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ACLU files FOIA for Predator drone missions

| January 16, 2010 | 22 Comments
ACLU files FOIA for Predator drone missions

For some reason, the ACLU has decided that it’s their business to approve our tactics against terrorists and have insinuated themselves into our war policy by filing a Freedom of Information Act request in regards to our drone program; The ACLU believes that the use and proliferation of this tactic must be the subject of […]

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The perception of Obama comes back to reality

| January 10, 2010 | 3 Comments
The perception of Obama comes back to reality

JammieWearingFool reads the New York Times so we don’t have to, and the NYT tells us that there’s a perception out there that President Obama is a wimp on National Security. Really? I hadn’t noticed. It’s not just coming from Republicans (for example, Dick Cheney’s accusation that Mr. Obama is trying to pretend that the […]

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Don’t worry about Marc Hall, Pt. II

| January 8, 2010 | 8 Comments
Don’t worry about Marc Hall, Pt. II

A local DC TV station, WJLA, did a report on Marc Hall, the latest IVAW celebrity who was stop-lossed and threatened to kill all of the “E-7s and and above”. Here’s the video which includes his bonehead lawyer, James Klimaski, defending Hall’s threat as art; I guess it’s just his tough luck that he wrote […]

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The Left and their irrational babbling

| January 6, 2010 | 12 Comments
The Left and their irrational babbling

Now, I’m no expert on national security planning, but I’m pretty sure I’m smarter than Crooks and Liars’ John Amato and FireDogLake’s Eli based on today’s readings. Amato is upset that Cokie Roberts said what has been known about Democrats since the Korean War – when it comes to national defense, Democrats are idiots; ROBERTS: […]

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Alexander says we’re as bad as the Khmer Rouge

| January 5, 2010 | 10 Comments
Alexander says we’re as bad as the Khmer Rouge

Our favorite Air Force interrogator, Matthew Alexander, is writing at Vote Vets again. This time he says he’s been to a Khmer Rouge prison in Cambodia – and of course it reminds him of Guantanamo and the way we treated the folks we detained there. It is estimated that nearly 3 million people were executed […]

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The depth of Soltz’ intellect

| January 2, 2010 | 9 Comments
The depth of Soltz’ intellect

If ever there was someone who should be stripped of his veteran status, it’s Jon Soltz, the dork who is the public face of VoteVets, and mostly likely the guy who saddled the organization with it’s stupid name. The following is from his latest missive; The failed bombing of a Detroit-bound airplane by Umar Farouk […]

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Cheney strikes a nerve

| December 31, 2009 | 7 Comments
Cheney strikes a nerve

With speculation about the culpability for the latest failed attempt by a terrorist, Dick Cheney spoke to Politico and charged that the current administration seems to be avoiding the fact that we’re at war with terrorists; “[W]e are at war and when President Obama pretends we aren’t, it makes us less safe,” Cheney said in […]

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Sarah Lazare is exhausting

| December 28, 2009 | 3 Comments
Sarah Lazare is exhausting

I have an internet feed that tracks a good number of the anti-war bozos and the news all this weekend has blared out headlines that “The US military is exhausted”. All of the far Left, anti-war blogs (by “all” I mean literally hundreds of cut and paste blogs) are running an Al-Jazeera article by that […]

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