Will the Real Secret Squirrel Please Stand Up

| September 23, 2018


Either someone does not know that April Fool’s Day is 6 months behind us, or there is trouble, my friends, trouble right here in Foggy Bottom. Someone is stirring the pot in an odd way.

From WaPo:


The White House sought to distance itself Saturday from reports that President Trump is considering an executive order that would subject tech giants like Facebook, Google and Twitter to federal investigations into alleged political bias.

For weeks, top tech com­panies have been on edge, fearing that the Trump administration could seek to regulate the industry in response to the president’s tweets attacking social media sites for silencing conservatives online. Their worst suspicions seemed to come true Friday night, with the emergence of a draft executive order that called for nearly every federal agency to study how companies like Facebook police their platforms and refer instances of “bias” to the Justice Department for further study.

But three White House aides soon insisted they didn’t write the draft order, didn’t know where it came from and generally found it to be unworkable policy. One senior White House official confirmed the document had been floating around the White House but had not gone through the formal process, which is controlled by the staff secretary.

Asked about the document, Lindsay Walters, the deputy White House press secretary, said of the digital age ‘who dun it’ on Saturday: “Although the White House is concerned about the conduct of online platforms and their impact on society, this document is not the result of an official White House policymaking process.” – Washington Post article

CNBC also has an article here:


  • The White House is reportedly working on a memorandum for President Donald Trump to sign that would direct government agencies to “thoroughly investigate” whether social media companies such as Google or Facebook have violated U.S. antitrust laws, Bloomberg reported Saturday.
  • Social media company leaders, including Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter chief Jack Dorsey have denied that their platforms are politically biased.

The White House is reportedly working on a memorandum for President Donald Trump to sign that would direct government agencies to “thoroughly investigate” big tech companies like Google and Facebook, Bloomberg News reported on Saturday, who have fended off accusations of political bias against conservatives. – CNBC article.

In the WaPo article, is this: “Aides at the White House said all week that the National Economic Council – which would have been tasked under the draft order to help agencies probe online bias – didn’t write it and didn’t know where it came from. Likewise, the Office of Science and Technology Policy had nothing to do with creating this draft.”

The document has been floated to tech companies, e.g., Book of Face and Giggles, as well as attorneys at so-called “white shoe firms” in Washington, DC.

In the WaPo article, there is a statement that the first anyone had heard of it at all came from an e-mail sent by or through Yelp.

You can draw your own conclusions about this.

However, since Bloomberg News reported it first and it subsequently appeared elsewhere in WaPo and CNBC’s newsfeeds, then in my humble opinion it does not land the production of this “draft” in the laps of the people at Bloomberg News or any of the other news feeds.

If it was done as a joke, it is in the same poor taste that is frequently manifested by the idiots on the lefthand side of the Mugwump fence. If it was done by any news source and forwarded to the media feeds through Yelp, it just compounds the fact that it is a lie.

In view of this attempt at forging a White House document, I will add that I now suspect whoever created this “draft document” is the same person, self-described as part of The Resistance, who created the so-called “op-ed” published by the New York Times.

If that is the case, then the media have just been hosed but good. The joke is on them.

I hope they enjoy baloney sandwiches.

Category: Liberals suck, Media

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Well, you know when the investigation does come down, this time it will be Trumpster’s fault. They can finally truthfully blame him for something.


The next “leaked” White House Memo will have the Trumpster personally monitoring all Tweeter and Book of the Face feeds to document what rumor control has been saying all along, that everything since the death of Abel is Trumpster fault, cause Cain was the only conservative and Able was supporting Ruth Bader for the future Sanhedrian Court. If they can’t find the truth, they will manufacture it to suit the needs of the day. Film at 11. Pay no attention to the career staff person from the WH kitchen detail behind the curtain.


As Roman poet Juvenal asked from his Satires,

Quis custodiet ipsos facies inamabilis sciurus.

(Who will guard the oh look a squirrel!)

Or maybe not.


More fake news. As much as I’d like to see it be true.

Questionable provenance? Unverifiable? Everyone denies it is a legit document? Those who read it think it’d be unworkable? If the answer is yes to all of these, then run with it!

What happened to news editors? They don’t even care how outlandish and unsubstantiated it is. Inmates running the asylum.


I don’t know about all that stuff but below is based on a semi-true story: From the mémoires – “Confessions of a Bourgeois Conservative” So, I was at my bi-annual right-wing neocon zealot meeting with the usual top RNC leaders, select John Birch and Thule Society members, Alexander Haig, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and the ashes of Joseph McCarthy and who but Pat Robertson (I just LOVE him, don’t you) was there passing out Bibles. Of course I grabbed one but was too giddy at the time about our latest agenda to really give it a good look. We had the usual plans on the table of how to poison more water, where to use our hurricane / earthquake / tsunami machine next, stopping all sex of course, figuring out how to steal more money for the poor, making the ozone hole bigger, you know, just the usual stuff. Plus we had our usual ‘token’ minorities come in for their 5 minute input before they were invited back to the lobby for more free peanuts and time-share brochures. But what I was REALLY excited about was a new plan I’d read to be presented; blotting out the sun on anyone we don’t like. Think about it, causing the entire destruction to all of our many enemies simply by using an ethylene-glycol cooled photon inversing ionic phase reversal hybrid curving thingy that we could control down to the hemorrhoid of one of your favorite love targets; animal, vegetable, or mineral. Our dreams would come true as we’d be able to kill the vineyards in France, all the sheep in New Zealand (that would stop a lot of sex alone) since they don’t like nukes, put Chavez and Castro (minus Gitmo of course) into the deep freeze, and destroy the fishing industries of all struggling countries. Our little group could put Ottawa in permanent winter, make Beijing light its city with glow worms, and have Massachusetts swimming in guano because of bat over-population. At one point I had to excuse myself because I’d creamed my $4000 Calvin Stewart jewel studded jeans over the proposal.… Read more »

A Proud Infidel®™

JUST WAIT until you take your tinfoil hat off and… Hell, I’m not wearing mine right now and *PZZZZZT, BEEP* hey look, something SHINY!!!!


I have recently noticed a large number of roadkills in my area. Mainly squirrels.
Been shooting Red squirrels and Chipmunks last couple weeks. They want in the house for the winter. People I talk to are seeing the same thing. Then two days ago I hear on the news that the problem is statewide.
Very strange year. Lots of snakes around all summer. They usually take care of the mice but I have been trapping 2-3 a day around the house.
What does this have to do with the subject of the post?

Squirrels, snakes, rats and mice.
They are everywhere.

A Proud Infidel®™

Snakes will eat the rats and mice if you leave them alone, get rid of the snakes and you’re helping the rodents!


So, if there is Secret Squirrel, where is Morocco Mole?

My, My, My

The secret publisher/leaker is the same person that wrote this digital masterpiece


that actually made it on air? how come i am just learning of this now! Some peoples kids , am i right?

J.R. Johnson

Sounds more like a bait story planted to expose the “senior Official”, and he bit! We may be seeing some prosecution and a “Senior White House Official” getting the boot!


Probably grabbed from the same drawer as the Pentagon’s invasion plans for Canada.

Remember how Reagan got all the lefties’ knickers twisted with his “we commence bombing in 5 minutes” soundcheck?