Sanchez’ racism
Loretta Sanchez’ Hispanic extraction is a matter of convenience. When she lost her first run at a public office as a Republican and using her married name, Brixley, she lost. Two years later, she ran using her maiden name and as a Republican and won. Last week, on the Spanish language television network, she told voters in her district;
The Vietnamese and the Republicans are — with intensity — trying to take away this seat, this seat for which we have already done so much for our community. [Taking] this seat from us and [giving] it to this Van Tran, who’s very anti-immigrant and very anti-Hispanic.
She might as well have said the Viet Cong were attacking us.
Everything boils down to race. This country has always been a melting pot and Loretta Sanchez, by making her election race about “us vs. them” is polarizing her district. I guess she hoped that if she said that on Spanish-language TV, no one would find out about her racism.
Suppose John McCain had told the American public that the Blacks were trying to take over the White House in 2008. What kind of reaction would that have caused?
Van Tran, her opponent said in the Los Angeles Times;
“This is a mischaracterization that there is an alleged wedge between the Vietnamese and Latino community,” he said.
Sanchez is a racist and doesn’t deserve her position in Congress.
Category: Congress sucks, Politics, Usual Suspects
“This country has always been a melting pot”
I disagree, Jonn, it may have been in the past, however, as soon as they started the entire “community” thing along with the “diversity” schtick, it became about separation rather than melting pot with everyone being a hyphenated American. I’m not a German-American, I’m just an American. I don’t walk into a business and refuse to speak English. I don’t demand that the German flag be displayed in school during Oktoberfest, etc. I didn’t file a lawsuit for hate crimes at the junior high, when my youngest daughter was called a nazi by an ignorant asian student during a class where kids were asked about their ancestory, because it was “diversity week”.
When you have 11 different languages being not just provided, but demanded, at light rail ticket kiosks, then you perpetuate the separation. Each “community”, no matter the size, is not interested in “melting pot” anything, anymore and it’s being encouraged by many on the left, because they suffer from either guilt on their own part, or by those that want to progress that in others.
Sad, but true.
Jonn–she ran as a “moderate” Democrat for Congress, but her record has been anything but. Correction: IIRC, she ran for Anaheim City Council as a “moderate” Republican. I used to live on the border of that district (thank God Dana Rohrbacher was my Rep.) Remember, this is the seat she won in 1996 which was held by Bob “B-1” Dornan, who showed that because of Motor Voter, illegals were voting in droves in Santa Ana, Anaheim, etc. It was even shown that over 2000 illegals cast ballots in that election (which she won by just over 900 votes) but that there wasn’t enough “evidence” to overturn the results. She’s never faced a serious challenger until now because of the demographics in her district.
Van Tran is a good guy, and as hardworking and patriotic as it gets. Sanchez, OTOH, is a mouth-breather. She’s always played the race card if she thinks she can get mileage out of it. Same with her sister, who is even stupider, if such a thing is possible.
And of course, she put up a “non-apology apology” on Friday.
Come on, Jonn, Sanchez, just can’t be racist, she’s neither white, nor conservative…
I suppose this is what you have to resort to when you’re a natural-born citizen running against an actual immigrant.
As a Papist, I fail to see how any of the Hispanic catholic population with a modecum of decency can vote for her (a supposed Catholic), considering her pro-abortion stance, et al.
It would appear that the deck is infinite in relation to race cards.
ROS, I don’t see how ANY supposed Catholic can vote for most Democrats (“Catholic” or not) because of their positions on abortion. Not if they’re voting their morals.
OT – Well said. I visited Spain this summer and had to chuckle about Spaniards worrying what the immigration of the Moroccans was doing to their culture – since most of the interesting parts of their culture came from the Moroccans the first time they were there. I was also in Scotland, and was appalled that while individuals worried about what immigrations was doing to their culture; institutionally, they seemed much more worried about diversity. Going to the museum of religion in Glasgow, you would have assumed their were never any Druids in the country and that there were equal numbers of Christians, Muslims, Jews, and Buddhists. It was absolutely bizarre. The truth is in this country we don’t have a true “culture” of our own. We are a country of immigrants who have brought the good from the old place while abandoning the bad. Our culture is bits and pieces of other cultures with a basic structure. We liked the Scots rugged individualism and distrust of government far away – we kept that. We didn’t like their overwhelming since of impending doom, so we left that behind. We liked the English common law legal framework so we kept that (as opposed to a code based system), but got rid of the class/caste system. The framers of the Constitution setup that basic structure. From them, this country has grown, and become stronger, because of its diversity. Our culture is constantly evolving. Each new generation of immigrants has brought its culture to the table and we kept the good and left the bad behind. The “melting pot” got new ingredients and got stirred. This is because in the “market place” of ideas, the best ideas get adopted and the rest get left behind. Immigrants adopted to us and we included them. The problem is that in the last 20 years or so, immigrants have refused to leave anything behind. It has always been fine in this country to be proud of your heritage. Every weekend there is one cultural festival or another: the Greek Festival, the Italian street fair, the Highland,… Read more »
I agree wholy, Miss Ladybug. My comment was based on the fact that she’s pimping out her Mexican heritage and panders to the Hispanic voting block while labeling herself a Catholic, which is the complete antithesis of everything she supports and pushes as a politician.
I think you got one part wrong. She switched from Republican to Democrat to beat B-1 Bob Dornan. She’s been a Democrat the entire time she’s in congress.
And yes, she’s racist. Racism is a complex, multi-faceted paradigm. But don’t tell that to liberals, cause they don’t want to hear it.
Oh, I understood you there, ROS, I was just expanding on the idea…
Susan, I loved your post, but respectfully disagree with the idea that there is no ‘true’ American culture. You very aptly described it yourself, while trying to establish the absence of it. 😉 The best condensed description I’ve ever heard of it is ‘a mix of utilitarian and expressive individualism’.
This comment of yours pretty well describes our current problem though;
“The problem is that in the last 20 years or so, immigrants have refused to leave anything behind.”
You’ll find this tidbit from Nathan Glazer’s book ‘We Are All Multiculturalists Now’ interesting.
“…The Nexis data base of major newspapers shows no reference to multiculturalism as late as 1988, a mere 33 items in 1989, and only after that a rapid rise-more than 100 items in 1990, more than 600 in 1991, almost 900 in 1992, 1200 in 1993, and 1500 in 1994. . . “
It really is a relatively new phenomenon, and flies in the face of a very real, and established, American culture.
As for the Sanchez post, I do hope Loretta gets well and truly trounced by Tran.
In the LA times article by My-Thuan Tran it also says that “Sanchez has worked for years to shore up support from Vietnamese Americans, who make up a sizable portion of her constituents. She attends Vietnamese festivals wearing traditional ao dai tunics and is outspoken about human rights abuses and political freedom in Vietnam, an issue dear to the hearts of Vietnamese Americans in Little Saigon, which has the largest population of Vietnamese in the country.”
So, is Loretta Sanchez a racist or political chameleon? She clearly changes her colour to suit whatever voting arena she is in. Is she racist or just two-faced and insincere? I believe she may be all these things, but she doesn’t realize that she is racist.
Ben says: “And yes, she’s racist. Racism is a complex, multi-faceted paradigm.”
Racism in its base form, its purest form, is what exists when a member of one race feels superior to a member of another race. The words spoken are racist comments and the actions that follow, racial discrimination. Racism itself is not a “complex, multi-faceted paradigm”. I beg to disagree. Racism is a simple concept, but its very meaning has been diluted, watered down to simply mean discrimination based on race. Time has lead many to forget that the words “superior” and “inferior” are the cornerstones of racism. These must never be forgotten.