Iraq Veterans Against the War
IVAW: October is Afghanistan Awareness Month
I really don’t know what their point is, but the IVAW has named October Afghanistan Awareness Month. Their stated goal; We hope to bury the myth, once-and-for-all, that Afghanistan is “the Good War,” because too many Amercans are still on the fence about it. Now is the time to sharpen debate and broaden consensus that […]
Imagine my surprise
Several weeks ago I wrote about the IVAW Convention and the vote to defeat a measure that would condemn members who incited violence against our troops. the actual wording went like this; Therefore be it hereby resolved that Iraq Veterans Against the War only uses, supports or endorses, non-violent and peaceful actions in seeking to […]
The irony of IVAW (Updated)
The IRAQ VETERANS Against the War issued a press release last week about their opposition to increasing troop strength in Afghanistan. In the press release, they quoted two members, Jose Vasquez, the Executive Director and Donna Perdue. Vasquez’ quote; “We’re entering our seventh year of war in Afghanistan,” said Jose Vasquez, IVAW’s executive director. “Casualties […]
Strandlof still at large
As TSO wrote yesterday, Richard Strandlof aka Rick Duncan, our favorite VoteVets, IVAW member, is about to be arrested, but he remains at large. But all of the local news sources are putting his face out there. The feds shouldn’t have let him go, then they wouldn’t have to look for his goofy ass. From […]
It is to laugh
I was perfectly happy to leave Jeff Bartos and IVAW alone after Bartos, the co-founder of the Connecticut Chapter of IVAW, was arrested at the G-20 protest in Pittsburgh last week. But I could hardly let this pass from another blog; …Jeff Bartos was arrested last week at G20 protests while attending to the medical […]
James Branum; dolt
We’ve written a bit about the “GI Rights Lawyer” and waah-bulance-chaser, James Branum. It’s satisfying to watch him descend into complete idiocy while he pretends to a successful attorney and gets his clients incarcerated. Now, he’s dragging more lawyers into his cocoon of lunacy. His client, Travis Bishop is Branum’s most recent contribution to prison […]
So what did they prove?
Last week, while the leaders of the world discussed the world’s economic problems in Pittsburgh, throngs of immature little spoiled rich kids trashed the city. From the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review/Washington Times.; Business owners in the Oakland area of Pittsburgh, host city of the G-20 summit of world leaders, spent much of Friday sweeping up glass and […]
The long, cold night is over
Jesse MacBeth’s book is finally out and here he is to hawk it; He claims it explains why he did what he did – but don’t get your hopes up. This is from his publisher’s bio; He was born in tucson arizona in 1984. I grew up in group homes. I was an orpan. A […]
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