Yep, the border is under control.

| October 18, 2023

Well, under the leadership of Joe Biden and his special border taskmaster – task mistress (not the first time THAT word has been used around her name) Kamala Harris, we are told the border is under control. That we have record numbers of aliens crossing, attempting to cross, or waiting to attempt to cross, is irrelevant. At least they are just coming here looking for work, to do the jobs Americans can’t or won’t do.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) says four Iranians have been apprehended in Texas since the beginning of the month, adding that they are considered “special interest aliens.”

CBP sources told Fox News that one Iranian man in his 40s was taken into custody on Sunday morning in Eagle Pass, Texas, after crossing the southern border at about 3 a.m.

The man, along with the other three Iranians are considered “special interest aliens” because they are from countries identified by the U.S. government as having conditions that promote or protect terrorism or potentially pose some sort of national security threat to the U.S.

Last week, CBP agents apprehended two Lebanese nationals in Eagle Pass, who were also considered to be “special interest aliens.”

CBP has also apprehended an Egyptian man in his 40s. Separately, in the Rio Grande Valley Sector, officials have apprehended 19 Iranians and 17 Syrians since Monday.

Fox News

Don’t know about you, but I feel better. Totaling all the above I get 43 – a fair sized platoon. But Joe and Kamala say everything is okay, so…

Category: Biden, Border, Kamala

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It’s all good, man. These are underprivileged POCs who’ve been persecuted for their Religion of Peace and are fleeing the Israeli occupiers who dare to kill innocent women and children. Alternatively, it was Putin, with Trump in his pocket, who forced the refugees to go from Asia and/or Africa, through Europe, across an entire ocean to South or Central America, and up through our southern border to cross in hopes of fulfilling their lifelong dreams of becoming fully bloodied full-blooded Americans.

All this talk about Borders. I haven’t seen a Borders since the late 2000s, but it was a nice place to pick up Backwoodsman magazine.

Last edited 11 months ago by fm2176
President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Bravo! Well played!


I love how the Leftbots can justify all sorts of violence in order to satiate their Munchausen bullshit by domestically abusing the everliving fuck out of anything and everything.

The funniest part about all this stupidity?

I am not going to be the primary target for these ‘security threats’, and that saddens me slightly.

Come get you some, fanatical douchecanoes.

peace is conditional.jpeg

I live in South Louisiana. It’s like Texas to an extent, but doesn’t have a border with Mexico, has a very distinct culture, and few people (including the Misses) want to live here expect for warped people like me, Outdoorsmen, and people who love large lizards and snakes. In other words, I love it. Like you, I won’t be a primary target. I’m a Nobody that wishes I were a badass like Bob Odenkirk’s character in Nobody. Okay, haven’t see the full film, but I’ve watched the bus scene multiple times…

Those in and around our capital, as well as the large cities, all ironically Dem controlled and full of Leftists who support illegals and terrorists, will be in the target area of whichever terrorists our illustrious leaders let filter in. Many in Muslim countries love America and want to join us. Many others loath America and want to destroy us. I can understand Central and South Americans being apprehended along the border. I can even see others from the Western Hemisphere like Haitians coming across. When we have people from known anti-American terrorist havens halfway across the globe crossing the Rio Grande, I’d say there’s more than just a problem.


You need to see the tattoo shop scene. No violence but the look on their faces when the old man sees the duece and seven cards tattooed on Odenkirk’s arm.

Last edited 11 months ago by STSC(SW/SS)
RGR 4-78


President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

South Louisiana….a good place to make terrorist bodies (foreign and domestic)……just…..disappear. And no digging. What a bonus!
‘Gaters gotta eat, too.

True, the Atchafalaya Basin isn’t far, and there’s plenty of swampland just south of me. I get the feeling too that there are some LEOs who’d miss a ton of evidence pertaining to the disappearance of someone named Mohammed Jihadi.


Our civilization’s history, based on individual rights, is a short one.

These people who’ve lost the vision of what Liberty’s Promise brings are a dead end in this system. Therefor they will bring themselves to change or wholly change the system.

The question becomes: who is stronger?
If GWOT has taught me anything, the side with the most patients wins.

I will enjoy this shitshow from afar until it darkens my doorstep, and like you, move to the nastiest piece of land to lessen the force to which The They can exert.

America is both worth fighting for, and doing nothing for.

Both levels of sacrifice pain me not.


Testify….and …Prepare

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.”
Marcus Tullius Cicero



Of America:
Oh, I thought the world of you
I thought nothing could go wrong
But I was wrong, I was wrong
If you, if you could get by
Trying not to lie
Things wouldn’t be so confused
And I wouldn’t feel so used
But you always really knew
I just wanna be with you

(sorry, had to…)

RIP Delores


Among all of the folks coming to America are;


Then again the way DC leaks classified information, who needs spies.


Nothing like the lights going out during the dead of winter in New York. Are you prepared Mr. mayor.


They could be coming for you Mayor, Governor, Congressman, Senator and Businessman.

Think of all the shit that can happen just before the 2024 elections where the politicians declare a national emergency and suspend civil rights. All of this done on purpose by the current folks in power.

A Proud Infidel®™

IMHO you’re exactly right and my bet is that Joe *DUH!* Biden and company WANT a major terrorist attack to occur on US Soil while they are in charge because the “cream their jeans” at the thought of the additional power they could grab and permanently hold on to.


