
P-8A recovered, Oil, and Gold Bars

| December 7, 2023 | 27 Comments
P-8A recovered, Oil, and Gold Bars

As someone observed in the comments a few days back, the Navy managed to get its wannabe flying boat P8A out of the waters off Kaneohe Bay The plane was floated from where it had come to rest using inflatable airbags and then slowly rolled – sometimes at a pace of just five feet per […]

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No Room At The Inn

| December 4, 2023 | 19 Comments
No Room At The Inn

Migrants ‘displacing’ military families for Army-Navy Game, GOP lawmaker says Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) is pressuring President Joe Biden to take action on the southern border after reports that military families who previously booked rooms for the upcoming Army-Navy Game in Foxboro, Massachusetts, have had their reservations canceled as hotels are currently being used to […]

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“Now look, my Marine carries that, but it has the code to blow up the world” – Joe Biden

| December 1, 2023 | 8 Comments
“Now look, my Marine carries that, but it has the code to blow up the world” – Joe Biden

Joe Biden made this statement while talking to factory workers in Colorado. Biden was talking about the nuclear football, a briefcase that the president has access to if he needs to authorize a nuclear launch. When it comes to gaffs, Joe Biden has plenty to offer. These gaffs include mixing names up or doing things […]

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Fox News Friday: Biden, Homeless, Tree, and one helluva prostate massage

| December 1, 2023 | 11 Comments
Fox News Friday: Biden,  Homeless, Tree, and one helluva prostate massage

When the government contracts out big projects, one of the requirements is that developers pay development fees. Federal statute mandates that developers pay that fee prior to construction on their lease, a potentially hefty fee designed to guarantee federal property is returned to its original state after a lessee departs its lease. The Bureau of […]

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5 time draft exempt ‘asthmatic’ says he woulda played for Navy

| November 24, 2023 | 59 Comments
5 time draft exempt ‘asthmatic’ says he woulda played for Navy

  Standards have tightened over the years, apparently. Back in the ’60s, could have gone to USNA having asthma. In 1961, our beloved President, Joe Biden, was such an outstanding football prospect he was gonna play for Navy. Really. He’s not kidding. Just ask him. Or maybe it was 1965? “By the way, I’m all […]

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Taliban benefiting from funds sent to Afghanistan from the US and from other donors

| November 2, 2023 | 34 Comments
Taliban benefiting from funds sent to Afghanistan from the US and from other donors

Every two weeks, approximately $80 million in aid pours into Afghanistan. This aid is intended to support humanitarian purposes. One of the caveats to this humanitarian aid is that the Taliban are not among the beneficiaries. However, the Taliban leverages its control to obtain information from aid groups and to funnel money into their coffers. […]

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Defense system considered for Guam to be leased to Israel

| October 23, 2023 | 25 Comments
Defense system considered for Guam to be leased to Israel

The US has two Iron Dome missile defense systems that it purchased from Israel. These systems were being tested for use to defend Guam against Chinese missiles. These systems will instead be leased to Israel, so ownership will remain in US hands. The US also intends to replenish the interceptors for the Iron Dome as […]

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Yep, the border is under control.

| October 18, 2023 | 24 Comments
Yep, the border is under control.

Well, under the leadership of Joe Biden and his special border taskmaster – task mistress (not the first time THAT word has been used around her name) Kamala Harris, we are told the border is under control. That we have record numbers of aliens crossing, attempting to cross, or waiting to attempt to cross, is […]

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