That Restore Fear Rally in DC yesterday

| October 31, 2010


I decided that taking my CCW training and then drive to Virginia to drink free beer and eat free food at Sniper’s house was more important than watching a bunch of Leftist buffoons trying to act like they’re moderate (people who are so smart that they’ll get their news from The Comedy Channel). But our buddy, Skye, went and took pictures while she waited to run the Marine Corp Marathon. You can see her pictures at her Flickr Photostream.

Donald Douglas at American Power Blog assembled some links and pictures from the net and TV.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Protests/Rallies, Usual Suspects

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Video of Code Pink’s protest if anyone is interested:


[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by dana l dillon, A Proud Veteran. A Proud Veteran said: That Restore Fear Rally in DC yesterday Via This Ain't Hell […]


She did a great job of filtering for the serious fringe message people. I was in the thick of it and had trouble finding any signs that weren’t complete jokes (my favorite being a lady dressed as a witch holding a sign that said “I’m not a politician”). The signs directed at Tea Partiers, Glenn Beck et. al were pretty minimal, relatively.


CBS is claiming over 200k people showed up…versus the 87k that they reported at Beck’s rally, despite the Park Service saying in excess of 300k were at his deally. Biased much?


…in the end, I’ve decided that all that matters is who shows up Tues. Good luck with that, leftards.


I attended the rally mostly for the people watching. It was a bit lefty but as far as rallies stack up, the signs were quite creative and entertaining. I will say that I’ve observed the true liberal, anti war crowd events, as well as far right, and this one from my vantage point didn’t stray off the reservation. Meaning, no evil Israel signs or anti military signs that one normally sees from those lefty events. That permitted my blood pressure to remain in check and have a nice day, especially since I consider myself moderate.

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