I’ve mentioned something along those lines before. We have an election year coming up, where the frontrunners are a rapidly declining current President and a businessman-turned-President, each with their own legal issues. While Joe’s problems are covered up or dismissed as non-issues, Trump’s are being blasted as evidence that he belongs in prison as opposed to the White House.

Checkmate could occur as follows:

  • Let the MAGA Republicans keep on keepin’ on Trumpin’ on with him as the likely candidate. Meanwhile, let the DeSantis fanboys and those who want “anyone but Trump” for the party continue to divide it.
  • Declare Trump unfit for the 2024 bid only months from the election, well after the also-rans have dismantled their campaigns and become nonentities.
  • Wait for it…and now we have a major terrorist attack, or an outright revolt by the millions of illegals tired of being bussed around for political gain and at the behest of would-be “Sanctuary Cities/States”.
  • Propose a measure in Congress, or simply issue an Executive Order, that for the safety of the American People and the preservation of our great Democracy (gotta use word choice, can’t refer to us as a Republic, the 2024 presidential election will be postponed until a viable candidate can be found. Joe gets another 1-2 years in office.
  • Firmly in power for an undeterminable amount of time (if the above is possible, there would be a good chance the Supreme Court would overturn it), Joe’s handlers find good reason to remove him from office. Kamala or her replacement is installed as Dear Leader, while the “strong” response to the attack/revolt by Dem leaders results in a totally fair election winning both houses of Congress for that party, making Pelosi effectively Vice President while the handlers determine how to displace Kamala.

That’s going quite a way down the rabbit hole, I know, but it seems like a divided Republican party is the Dems goal, while Trump is staying afloat due solely to his popularity and performance in his former/future(?) job. Given the number of indictments and the media narrative, it’s a given that there’ll be every piece of ammunition expended to ensure that Trump doesn’t gain the presidency again.

We’ve already seen what a “health crisis” can do. Governors, mayors, and other politicians will impose restrictions on their citizens, force businesses to close, and do what they “must” to ensure public safety. We also saw stuff like the Patriot Act post 9/11, where our privacy and liberties were infringed upon due to the actions of a small cell of terrorists. To think that a combined political/domestic safety/health scare wouldn’t permit the Dems to increase their hold on power can’t be discounted.

A lot of us on this site seem to see through the two-party system and realize that being the lesser of two evils (Establishment Republicans) does not make a fair system that is beneficial to the American People. It’s a shame that unsecure borders, a soft-on-criminals but tough-on-wrong-think “justice” system, an extremely biased media, big business pandering, and [most importantly] elderly and weak politicians enriched by the offices they were elected to in order to represent the People is undermining what many of us believe in. We’ll probably get through this, but if not, well, I can take what comes.


You know what we need? A chart. This will help us understand the scale of the problem, for 2023.

You will note that Uzebeki-beki-beki-stan is a product leader.

Last edited 11 months ago by 5JC

If anyone thinks that there are only 40 some odd bad guys in this country just waiting to be told when and where to strike, then I’ve got some prime ocean front property to sell them…it comes with a real nice bridge, too. I’m of the opinion that there are thousands of bad guys, scattered hither and yon, that can very easily wreak havoc, spreading terror and discontent. The power plants may be semi secure, but the cross country high voltage transmission lines aren’t. Same with the cross country telecommunication lines. Pro tip…every “cell tower” has a cable running to it and going back to the Central Office. John Forschen gave several scenarios of what can happen in his One Second After and Day of Wrath novels.

I’ll just leave this right here as to what the’s duty is…

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And people wonder why D’s Cantina is NOT a gun-free zone.


Whose borders are we protecting? Not ours for sure. The attachment is one man’s opinion of what could happen when “we” try to protect other’s borders. YMMV

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Tom Clancy could not have written a more plausible scenario.


The morning of 9/11 I must have passed the highjackers going
the other way south after they crossed in Houlton while I was
on my way to my camp. It was that easy. Hello. Is this mic hot?

Skivvy Stacker

All the Biden administration has to do to secure the border is SAY it’s secure, and the border suddenly becomes secure. It’s like magic.

Forest Bondurant

Well, when the terrorist cells activate in the U.S. and start attacking, a majority of the victims will be leftists/liberals who will pay the price because they object to possessing firearms. Meanwhile, quite a few others will be armed or have conceal-carry permits and presumably will take care of business until the cops arrive.


I’m saying and not doing (currently), but ideally, I’ll have a little setup whenever I get around to buying a new(er) vehicle and sucking up the car payment. Right now, well darn, one of the five-gallon water bottles leaked in the back of my 15-year-old daily driver, and it reeks of mildew…

Being armed for self-defense is good, but doesn’t give you the loadout for a prolonged or intense fight; waiting for the cops to respond in a worst-care terrorist and MASCAL situation is less-than-ideal. I’ve got a few ideas for vehicle loadout, to include of course basic tools for over-the-road repairs and a 72-hour kit to include IFAK and TCCC bags. Having finally jumped on the Glock bandwagon a few years back, it’ll likely be the G17 along with my Ruger PC Carbine (Glock mag well equipped) for well-hidden and secured “truck guns”. Give me something more than the .380 and/or 9mm I generally carry, and if I’m carrying the G45 (or buy a G19 and/or G26), I’ve got full magazine interchangeability. I can see the m1 Carbine and/or AR-15 being in the truck as well, along with a tub of lard to ensure eternal happiness for those who want to see us destroyed.

But it’s very true that those who rely on defunded police department for their self-preservation will pay the piper first. Terrorists have no qualms against taking innocent lives, whether it’s those of their “enemies” or those of their own.