Should Schiff Resign?

| March 29, 2019


Our own Veritas Omnia Vincit is here with his impressions of Adam Bennett Schiff, U.S. Representative for CA’s 28th district, a Democrat stronghold in Los Angles County. He happens to be Chair of the House Intelligence Committee, and I’ll let the irony lay right there.

Some thoughts on Rep. Schiff and his latest commentary….

When collusion isn’t a crime what to do, what to do…or should Schiff resign?

“My colleagues might think it’s OK that the Russians offered dirt on the Democratic candidate for president as part of what’s described as the Russian government’s effort to help the Trump campaign,” he said. “My colleagues might think it’s OK that when that was offered to the son of the president, who had a pivotal role in the campaign, that the son did not call the FBI, he did not adamantly refuse that foreign help — no, instead that son said he would ‘love’ the help with the Russians. You might think it was ok that he took that meeting. You might think it’s ok that Paul Manafort, the campaign chair, someone with great experience running campaigns, also took that meeting. You might think it’s ok that the president’s son-in-law also took that meeting. You might think it’s ok that they concealed it from the public. You might think it’s ok that their only disappointment after that meeting was that the dirt they received on Hillary Clinton wasn’t better. You might think it’s OK. I don’t.” – Adam Schiff March 28, 2019

Schiff has been saying for the duration of the investigation he had seen the evidence of collusion. That’s great except there is no federal crime that is identified as collusion. There are conspiracy laws, there are federal election laws, there are not collusion laws. Collusion with a foreign entity might involve those other actual offenses against the law and that was what the investigation sought to discover.

Any good prosecutor or defense attorney will tell you that it’s not ever about what you think you know, it’s about what you know you can prove. It’s time for Representative Schiff to put up or shut up. His comments above are nothing more than his indications of actions he doesn’t much care for by the current administration and once again nothing in what he doesn’t like in the comment is a criminal act.

As an American citizen there were a great many things I didn’t like about the previous administration’s actions. I wasn’t fond of the guns for drug runners program, I wasn’t fond of increasing the number of nations we were bombing without any declaration of war or expansion by Congress of the AUMF agreement from the Bush administration. I wasn’t fond of being penalized for being healthy by being forced to buy a private company’s health insurance product. None of those things however were criminal in nature regardless of how I think about them.

Schiff and others would like to rewrite the Mueller report and make those things that might have been distasteful or outside the normal political arena and suddenly make them criminal to fulfill their fantasy of impeaching Trump. That’s a dangerous path to head down for any political party and shows me once again just how short sighted many of the current Democrats in supposed positions of leadership are on a regular basis. Just as the Republicans failed to make any significant case over Benghazi the Democrats are now failing to make a significant case over collusion. Benghazi was not a winning platform element for Republicans, collusion will not be a winning element for Democrats either. It’s always interesting that the party infrastructure often fails to recognize those moments when they willingly put on an Albatross necklace and step out into public.

High crimes are not apparent in the summation of the Mueller report, what will come of looking at the full report will undoubtedly be numerous moments of innuendo and backroom political machinations. None of which is now, nor has ever been actually criminal in nature regardless of how distasteful it appears to the public. They are continuing to press an issue forward that they believe wins them points based on liberal polling data. The same data they used to laugh at Trump’s feeble campaign for president.

Consequently, what they all fail to realize is that no matter what happens to Trump, Hillary Clinton will never be president of the United States. Never, not ever, not once, not twice, not ever. The Democrats currently running don’t even want her shadow over their campaigns for fear of the taint associated with her and her husband.

As I’ve said innumerable times on this very website, I’m not a big Trump fan. However I’m less of a fan of any politicians who will try and bend the law into a pretzel to achieve a singular outcome without regard for the damage they do to the rest of the nation in the process. In this regard I think Representative Schiff is overstepping his authority and may yet regret it in 2020.

I don’t know if Schiff should resign or not over his comments, in his district I suspect if he’s not elected some other asshole just like him will be elected. I welcome your thoughts on this as well.

If nothing else the Trump years have been wildly entertaining and interesting for those of us who are political junkies.


Category: Guest Post, Liberals suck, Politics, Trump!

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cc senor

He’s got the same look as AOC that makes you think their optic nerve is crossed with their rectum giving them a shitty outlook on life.

