Moderate Dog looking to stay in a nice place on the Potomic.
Secretary Mattis seems like he is all too familiar with the rumor mill in DC.
Mattis responds to reports his time at the DoD is short: You shouldn't take the reports seriously.
Adds how the "rumor" is spread by the news.
"Of course I don't think about leaving, I love it here. I'm thinking about retiring here, getting a little place down on the Potomac."
— Julio Rosas (@Julio_Rosas11) September 18, 2018
Where else is he going to find a place where he can develop a plan to kill more people than where he is? Mattis being where he is makes me sleep well at night.
Category: Liberals suck, Media, Military issues, Politics, Terror War
And if I were a young American military male stationed in Poland, dating and wedding a young Polish military female would not be out of the question.
Oops. How did that get onto the wrong post? Damned tablet
Maybe a bit of Polish blood in you as well?
Joking of course, that was funny shit as the first comment here…Poland has some awesome women, don’t ask how I know just believe me.
GEN Mattis threw a grenade that killed 50 people, than it exploded.
SECDEF Mattis once killed an entire enemy platoon by merely shooting an azimuth.
GEN Mattis lost his virginity before his Father.
“I’m thinking about retiring here, getting a little place down on the Potomac.”
Love it.
Yeah, that was just to make the swamp denizens cringe and fret that he might move into their neighborhood.
And maybe run for Office?
I’d vote for him. Brains, common sense, and good looks. What more could you want?
As has been said, if he chooses, his campaign slogan will be
“MAD DOG 2020.”
Isn’t there a beer by that name?
Cheap ass wine.
Since he’s known to prefer the nickname “CHAOS”, I imagine someone calling him Mad Dog would get this reaction.
Arf Arf
He will let everyone know when he is done being SECDEF. 4, 6, 12 years from now. He will be looking for new challenges by then.
McClean would probably be a better fit and has better access than Potomac for avoiding ambushes as well as maneuvering options.
Hehe, he could always choose to occupy PG County and rid them of the unsavories.
Nah. Clifton, on the other side of the hill on Clifton Road. Or maybe up on top of that hill. Highest point of land in Fairfax County.
Yeah, that would be a great location.
I think even Mattis would be challenged cleaning out that particular shithole. Might only be a few dozen left standing when the smoke clears.
Mad Dog can lead a horse to water AND make it drink.
Mattis could make that horse swim like Ethel Merman.
Retract that… Esther Williams. Coffee, STAT!
Only the elders among us would know the difference! And there was a definite difference 🙂
Mad Dog once ordered a Big Mac at Burger king and GOT IT.
His way LOL
I think, for me at least, the great appeal of General Mattis is his basic no bullshit honesty.
He says what’s on his mind, usually in a very calculated articulation designed for maximum effect to the intended audience.
It creates a very human, very personal experience.
“Of course I don’t think about leaving, I love it here. I’m thinking about retiring here, getting a little place down on the Potomac.”
I think that is the sweetest, nicest “f#$k you, you stupid Sack of s&!t” that I have ever heard.
Have the feeding frenzy media gone off chasing more false trails?
I have no illusions about what we might be facing if someone else had gotten the WH job.
Instead of “Pinks and greens” the Army would be testing “Violets and Mauve’s”.
I turned the news on this morning and one of the first things I noticed on that little scrolling banner was something about Trump replacing Mattis, or seeking to replace him…
Glad to find out it is just more rumor mill bullshit.
That showed up on Sunday on some news feed. It was based on Trump saying one thing and Mattis saying another.
I’m more and more convinced that Trump is doing the same thing to the media that you do with half-grown kittens and toys – throw it out there and watch them pounce on it.
Now I have to try that with my cat, Miss Punkin Squawkypants.
I suspect what Trump is doing is more akin to teasing a cat with a laser pointer…
I see President Trump’s Tweets as the proverbial laser pointer and the mainstream mess media are like a basket of kittens unto them.
Now I have to go apologize to my pussycat and the outside pussycat, too.
The loony left still doesn’t grasp the simple concept that saying something doesn’t make it so. In their delusional world, talking about stuff is the same, or better, than doing things AND their proclamations become fact just because that is the way they say it is.
Yeah, the loony left can only wish that their nightmares should soon come to an end.
Mattis, Kratman, and Robert Duval should pick a valley somewhere in Virginia and build a compound…and give it a catchy name… I don’t know, something like “Galt’s Gulch” maybe?
Where ever, just stay on the Virginia side of the Potomac, and away from the PDRofMD.
“makes me sleep well at night.” Last time that happened for me was in Mama’s arms, being weaned about 1953.
“retire here” is most appropriate. He will retire to the shores of the Potomac in Arlington. Retire forever when his work is done.