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*Yawn* Emma Kaplan compares the troops to nazis

| August 23, 2010 | 9 Comments
*Yawn* Emma Kaplan compares the troops to nazis

The other day I wrote about Emma Kaplan and her vacuous call to action against the troops at Fort Hood’s 3rd ACR. Well, she couldn’t let it go at that, i suppose, and had to take that final step to compare US troops to Nazis; These american “soldiers” are not serving ” us” They are […]

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Under the Hood; SSDD

| August 22, 2010 | 27 Comments
Under the Hood; SSDD

In case you’re interested in the Deviants or Disobedients or Defoliants or whatever they are at Under the Hood and their protest at Fort Hood today, there are some really boring “livestreaming” at UStream. Casey Porter Casey J Porter says their internet connection was shut down (probably because their audience had a bout of narcolepsy), […]

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Swedes: Assange to be arrested

| August 21, 2010 | 16 Comments
Swedes: Assange to be arrested

If the Swedish media and the Google translator is to be believed, Julian Assange, the Wikileaks terrorist is being sought in Stockholm on the charge of rape; The article roughly translated; Is there probable cause the case? – Yes. About an hour earlier in the evening, the prosecutor had received information from the Stockholm police […]

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Throwing money away at the VA

| August 20, 2010 | 6 Comments
Throwing money away at the VA

I found this story at Vets’ Voice and although dicksmith is exited about it, I think it’s the worst waste of money in the Federal government. The VA is sponsoring a NASCAR participant in the name of the new GI Bill; The idea, according to Veterans Affairs Department officials, is to get the GI Bill […]

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Ann Wright arms our enemies

| August 16, 2010 | 14 Comments
Ann Wright arms our enemies

The hard Left doesn’t admit that they arm our enemies with propaganda demonstrations. One of our readers, TD, sent me a series of videos and links of Ann Wright (I wrote about Wright a few months ago). Here are some of the stuff TD sent. Wright recruits for the next Gaza flotilla; Wright tells us […]

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Turning up the heat

| August 13, 2010 | 46 Comments
Turning up the heat

Under the Hood’s den of pirates is cranking up the heat on the Army’s 3rd Armored Cavarly Regiment at Fort Hood by calling nationwide for participants in their protest against the 3rd ACR’s deployment on the 22nd; Of course, using the image of soldiers loading on aircraft with missing limbs and wrapped in straitjackets by […]

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A name change – that’s the ticket!

| August 8, 2010 | 15 Comments
A name change – that’s the ticket!

Suppose your organization was irrelevant and no one is paying attention to your message which is becoming less and less germane to your particular conversation, what’s the best way to make everyone pay attention again? Change the name? Well, that’s Victor Agosto’s idea. TJ Buonomo says the new name needs an adjustment; I told you […]

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Code Pink Protest at Quantico for Manning

| August 5, 2010 | 23 Comments
Code Pink Protest at Quantico for Manning

Several of you have sent me notification of Code Pink’s planned protest Sunday noon at Quantico Marine base where Bradley Manning, the Wikileaks, butt-bandit is currently incarcerated. Code Pink and the Left are all calling Manning a “whistleblower”. Although the second half of that phrase might be accurate, I’m pretty sure that it wasn’t a […]

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