A Proud Infidel®™

The both of them have their heads so far up their asses that the only daylight they see is through their bellybuttons.


You know what it says about you when you’re obsessed with something that is mostly baloney?

Yeah, it’s not good.

Sometimes it makes people crash their airplanes when their obsessions fails to give them what they think they should get.


We can only hope Schiff soon follows in the flightpath of a certain individual maintaining -6′ AGL.

A few others as well.


I think it’s hilarious we have politicians pretending that they don’t play politics. Someone claims to have dirt on your opponent, especially if that someone (Russia in this case) has been in shady/questionable deals with said opponent, you’d be a fool not to at least hear them out. This is politics 101 for crying out loud. That the media aren’t challenging him on that every time he brings it up shows how biased they are.


I was recently reminded of this time that Schiff was caught trying to get dirt on his political opponents from Russians.


Whenever I see this pencil neck loser I think “Sometimes the slowest sperm DOES get to the egg first.”


Or his dad was as big a shitbag as he is, and he was actually the fastest….

5th/77th FA

“…if he’s not elected some other asshole just like him will be elected.”

Herein lies the biggest problem in our government. We have too many assholes ON BOTH sides. The demon cats don’t understand that the majority of the citizens are sick of this crap. Hitlery got beat TWICE. Once by an unknown hand picked “cool black dude” and the other time by Donald Trump. That speaks volumes by itself. The repugnant cans don’t see it either. They ran the same old career politicians against the “cool black dude” and had their collective asses handed to them. Trump’s nomination was the sign that people are fed up. Trump was not a lot of people’s preferred choice, but he was certainly a better choice than her. The repugnant cans had a prime opportunity to get something done for nearly 2 years and sat on their collective asses.

It is all about their position of power and the American Republic be damned.

Drain the f’ing swamp!


I love that the GOP was stupid enough to ask for his resignation.!it Gabe home the opportunity to respond.

Just because it is legal you all may think it is OK that our president is selling himself out to the Russians amd cucking himself to Putin on the
international stage.

But most Americans do not think it is ok and it sure as shit is suspicious enough to investigate.

They are lying to cover something up. And some are going to jail for those lies. Whatever they are covering up is worse than the lies and the penalties for lying.



Who is lying?

And what are they covering up?

Who will be going to jail?


Ah yeah! Don’t smoke weed and drink at the same time.


MCPO – Larsie is tapping into that bong water again… or freebasing used kitty litter.


You were perfectly ok with the previous occupant cucking himself to Putin,along with every damn muslim and other occupant of a third world shithole you jackass.. why the sudden concern??

Oooh that’s right, because 1. my perfessers said so
2. Orangemanbad..

Gotcha..whay don’t ya go suck start a Peterbuilt???

A Proud Infidel®™

Here you go again:

Seriously, just how much do you foam at the mouth while parroting the talking points spoon fed to you at UC Berzerkely? In the meantime, the Mullet (*OOPS!*, Mueller) investigation didn’ turn anything up on President Trump who is still in Office! 😆😜


Now that Jussie the juicy one can’t suck Barry’s junk anymore, the job seems open for you. Oh yeah, orange man bad.


You have demonstrated, over and over, that you post nonsense. You convince no one. You add nothing of import.

You are the failed punchline to a joke no one bothers to retell.

The Russians seek to sow discord in the opposing camp. You seem to be trying to sow discord in their opposing camp.


Trump was not exonerated.

Mueller had three lines of investigation.

1) Russian interference in our election. He concluded it occurred and indicted 27 Russians and Russian firms.

2) Obstruction. The investigation later out the evidence and left it to the DoJ and congress. Barr, who has made it clear he does not believe a president can “illegally” obstruct decided not to recommend prosecution. Nixon would have had two terms if a Hobbesian Laviathan prostrating scumbag like Barr was his Attornet General and Congrss failed to do their duty like republicans today.

The president obstructed justice in the open. His getting a pass is based ENTIRELY on the bullshit legal opinion that a president cannot ILLEGALLY obstruct justice. Since he is the executive of the justice system and he has authority over the powers of his office including those delegated to law enforcement.

So we literally have an attorney general who thinks the president is above the law.

The third line of investigation;

3) “Collusion”/conspiracy with the Russians to defraud the American public. Evidence insufficient to prosecute. Though members of his campaign did attempt to participate in a conspiracy. “If it is what you say it is I love it” – DJT Jr.

