Ron Paul ends campaigning

| May 14, 2012

Yat Yas 1833 sent us a link to a Washington Post article which reports that Ron Paul will finally end his failed campaign. Not that he’s out of the race, mind you, he’s just not spending anymore money…probably so he’ll have enough to run for Congress.

“Our campaign will continue to work in the state convention process,” Paul wrote in an e-mail to supporters.“Moving forward, however, we will no longer spend resources campaigning in primaries in states that have not yet voted. Doing so with any hope of success would take many tens of millions of dollars we simply do not have.”

Yeah, so basically, the people who already sent him their money will be working for him for free in the delegate process.

Paul supporters have successfully increased the candidate’s delegate share in multiple caucus states by flooding state conventions and mastering arcane rules. In Nevada, for example Romney won the caucus by 30 points, but Paul took 22 of 25 available delegates.

Because that makes complete sense – manipulate the system so the Republicans can have a candidate that most Republicans won’t even vote for. If the votes aren’t there for Paul in the primaries, they won’t be there for Paul in the election, basically the Ron Paul campaign is just working to get Obama reelected.

Paul’s backers has suggested that the delegate push is in part meant to pave the way for Paul’s son, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul (R), to run for president one day.

Brilliant strategy, well, if there’s still a country left for Rand to be president in the next election. Of course, there’s always the option that Adam Kokesh put forth the other day. Yeah, I don’t see any problem with that Ron Paul crowd running the country.

Category: Ron Paul

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You are wrong about Ron Paul running for the House of Representatives. The Texas primary is May 29. Too late to get in. I think what we will see after the election is the passing of the torch to his son. Dr. Paul is about 78 years old now.


Listening to these Ronulans speak about their leader is like going over to your brother-in-law’s house and listening to him get all excited about the fact he had “extry” parts leftover after rebuilding his lawnmower…you know that it won’t end well, but you can’t stop from wanting to watch.


Hey, wait a minute. What happened to those millyuns and millyuns of dollars that all of those hot-to-trot Paulian military veterans were supposedly contributing to his campaign?


MSM lied about Ron Paul dropping out since they know Paul is leading in the majority of unbound delegates, so Obama has more popularity when it’s Paul vs Obama


@#5. What? Uncommitted delegates are just that, uncommitted.


#6 Don’t even try to understand. They think Paul is going to win the nomination at the convention and it has something to do with how certain states delegates aren’t bound by the primaries and can cast their votes for whoever they choose.

Like Jonn said though, if they somehow were to manipulate the system and steal the nomination, I don’t know how the hell they can think that Paul could have any chance of winning in the general election.


Claymore analogy 2 – Reading about Paulbots and their uncommtted delegates is like standing outside a scifi convention and watching the Star Trek geeks argue with the Star Wars nerds about which one is more realistic…it’s sad and all you really want to do is call their parents to come pick them up.

Doc Bailey

Couldn’t happen soon enough. I’m tired of Paultards, hopefully this is the last I’ll hear of him but knowing his supporters that’s probably not going to happen.


Unfortunately Paultards stay true to their moniker. If Paul isn’t the candidate, they won’t vote.


Redacted–oh, they’ll vote. For Obama.

Just like they did in 2008.

Yat Yas 1833

Guys I was lucky to be able to send this link to Jonn. If you wanna see more on the Paulturds check out AzCentral and You Tube to see the what they did at the Az GOP convention. They booed Mitt Romney’s son off the stage then got rousted by Maricopa County Sheriff’s Deputies for disrupting the convention.


Gotta love these dipshits–they’re so enamored with a guy who claims to be the only “True Consitutionalist” yet have no qualms whatsoever about shitting on it to suit their needs.

They dun went full retard.


I recall President Eisenhower was elected via brokered convention, it could still happen.