The depth of Soltz’ intellect
If ever there was someone who should be stripped of his veteran status, it’s Jon Soltz, the dork who is the public face of VoteVets, and mostly likely the guy who saddled the organization with it’s stupid name. The following is from his latest missive;
The failed bombing of a Detroit-bound airplane by Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab has raised a ton of questions – from what holes there are in airline security, to how he wasn’t picked up before on suspicion of terrorist activity. But, to me and the forces in or heading to Afghanistan, one of the most pressing questions is why we’re sending nearly every Marine and Soldier we have to Afghanistan, when Abdulmutallab and a Somali man arrested for plotting a similar attack last month apparently had no real connection to al-Qaeda in Afghanistan.
There you have – the depth of Soltz’ intellect. Because one guy almost bombed Detroit with his underwear, we should abandon the war in Afghanistan. Makes sense to me.
…given the ability of al-Qaeda to spread and pop up in areas around the globe where we are not present, it simply doesn’t make sense anymore to engage in a long-term counter-insurgency strategy in Afghanistan, which focuses on beating back insurgents rather than al Qaeda, and securing the country at large.
Now, I was never a motor officer in a combat situation for over four months, so I don’t have the “big picture” skills necessary to see the war from that vantage point, but I don’t think that we should change our entire strategy against al Qaeda because of one attack. How much of a simpleton must one be to think we should? In fact, if Soltz’ presidential choice (who is not a veteran, by the way) had forced his administration to pay attention to the warning signs, the underwear bomber wouldn’t have gotten through the layers of security.
Besides, in the grand strategy of Obama, troop deployment numbers don’t matter, because the war against terror is now fought by the Justice Department and the law enforcement agencies. Didn’t Soltz get the message?
Category: Antiwar crowd, Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Liberals suck, Usual Suspects
No worries, Jonn–Soltz just gets confused and distracted easily by shiny objects. Accept that, and all his missives begin to make sense. Sort of.
As with the global warming crowd, Soltz is trying to use everything in the news as an indcation that we need to be out of A-stan, as thy do with the weather and their agenda. Granted, I don’t have the massive mount of expeience that he does, but I haven’t been trying to gain legitimacy as a Veterans mouthpiece by sticking my tongue in the asscrack of every democrat on the left in order to try and get a cushy gummint appointment by the administration, either.
So Mr Soltz wants us to invade Somalia and Yemen??
What is his response to the attack on the CIA in Afghanistan, since of course I guess Al Queda is no longer a presence to be concerned with in his opinion?
He needs to stick to giving soldiers a hard time over not putting the correct code on their daily 2404 inspection sheet.
Can’t say a single incident should change the overall strategy in Afghanistan.
But given the failure to do anything about Saudi Arabia and the fact that Pakistan remains real sketchy, what are we hoping to accomplish in Afghanistan?
To paraphrase Forrest Gump “Stupid is as Soltz does”
Soltz is a moron. He’s a lackey disguised as a voice for veterans. We’ve taken on the VoteVets group on the You Served radio show before and exposed their stupidity. Naturally, Soltz wouldn’t come on himself.
Okay guys, this kind of occurred to me after my initial post, but isn’t being Motor Pool Officer for four months the officer equivalent of passing out basketballs at the base gym? Being a dumb squid and all, just need some inter-service input on that score.
I just remember one interview I saw with that jackass where if you listen to the way he talked he saw himself as a big war hero. He seems like the kind of asshole who would tell stories about how he was in “fightin” Joe Biden’s super secret Ninja Robot Zombie force. He is a jackass.
Jason, I had the same feeling about Soltz. I saw him interviewed and he repeatedly compared Iraq to Bosnia and Kosovo (because Clinton did everything right in FRY). He kept talking about how much up-armored “rolling stock” we had. He was like a parrot repating rolling stock over and over again. Guy is a d-bag.