That is only three of the 17 KNOWN lines of investigation into Trump, his family, and the Trimp organization. The Trump charity has already shut doen for PROVEN charity fraud. Including FRAUD AGAINST VETERANS.

Trump is going to be criminally implicated in insurance fraud, bank fraud, money laundering, and tax evasion.


Please hold your breath as you wait for your prediction to come true.


No, at least not yet.

He should keep flapping his yap trap …

That is all.


A Proud Infidel®™

Just how much do you foam at the mouth while regurgitating propaganda from your professors and coffee shop with a portrait of Che Guevara on its wall?


Bullshit…Trump tower meeting and everything was setup…you are a communist shitbag


Was for commisar


That’s not foam….

Cameron Kingsley

Is it sperm/semen?

MSG Eric

Both houses of Congress did investigations on the collusion issue and neither of those found evidence of collusion either.

Schiff claimed there was distinct and specific evidence showing he did collude. He and other democratic members of Congress said the same thing, multiple times. So, where’s the evidence and why didn’t they share their “evidence” with Mueller’s office? Sounds like obstruction of justice if they have something and aren’t giving it up. Problem is, they don’t have shit.

I knew they didn’t have shit the day Pelosi said, “he’s not worth it.” She found out that Mueller had nothing and started saying that. Her other Democratic minions are starting to say the same thing too this week. Why? Because they don’t have shit.

The “only” questionable issue they brought up about obstruction of justice is his firing of Comey. Problem is, everyone in the executive branch serves at the pleasure of the President. Along with that, firing one guy doesn’t have anything to do with the investigation. Comey’s not investigating anything, he’s just the leader of the FBI. If Trump fired all the agents doing the investigation, then maybe so. But that isn’t what happened.

With all the evidence they’ve found from witnesses about the trump campaign investigation, FBI officials are the ones who should be worried about obstruction of justice charges against them.



A Proud Infidel®™️

Oh, so NOW you’re gonna goad him into whipping his “Empirical Evidence”’out again and give a free demonstration?


While you’re wasting time / money, try taking a critical thinking class dipshit, and maybe you’ll be able to move past the “intellectually arrogant” stage, which you are quite obviously stuck in.


He can’t help it. Cucks gotta cuck; it’s what they do.


I hate to break it to you, but most of us don’t read your bloviating bullshit because you are full of it.

Roger in Republic

Right on! As soon as I see his moniker I scroll right past it. I can get more out of the riposte from you guys than I ever get from his commie screeds. He is a waste of my band width.


Again you came on here spewing how Mueller was going to hang trump. Apologize asshole.


Keep porking that chicken, comrade! You are helping elect Trump to a second term.

You haven’t finished eating your Crow, and here you are back for Seconds!

Veritas Omnia Vincit

For a guy who always claims to know about the law to some degree I would ask you what needs exonerating if you are never charged with anything and no evidence that is strong enough to prosecute ever arises over the thing you were never charged with?

Exoneration occurs after you’ve been charged and the charges are dropped or you are found not guilty.

Before that we are all innocent as far as the law is concerned.

And you are wrong to assume because I said Trump did nothing illegal that we are aware of that I’m okay with all that he does. Based on that I will have to assume you were okay with everything Obama did since he was never charged either of any crimes.

You want to pick fights here and offer an opposing view which is fine with me.

At least do so with some consideration of my actual words and history here as opposed to what you think you know because I can assure you, you don’t know me or what I believe based on your comments about my words.

A Proud Infidel®™

I wonder if he doesn’t come here to intentionally act like a seagull and show the responses he gets to his UC Berzerkely perfessers in an attempt to kiss their asses?

Wilted Willy

Lars, go back to wetting your bed and sucking on your Mama’s teat! Why to you come here and bother the grown ups? Go back to the kiddies card table and eat your pablum.
One more thing Larsie,
Eat Shit and Die!

Honor and Courage

25 million, and 2 years to work on it. I could have you convicted of killing time, and your mother would testify against you. Seriously the big problem is the Democrat’s had their team working with Mueller and have been covering their tracks faster than a Rome Blow in the Jungles of Vietnam. I hope the Republicans grow a backbone and start doing just like the Democrats.

USMC Steve

Fuck you idiot.

