The Left and their irrational babbling

| January 6, 2010

Now, I’m no expert on national security planning, but I’m pretty sure I’m smarter than Crooks and Liars’ John Amato and FireDogLake’s Eli based on today’s readings. Amato is upset that Cokie Roberts said what has been known about Democrats since the Korean War – when it comes to national defense, Democrats are idiots;

ROBERTS: Well, it’s always politically difficult for Democrats when they are dealing with an issue like terrorism. It remained the Republican’s only winning issue through most of President Bush’s second term, and it’s a particular problem for a Democrat who hasn’t served in the military. But the policy problem is that it takes up a great deal of the administration’s time, and will from here on out – particularly when the Senate Intelligence Committee starts hearings in a couple of weeks.

Here you have it. So sayeth Cokie, queen of the gasbags. All Democrats are weak, weak, weak on national security. It’s fine with Cokie and the Villagers that most of the Bush and Cheney team refused to serve in the military when they had the chance, but during the Bush years the Villagers never questioned Republicans over their military experience or commitment to national security. Yet, it’s just Jim Dandy to question a Dem’s military creds.

Nevermind the fact that Bush was a fighter pilot in the National Guard and that Cheney was too old to be drafted for combat service in Vietnam. But no one ever questioned the Bush administration’s military experience or commitment? Really?

Did I dream the 2004 election campaign? The whole misinterpretation of Bush’s DD214 and his performance evaluations which were read and commented upon by obviously illiterate baboons every night? The flocks of Democrats who tried to tell us that John Kerry’s Vietnam service trumped Bush TXNG service? The same dorks who placed such a high value on Cheney’s pre-Vietnam draft deferments who won’t even mention Biden’s deferments during Vietnam?

So Eli from FDL explains to us how Obama can become a national defense expert;

…what really makes someone a Serious Qualified Expert on national security is a little voice in their head screaming “AAAAAHHHH!!! The scary brown people are coming to kill us we have to kill them first OMG OMG OMG!!!” 24 hours a day, and the ability to bedwet on command.

If Obama can develop an appropriately irrational fear and hatred of Muslims, then no one will care that he’s never served in the military. I suggest that he pretend that all Muslims are, alternately, health industry CEOs and progressive bloggers – that should make him a respected national security expert in no time.

An irrational fear of Muslims? Really? The scary brown people? How naive and immature. Just days after an attempt on the lives of hundreds of folks peacefully flying into Detroit from Amsterdam, and countless others beneath their flight path. Weeks after one of those “brown people” shot scores of his comrades at Fort Hood. Months after a Muslim shot two Army privates catching a smoke break in Little Rock.

Here’s my advice for those two if they want to be national defense experts; abandon the childish baby crap and act your freakin’ age.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Bloggers, Terror War, Usual Suspects

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Thats it, I give, they are right, all this terror stuff hasn’t been Muslims, its been a hardcore cadre of white-haired Swedish Grandmothers, trained by Mossad and financed by the CIA.

I recant all previous assertions about brown people, it was just my racism, I now admit the truth, curse those Swedes.

USMC Steve

Actually, they are acting their age. Have you ever run across a progressive or full blown liberal that didn’t stop mental development at the 6 year old level? I haven’t.

USMC Chris

heh. nice one Steve. and so very true.

R. Jewell

Dick Cheney was too old to be drafted for combat service in Viet Nam? Now, that’s the first time I ever heard it put that way.

Born 30 Jan. ’41, he would have been eligible for the draft between 30 Jan ’59 and 30 Jan ’67.

College deferments and a pregnant wife kept him safe at home, not his age.


Naive and immature? Pretty much describes all of the lefties, I’d say. And Steve seems to have pretty much nailed it too.

Old Tanker

All Democrats are weak, weak, weak on national security.

Hey, he got something right……well, almost, there’s been a few good ones, but way to few….

509th Bob

Since the Korean War, eh?

Truman – Army, served in WW I.
Eisenhower – Army, served in WW II.
Kennedy – Navy, served in WW II.
Johnson – Navy Res., served in WW II.
Nixon – Navy Res., served in WW II.
Ford – Navy Res., served in WW II.
Carter – Navy, served during Korean War.
Reagan – Army Res., served during WW II.
Bush I – Navy Res., served in WW II.
Clinton – NONE.
Bush II – Texas ANG, served during Vietnam.
Obama – NONE.

So, it isn’t necessarily a question of service, is it? It is a question of COMPETENCE. For Democrats who served, Kennedy seemed to have it, but Carter certainly did not.

For Democrats who never served, Clinton didn’t have a credible anti-terrorism policy, and Obama certainly does not.

R. Jewell

Draft eligibility was 18 to 26

His final deferment, which was a hardship deferment because his wife was pregnant, was granted on 19 Jan ’66. (meaning that he would have been college deferred throughout 1965)

I would imagine that the friends and families of the over 400 Americans killed in Viet Nam prior to “combat troops” being introduced 1965 might argue with you on the start date.

Even the American Legion recognizes 28 Feb ’61.

You’re certainly not going to change my mind, and likely I’ll not change yours, Jonn…….And, there’s no sense in getting in an argument of the semantics of what denotes a “combat troop” or “combat casualty”.


R. Jewell; so that makes Cheney any different than thousands of others, including Joe Biden and Howard Dean?

What’s your point? Do you think he should have been drafted while his wife was pregnant? Did they not defer anyone else who had a pregnant wife?

Just because you have a hard on for Cheney, like most of the left, doesn’t mean that he’s the only VP, in recent memory, to have had deferments during Vietnam.

Why don’t you find a new hobby, other than Cheney fantasies?

AW1 Tim

I have no problem with folks who could finagle a deferment. It was legal, and put in writing. If you qualified, you could get the deferment. It’s like a tax deduction. No sweat.

No, my animosity is reserved for those who chose to run away, rather than accept their role as a citizen. Not for actual COs, because they are allowed under the law, and their are guidelines for that too.

I’m talking about the chicken-shit assmaggots that ran to Canada, or run there now, or hide in Germany, or wherever. They all should have had their citizenship revoked.


Yep, I’m with ya, Tim.