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Matthis at Tufts

| November 19, 2010 | 23 Comments
Matthis at Tufts

For some pointless reason, Tufts Daily, a student newspaper at Tufts University (which for some reason I thought was a conservative, traditional college), published an article by Alexa Sasanow entitled “Veteran Matthis Chiroux speaks out against the US military“. Notice it’s not wars he “speaks out against” anymore. You can read the whole article for […]

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Duff: China’s subs off the CA coast

| November 18, 2010 | 21 Comments
Duff: China’s subs off the CA coast

TSO sent me this link because I absolutely refuse to troll Veterans Today for Gordon Duff stories. But today, Duff warns us that the missile we were all so concerned about last week, was, indeed, Chinese and launched from a submarine off of our coast. Now, it’s entirely plausible and it was the first thing […]

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Joe Klein: Empty vessel

| November 16, 2010 | 20 Comments
Joe Klein: Empty vessel

ROS sent me a link to Joe Klein’s review of George W. Bush’s book “Decision Points” and it shows what an empty head sits on Joe Klein’s shoulders. First you must remember that Joe Klein was the “Anonymous” who wrote “Primary Colors”, the vacant worship of Bill Clinton during his 1992 campaign. The Clinton administration […]

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Manning supporters under surveillance

| November 10, 2010 | 4 Comments
Manning supporters under surveillance

The folks who are supporting the traitor Private Bradley Manning, currently sitting in prison at Quantico, VA awaiting trial, the guy who turned over classified documents to the peace movement caricatures at Wikileaks are being watched by the FBI, they tell the media. From Associated Press; The Bradley Manning Support Network said Wednesday that David […]

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That Restore Fear Rally in DC yesterday

| October 31, 2010 | 7 Comments
That Restore Fear Rally in DC yesterday

I decided that taking my CCW training and then drive to Virginia to drink free beer and eat free food at Sniper’s house was more important than watching a bunch of Leftist buffoons trying to act like they’re moderate (people who are so smart that they’ll get their news from The Comedy Channel). But our […]

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March Forward make pests of themselves in Hollywood

| October 9, 2010 | 6 Comments
March Forward make pests of themselves in Hollywood

Someone sent me a link to this “action” in Hollywood, where March Forward!, the veteran wing of ANSWER jammed up military recruiting in Hollywood for a couple of hours; Leading the gaggle was Mike Prysner, who I wrote about last year. After shutting down the recruiting station, Prysner said, “To our brothers and sisters in […]

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Matthis and the Revolutionary Communist Party

| October 4, 2010 | 16 Comments
Matthis and the Revolutionary Communist Party

Matthis showed up on the inter-tubes again last week when he signed World Can’t Wait’s “Crimes are crimes” petition. At least he’s stripped most of the deceit out of his bio. Yeah, well, ya know how your mom always told you that you’re judged by the company you keep? Carl Dix, the former head of […]

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Sanchez’ racism

| September 26, 2010 | 12 Comments
Sanchez’ racism

Loretta Sanchez’ Hispanic extraction is a matter of convenience. When she lost her first run at a public office as a Republican and using her married name, Brixley, she lost. Two years later, she ran using her maiden name and as a Republican and won. Last week, on the Spanish language television network, she told […]

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