RSSLiberals suck

There Is Not Enough Whiskey In the World….

| May 2, 2019 | 20 Comments
There Is Not Enough Whiskey In the World….

  I thought I had seen everything… but I was wrong.  I have never seen anything like this before – ever. Unfortunately, this benighted individual, who (I’m guessing) thought that using acrylic glue to glue her bared mammary glands to the pavement as a protest last week in London  would be a high-end gesture […]

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No, The World Is Not Going to End

| April 19, 2019 | 18 Comments
No, The World Is Not Going to End

  Here’s something to chew on. The article linked below documents the trending of the Leftists into the beginning of a breakdown of their attempts to demonize conservatives. It’s about a week old, but still has valid points to make. From the article:  The incident is revealing because it shows what many white Leftists […]

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In Other News….

| March 31, 2019 | 52 Comments
In Other News….

While it is interesting to see what was at one time a successful, profitable company drive itself into a pool of quicksand, the rate at which Dick’s is sinking into oblivion and terminal stupidity is increasing, apparently by the month, and possibly by the week. Per this article from the NRA’s news, Dick’s now has […]

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Should Schiff Resign?

| March 29, 2019 | 56 Comments
Should Schiff Resign?

Our own Veritas Omnia Vincit is here with his impressions of Adam Bennett Schiff, U.S. Representative for CA’s 28th district, a Democrat stronghold in Los Angles County. He happens to be Chair of the House Intelligence Committee, and I’ll let the irony lay right there. Some thoughts on Rep. Schiff and his latest commentary…. When […]

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1st Legal Non-Binary Person Devastates Trans Community: It Was All a Fraud, Sham & Mental Illness

| March 16, 2019 | 57 Comments
1st Legal Non-Binary Person Devastates Trans Community: It Was All a Fraud, Sham & Mental Illness

There may be no more polarizing social issue today than the transgender movement. Voices on the left scream that becoming a “man” or a “woman” is a choice, while conservatives insist that you can’t actually change your biological sex. So who is right? A well-known figure within the LGBT community is speaking out on that […]

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Chatter On, Soul, Chatter On….

| March 14, 2019 | 38 Comments
Chatter On, Soul, Chatter On….

It gets rather monotonous to have to keep track of the boisterous nonsense that comes out of a new and very Freshman Congress critter, but we must all, as I have said before, be as aware as we can of her public maunderings. This one from Ms. OC gives me, like, a headache because it […]

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Georgia bill would require men to report every release of sperm

| March 13, 2019 | 90 Comments
Georgia bill would require men to report every release of sperm

HB 604 would amend Chapter 1 of Title 35 of the Official Code of Georgia so that “any male 55 years of age or older shall immediately report to the county sheriff or local law enforcement agency when such male releases sperm from his testicles.” I know one of our TAH members that needs to […]

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Mirror, Mirror

| March 12, 2019 | 15 Comments
Mirror, Mirror

In the past, before any of the current screaming, maddening crowds were even a thought form, Joe Stalin attempted to destroy Russia’s heritage, Mao tried to do the same thing in China, and Pol Pot likewise in Cambodia. The difference between then and now is that there was no public online access to anything until […]

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