Iron Dome over the United States

| January 31, 2025 | 36 Comments

President Donald Trump makes good on one of the promises he made during his campaign. Trump signed an executive order calling for the establishment of an “iron dome” over the United States. Trump listed his justifications for this executive order, including the growing threats involving new technologies and novel missile strategies. Trump also addressed Ronald Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), which was intended to do the same thing, but was discontinued.

From the White House:

Section 1. Purpose. The threat of attack by ballistic, hypersonic, and cruise missiles, and other advanced aerial attacks, remains the most catastrophic threat facing the United States.

President Ronald Reagan endeavored to build an effective defense against nuclear attacks, and while this program resulted in many technological advances, it was canceled before its goal could be realized. And since the United States withdrew from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty in 2002 and initiated development of limited homeland missile defense, official United States homeland missile defense policy has remained only to stay ahead of rogue-nation threats and accidental or unauthorized missile launches.

Over the past 40 years, rather than lessening, the threat from next-generation strategic weapons has become more intense and complex with the development by peer and near-peer adversaries of next-generation delivery systems and their own homeland integrated air and missile defense capabilities.

Additional Reading:

Trump, D. (2025, January 27). The iron dome for America. White House. Link.

Category: Donald Trump, Pentagon

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Slow Joe

The MIC is salivating.
But I guess we actually need this, unlike the war in Ukraine.


Unfortunately yes, we need the MIC with all it’s faults but one
of the upsides is good high paying jobs with benefits and a
well educated populace.


It was a pipe dream in the 80s but we have moved a bit closer to what is possible.


Seems to work pretty well for Israel. Maybe not 100%, but a far cry from nothing at all.


Israeli Iron Dome is working at about 90%
Id call that a success


Drones and missile tech is cheap and easy now…so easy a Houthi could do it.


Well played.

Green Thumb

We also have two oceans….


Iron will rust. Make it stainless steel.


So I guess I’m getting called back into service.
Shold be easy enough. I can sit down on the jerb.


I mean, I don’t need em, but I got stinkin’ patches


Chip, you need to go full-color with the NASA meatball — just like we did with the “Puking Buzzard” (101st) in the 1980s.

(I was thinking about changing my handle …. but nah — you’re the original!)


DO IT!!! I don’t own that bitch!! Feel free.
Also, I really wanted it in subdued but I can’t find that anywhere. The black one a co-worker gave me as it’s for the NASA Crew flightsuits and some SpecOps Security crew at Kennedy. (they also have a camo one I’ve seen on photos.)


That’s old technology.


Works though. That chemical laser will send usable energy thousands of miles through the atmosphere.


That’s gonna mean a double shitload of new ADA Soldiers.

Be afraid.


Nah …. we’ve got …..



They’ll turn things into Jerry Springer in short order, don’t fret.


P.S. That was ADA in Ft Bliss– they’re much better now that they’re at Ft Sill and have to interact with another branch (FA) and be professional/responsible again– and here’s bumper sticker I saw there in 2004 and sorely wanted:
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Last edited 16 days ago by Anonymous
Slow Joe

ADA? “If it flies it dies!”
Can’t wait.


Hell yeah! Actually being able to be forward-deployed and do your job in places in CONUS (like in the old days before everything got pulled back to Ft Bliss) and not the Persian Gulf or other sh*hole locations!

Last edited 16 days ago by Anonymous
Last edited 15 days ago by Anonymous

This is all well and good, but we still have the issue of internal radical Muslims in this country who might try to pull off another 9-11 when, you know, “some people did something”. I know Orange Man Bad and Tom Hohman will do a great job of rounding up the illegal turds, but they can’t get all of them. However, its these shitheads that are living quietly among us as a part of “normal” society that concern me the most. I can see another 9-11 looming, but I sure hope not.


Agreed 0331.. part is wondering if they’ll push up whatever timetables they previously had due to fears of being rounded up..




Don’t worry, it isn’t like anyone in Congress would support attacks on their own country.


I’ll just start calling everyone man and woman.

Green Thumb

Call them “It”.


And I getting used to “Assh*le!”


Not that I know the entire script to the skit, verbatim by heart however you triggered a memory. And it’s not and it’s or.

A Proud Infidel®™

IDGAF who it is, from the moment after someone “Gives me their pronouns, I will view him/her/it as a joke!


Where all that bullsh*t was going:
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While we have been limiting what defense weapons we build, the ChiComs (and others) have steadily been building serious offensive weapons. What’s wrong with this picture?



A few years ago, around 2017, a buddy and I were discussing what to do about North Korea’s nuclear program. He surprised me by saying we should do nothing, except make one thing clear. If the North Koreans, or anyone else ever uses a nuke on the US, we destroy them. We destroy every one of their cities, annihilate their culture, make everyone of their citizens a refugee, and ensure that whoever made the decision to attack the US will absolutely, without a doubt, not survive.

Peace through fear.


Nuke it from orbit, literally.
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Last edited 15 days ago by Anonymous