Liberals suck
Now Hear This…

You are no longer merely “irremediable” and in a “basket of deplorables.” San Fran Nan has deemed us all “despicable,” as well. LOOK: Pelosi Calls Republicans ‘Despicable’ in Misleading Fundraising Email Fox News Link The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) fund raising email has been obtained by The Daily Caller, stating: “I need you to […]
Veteran Suicide Data Report

The VA published this year’s suicide data for veterans. According to their raw numbers, there were 16.6 veterans a day who committed suicide. If we deduct veterans suffering in pain from some terminal illness who decided not to end their life in a puddle of their own piss…that number gets dramatically reduced. Feel free to read the study […]
The virtue of Military Service is a Myth and it is destroying this country.

Careful Citizen, having reverence for those who served in the military erodes our Democracy. The gap in civilian and military experiences in the United States over the 17 years since 9/11 has led to persuasive, persistent, and unrealistic myths that have eroded faith in civilian leadership of defense policy. Among these myths are the superior […]
Will the Real Secret Squirrel Please Stand Up

Either someone does not know that April Fool’s Day is 6 months behind us, or there is trouble, my friends, trouble right here in Foggy Bottom. Someone is stirring the pot in an odd way. From WaPo: The White House sought to distance itself Saturday from reports that President Trump is considering an […]
“I Don’t believe you, but even if I did it would not matter at this point.”

You might have seen something about this issue in the news: A number of Hollywood stars have come to the defense of Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her at a high school party in the 1980s. The video, produced by the progressive group MoveOn, […]
Moderate Dog looking to stay in a nice place on the Potomic.

Secretary Mattis seems like he is all too familiar with the rumor mill in DC. Mattis responds to reports his time at the DoD is short: You shouldn't take the reports seriously. Adds how the "rumor" is spread by the news. "Of course I don't think about leaving, I love it here. I'm thinking about […]
Adwoa Lewis accused of being a Race Baiting Liar.

Maybe its just me but I seem to be hearing about more and more of this nonsense lately. Everyone is obligated to identify as a victim of some sort. People say bad things about me all the time, I even get a note now and then. I am expecting several notes when I get back […]
The Ingenious nature of the Uneducated.

I always knew that GED would pay big dividends eventually. I am always encouraged when it becomes obvious that there are more of us out there.
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