How about focusing on muslims, left wing nut jobs, and psycho academics as domestic terrorists, Janet Napolitano you stupid crazy bitch, instead of the patriots fighting our wars and conservatives.

AW1 Tim

What Avalon John said.


Roger that, AW1 Tim.


Succinctly put, Avalon John.
But, you did leave off the Muslim killing one soldier and wounding another in Arkansas. But, you wrapped it up very nicely.

William Teach

The spin the lefties are engaged in to make Bedell out to be on the right is truly amusing. Just when we think they can’t be any more delusional, they ramp it up yet again. It’s no wonder none of them use “reality based community” anymore.

Door Kicker

Collateral damage. There has to be a conflict going on. You have to pick a side and be one of two bad people, right or left.

Let’s take it to the next level and have every murder and every wrong done defined by political orientation. Where the hell is center? There is none anymore. The guy’s parents said he was addicted to pot and mentally unstable. Before that, everyone is in a rush to put a political label on this guy to say, see! See, he was one of those or one of that’s.

The conflict is reinforced and there is no center because people are trained to perceive every event as a political tool of an opposing party. What he did was wrong, but was he sane enough to know the outcome? He did make the news. Could the Christian Science Monitor be running their own political agenda because they have different conservative views to the TEA’s? A lot of people fighting over that conservative, independent-vote pork chop and this guy is the latest tool to keep the conflict going.

He could have been shamed for his lack of moral values but is rather shamed for his supposed political nature (moral values hint-hint). This article says more about the CSM distancing themselves from the TEAs than the act of this man. Anyone thinking there isn’t a fight going on in the conservative religious world for centralist values is a fool. “virulent antigovernment feelings”,… Leftist spin? OMG!


Um, which “he” would you be raving about, Doorkicker? Just curious, as the last two paragraphs interchange “he” while it appears you’re talking about both Bedell and Grier. And WTF do you mean by “collateral damage”?

Door Kicker

‘He’ is J.P. Bedell. Collateral damage in that ‘he’ may have no affiliation in the religious right, Tea baggers or any right group, yet ‘he’ is immediately given credit for association in the struggle between right and far right politics. The conservatives are not all republicans in case you have not noticed lately. The TEAS have capitalized on the shades of gray, getting most to think they are the Republican party. No greater illusion exists among conservatives and independants.

There might be more about this man that will come forward. He was an educated professional in a corporate role, yet lived at home. He goes to Texas and his folks call in a missing persons report with the drug and mental info. Sounds a bit controlling of his folks, but he did go to DC and did what he did. There is more to this story. Why would a man who can support himself live at home? Was there an obligation to controlling parents who were the real reason he developed paranioa? The folks sure shot the guy down fast as if to say they were not at any fault in parenting. Did they not approve of his interests and associations? I would say there was some kind of communication problem when he went to Texas and mom and Dad reeled him back in on a short leash. Given time, a clearer picture will come forward about this man and what drove him nuts. I will bet a doughnut that some form of helplessness is the key to his illness and overt action. He freaked out.


Umm, I’m going to go out on a limb here. First off, Bedell had no ties to the “religious right”, whatever that is. Second, your slip in using “teabaggers” shows you for what you are, a lefty dipshit, trying to appear to be conservative.
DK said, “The TEAS have capitalized on the shades of gray, getting most to think they are the Republican party. No greater illusion exists among conservatives and independants”. Actually the Tea Partiers have really not claimed to be dems, reps or Paulistinians either.
After that, I can’t decipher the BS you’re trying to spread here, it makes as much sense as……..strike that, it makes no sense whatsoever. But your last two sentences merely confirm what you let slip with the teabagger quote. Like any liberal, you can’t blame him, he was experiencing “helplessness”, so he took his guns to go see how many innocents he could kill. He freaked out? Really, maybe the years of over-medicating on weed did that to him.

Door Kicker

Right, nobody is allowed to have views to the left of Tea baggers. Everyone to the left of them are lefties. That excuses you from any further converstion because I have a label. Why don’t you just call me a political troll because you do not have the ability to have a conversation on issues with out knowing somebodys political perspective. BS? You water down the shades of gray like the whole right knew the TEAs were INDEPENDANT. People like you should write history books. Why do I have to blame the guy–I said what he did was wrong. The civil war moved to the republican party maroon and you just don’t get it? What a good pawn you are, now get out there and do your job.


Let me guess…DK,you must of had a lifetime subscription to the old “Spotlight” newspaper back in the day! You DO realize that there are medications that you can take that will help you to deal with your paranoia…please seek out some help,thanks…


Yeah, DK, get your meds. And don’t self-medicate on pot, it doesn’t help with the crawly things you see on the floor and walls. “Everyone to the left of them are lefties”. I have no clue what that even means, but considering your posts, that’s not surprising.