West Point
West Point gets rid of “Duty, Honor, Country”

The Long Grey Line removed “Duty, Honor, Country” from their mission statement this week. It was replaced with “Army Values.” The three words were made the official motto for the US Military Academy at West Point more than 100 years ago. It was adopted as part of the school’s official coat of arms in 1898. […]
West Point opens 1828 time capsule

West Point recently opened a lead time capsule that’s been sealed for nearly 200 years. Believed to have been placed in 1828, there was much fanfare in finding out just what was left by our ancestors. Would there be letters from history? Washington’s dentures? A copy of the original Declaration of Independence? Rumor has it […]
Unvaccinated? No problem… just ring bell, yell “unclean!”

Back in the olden days, lepers had to warn others that they were unclean, live in lazerene ghettoes, ring bells to warn oncomers – basically let the rest of ‘clean’ society that a nasty, incurable disease was near and to protect themselves. Most normal people don’t worry so much about Covid now – for normal […]
Tweet for Ed, and changes in the wind for academy athletes

Wait… I think I've seen this movie before. I'm pretty sure there was enough room for him. Guess we'll never know#GoArmyBeatNavy @WestPoint_USMA pic.twitter.com/PfbBjymzYC — 1st Special Forces Command (@1st_SF_Command) December 7, 2022 Interesting week for military academy athletes – language in the defense authorization bill states that athletes skipping out on post-grad military service constitutes […]
Long Grey Line snorts long white lines

Several cadets from the United States Military Academy at West Point, the taxpayer-funded higher education institute that turns out officers who will lead America’s young men and women into combat, OD’d on fentanyl laced cocaine while on a spring break party house in Florida. Poetrooper sends in the Fox News article on the happenings; Multiple […]
Army cadets raid Annapolis, steal the wrong goat from Navy

Army cadets raid Annapolis, steal the wrong goat from Navy By Claire Barrett The recent cold snap along the East Coast can mean only one thing: The Army-Navy football game is afoot, and with that, the time-honored tradition of stealing the schools’ mascots, a mule and goat, respectively. The Naval Academy adopted the goat as its […]
Whatever happened to West Point’s Commie Cadet?

When last we heard from communist adherent and fan of murderous totalitarian Che Guevara Spenser Rapone, he was drummed out of the service under other-than-honorable conditions for his “protest” at his West Point Graduation. That’s taxpayer money on a first-class education well spent. You’ll recall he had been reported years earlier for anti-American posts. The system failed […]
West Point’s Honor Code ain’t what it used to be

The Long Grey Line has for several decades had an honor code that reads simply, “A cadet will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.” Remember, all of these cadets are being groomed to lead men and women in combat. They’re being educated at taxpayer expense. Almost all of them had to secure […]
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