There was no indication at all of any crimes committed by Trump, and all the folks who got busted got busted for crimes not at all involved with any fake collusion with the Russians. Most were entrapped, which is a crime in and of itself on the part of the Feds. See Abscam and its concurrent rulings. The report from the Mueller socialist democrat inquisition specifically stated there was NO indication of any “collusion” that Trump or his people were in on.

The only evidence of any Russian collusion he and his mob of leftist hacks came up with rested squarely with Obama and his gang. That shit got quieted down very fast and totally ignored when it was found.

There was also no evidence of any obstruction of justice. You flat plain pulled that out of your leftard ass.

And as I said before, Mueller inquisition said there was NO evidence of Trump collusion with the Russians, not that they could not prove it. On the other hand we have Homey the Klown, AKA the mighty mulatto, ON TAPE saying to Vlad that he would have more flexibility after the elections.

Trump may get hammered for that other shit you hope to see happen, but NONE OF IT HAS A THING TO DO WITH RUSSIAN COLLUSION. That is solely in the realm of the socialist democrats and Obama regime.

Perry Gaskill

Schiff’s district includes Hollywood which tells you a lot about his constituents. According to a Washington Times story from last year, Schiff made 227 television appearances from January 2017 to February 2018, totaling over 26 hours of airtime. Almost all of it was on MSNBC and CNN. He apparently really likes being in front of the camera.

It’s been pointed out that earlier this week, the Republican members of Schiff’s House Intelligence Committee voted unanimously to have him removed from the chairmanship because of his collusion obsession. This was mentioned in a prior comment:

If you watch Schiff’s full-emo and teary-eyed response to the resignation demand, it’s not hard to imagine it being scripted on a studio back-lot. What’s less apparent is how it also uses the disingenous rhetorical device of describing a single perceived act in multiple ways, punctuated by “I’m not okay” in order to make it seem as if he’s actually describing more than one thing when he’s not. The nothing-burger Trump Tower meeting is a common example.

Students of irony might also have noticed that a central piece of the Russian conspiracy theory is the so-called Steele Dossier, it triggered the FISA warrants, which has provided people like Schiff with a steaming pile of falsehoods, rumor, and innuendo to shovel while on TV. And where did all the dossier information come from? A bunch of Russians.


So, basically, Schiff is a gossip columnist who would be better off working the tabloids than pretending he knows anything about government and/or governance.

Yes, he should quit his job and start his gossip network. He’d be a success!

MSG Eric

A Proud Infidel®™

Adam Schiff is so full of shit he looks like his head is going to explode at any second.


Piano wire, Ready Mix, cheap garbage can. Use him as a mooring in some shallow bay, well provided with crabs and similar patrons of opportunity.


Don’t waste your money. Ignoring him will hurt him far more. He is desperate to be a bully. Just keep a weather eye on him. His tumble down the hill is coming.


I submit that TAH has its own Adam Schiff, someone so totally invested in a focused, irrational hatred of an opposing political figure they fear, that they are incapable of any reasonable, rational discourse regarding that person.

Can any of you possibly guess who that might be? Our own Adam Shiftless, perhaps?


Couldn’t possibly be anyone who tried to prove that 2 + 2 = 5, could it?

Synloy un

Well strip my gears and call me Schiffless


Trump is the master at sticks and stones.

“names will never hurt me”


If Schiff and others claim to have or seen evidence of Trumps guilt then Barr should convene his own grand jury and have them testify.

It would be fun to watch.

NavyChief ‘95

Adam Schifty-eyes has NO place in Congress little alone the INTEL COMMITTEE CHAIR!!!!


A full sixpack, just missing that plastic thing that holds them together…..


Why is no one taking about Obama’s involment
With the Russia hox ????
He’s getting off Scott free both sides are running out the clock I wonder why ?????


I have been invited to attend an event in May in Pasadena honoring my dad. A dedication of a bronze plaque in what now is Desiderio Park, where an armory was located, also named after him. I was at the original armory dedication in 1956, with Secretary of the Army Wilber Brucker, and Gen of the Army Omar Bradley.

Mr. Schiff may be there, since it is in his district. If so, I will do my best to act like a gentleman. It will be hard. My nephew, who is going, suggested we wear MAGA hats.


Might I suggest adding t-shirts from Ranger Up, or Grunt Style