RSSRon Paul

Marine Veteran hauled away for Facebook posts

| August 19, 2012 | 42 Comments
Marine Veteran hauled away for Facebook posts

JP, Eagle Keeper and Spencer sent us links to a story about Brandon J. Raub, a Marine veteran who has posting Paulian, and truther crap to his Facebook Wall which has the police in Chesterfield, Virginia a little worried about him, so they took him to get him a mental evaluation at a local hospital; […]

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Paulians: What’s this popular vote thing you speak of?

| August 9, 2012 | 102 Comments
Paulians: What’s this popular vote thing you speak of?

According to the Washington Times, Ron Paul may have ended his campaign for the presidency months ago, but his supporters are trying to make an end run around the will of the voters. Even though Paul garnered only single digits among primary voters in every state except in states in which he was one of […]

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Ron Paul ends campaigning

| May 14, 2012 | 14 Comments
Ron Paul ends campaigning

Yat Yas 1833 sent us a link to a Washington Post article which reports that Ron Paul will finally end his failed campaign. Not that he’s out of the race, mind you, he’s just not spending anymore money…probably so he’ll have enough to run for Congress. “Our campaign will continue to work in the state […]

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Naw, Paulians aren’t nuts at all

| May 10, 2012 | 16 Comments
Naw, Paulians aren’t nuts at all

Streetsweeper sends us a link to the Examiner (Not the Washington Examiner) which tells us about an Adam Kokesh podcast in which our buddy, Adam, reads an email from a fan. Rather than post yet another Adam Kokesh YouTube video, here’s how the reading went from the Examiner; “There is a way the nomination can […]

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Paul campaign refused to cooperate with Army’s investigation of Thorsen

| May 3, 2012 | 13 Comments
Paul campaign refused to cooperate with Army’s investigation of Thorsen

Sporkmaster sent us links to the Associated Press story that the Ron Paul campaign refused to cooperate with Army’s investigation of Jesse Thorsen who appeared at a Ron Paul campaign in his ACUs to endorse the candidate; Documents obtained by the AP indicate that the investigation was hindered by the Paul camp’s refusal to participate […]

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Stein to be discharged

| April 25, 2012 | 11 Comments
Stein to be discharged

MCPO NYC USN (Ret.) sends us a link to the story that Oathkeeper/Ron Paulian Michael Stein is being discharged for the Marines for his inability to stop posting his thoughts about the President and the upcoming election on a Facebook presence entitled “Armed Forces Tea Party” despite warnings from his leaders. From Fox News; “I […]

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Kokesh; every vote not for Ron Paul is an FU to troops

| April 25, 2012 | 23 Comments
Kokesh; every vote not for Ron Paul is an FU to troops

Tommy sends us a video in which Iraq Veterans Against the War’s Adam Kokesh is still clinging to that utter bullsh*t about Ron Paul having more money donated from the military than any other candidate. “So when you see a campaign sign for Mitt Romney, Barack Obama or Newt Gingrich, what they’re really saying is […]

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TAH to Mande Wilkes; thanks for being a dick

| April 23, 2012 | 111 Comments
TAH to Mande Wilkes; thanks for being a dick

Jeff sends us a link to some ass wipe blog called FitsNews which purports to be conservative, but obviously, it’s not conservative when it publishes what the Left has been saying about the military for the last ten years. This woman named Mande Wilkes thinks it make her sounds smart to run down the members […]

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