Government doings
Let’s open Thursday with the White House. The White House announced its office to combat “gun violence” Friday, and besides Kamala “never seen a job I can’t blow” Harris at its head, we have a neutral disinterested expert hired. But the deputy directors of the new office include Robert Wilcox, who will also serve as […]
Brooks Robinson dead
One of the great Junior American League shortstops third basemen* of all time, Brooks Robinson, died Tuesday at age 86. Nicknamed “Mr. Hoover” , the “Human Vacuum Cleaner” for his incredible fielding ability, Robinson was one of, if not the, greatest third basemen in Major League history. 18-time All-Star, 16 consecutive Gold Gloves in […]
Shutdown threatened, imminent!
Once again the annual budget clash, once again a shutdown is threatened, no doubt a last minute Continuing Resolution will put out the fire by throwing more taxpayer money after bad. Seems this is an annual dance. The rhetoric seems high this year, no doubt because next year is an election year and (surprise, surprise) […]
The Sound of a Jet Crashing
Thanks to the late Jonn Lilyea, we are familiar with the sound of a round going off – pew, pew. Now, we have first hand account of the sound a jet makes when it crashes. A South Carolina man is the subject of a video that has went viral when he imitated the sound he […]
Temporary NCO promotions going away
For the last two years, the Army has been allowing promotions to NCO ranks without required service schools. According to the memo from Lt. Gen. Doug Stitt, the Army’s top personnel officer, the change is meant to finally implement the service’s largely unrealized “selection, training, education, and promotion” or STEP, vision for enlisted talent management. […]
Sounds good on paper
General Randy George, our Acting (thanks to SEN. Tuberville) Army Chief of Staff and SGMA Michael Weimer have a united message for the service: If it doesn’t make you more lethal, ditch it. If there are things on your training schedule that are not making you more lethal or more cohesive where you’re taking care […]
This is my shocked face. No, really.
Pakistan alleges that US equipment left behind in Afghanistan is showing up elsewhere in nefarious hands. Pakistan’s caretaker Prime Minister Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar said terror groups in the country are now using American equipment, including night vision goggles and firearms, in their operations. One group, known as the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), has increased attacks on government […]
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