James Branum; dolt

| September 29, 2009

We’ve written a bit about the “GI Rights Lawyer” and waah-bulance-chaser, James Branum. It’s satisfying to watch him descend into complete idiocy while he pretends to a successful attorney and gets his clients incarcerated. Now, he’s dragging more lawyers into his cocoon of lunacy.

His client, Travis Bishop is Branum’s most recent contribution to prison overcrowding and he’s been sent to the Northwest Joint Regional Correctional Facility at Fort Lewis, Washington. And because Branum is one broke-ass lawyer (I could tell you stories about how poor he is, if I hadn’t promised someone else to keep it quiet for now), he can’t afford to visit his client half-way across the country, so he has designated LeGrand Jones, attorney to anarchists and socialists in Washington State and member of the National Lawyers Guild, to visit Bishop. Surprise! Jones is on a “watch list” and not allowed in the facility.

So instead of just finding someone who doesn’t cavort with anarchist and socialist terrorists, Branum just whines to TSO’s favorite journalist, Dahr Jamail. So, of course, tossing arouond words like “prisoner of conscience” and “constitutional rights”, the Jamail-Branum Clown Car Cabal sound more like LeGrand Jones’ clientele than the educated professionals they profess to be;

Branum told Truthout, “Fort Lewis authorities have a duty to tell LeGrande the reasons why he is being barred from Fort Lewis, and therefore [barred] from communicating with his client in the Fort Lewis brig.”

A “duty”? Show me where. Numbskull. I wouldn’t be surprised if Bishop himself refused to talk to any more of the incompetent boobs from the NLG.

Remember how Branum tried to change Army policy by charging that Bishop didn’t get “conscientious objector training” from his command? Well, now he wants to change rehab policy at the regional facility;

“By participating in work programs and school classes, soldiers being held in brigs can get time cut off their sentences,” Branum explained to Truthout, “But these don’t exist at Fort Lewis, so that means Travis and Leo can’t get time taken off their sentences. Travis will do a minimum of 10 months, and could have theoretically worked an additional month off his sentence if Fort Lewis had these programs.”

They could have gotten time off their sentences if they’d had a different lawyer.

One good thing that comes out of this article is the truth about the “Under the Hood” and “Army Strong” cafes in Fort Hood and Fort Lewis, respectively. They used to be called “gathering places” for soldiers to talk about their problems with other GIs. however, in this article, the label applied to them changes;

Both soldiers are being supported by two GI resistance cafes: Under the Hood cafe (in Killeen, Texas, near Fort Hood) and Coffee Strong (in Tacoma, Washington, near Fort Lewis).

They finally decided to call them “resistance cafes” and be truthful about their purpose rather than hide behind benign labels. Anyone want to defend them now?

Category: Antiwar crowd, General Whackos, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers

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Frankly Opinionated

Since America has adopted this dumbphucking Political Correctness mentality, have treason charges ceased to be brought. Anyone want to dispute that these same assholes would be breaking rocks at Leavenworth if they tried this bull$hit in days of yore. 10 months in prison? What is wrong with 10 years- at hard labor? These sissies are treasonous! Attempting to subvert America’s mission, endangering comrades by letting the enemy know that we will tolerate their dumb assed ways……..
“Learned all I need to know about Islam on 9/11!”


First off, James Branum, moron, in the Army, they’re called stockades, not brigs. No wonder you can’t find your butt with both hands and a GPS, you don’t even know which branch of the service your client belongs to.


I was researching all this this morning, and my favorite part of it all is from Leo Church’s website:

The judge convicted and sentenced me to 15 months in prison with a Bad Conduct Discharge. The prosecutors had only asked for 14 months with no fines and no BCD.

BWAHAHAHAHAHA. Dude, how shitty is your lawyer when the punishment is worse than what the prosecutor is calling for? Way to go Branum. Let’s all do our part in incarcerating these guys by contributing to Branum, because he’s doing more to clean up our military than I ever could.


Damn facts stink! Apparently Church got Branum after the sentencing. Oh well, still find it funny. Must have been a hell of a lawyer.

Old Tanker

Why couldn’t this brain surgeon represent Watada?


“Both soldiers are being supported by two GI resistance cafes: Under the Hood cafe (in Killeen, Texas, near Fort Hood) and Coffee Strong (in Tacoma, Washington, near Fort Lewis).”

DENNIS: Oh, what a give away. Did you here that, did you here that, eh? That’s what I’m on about


The anti-war idiots have Branum, the nirthers have Orly Taitz. Someone please explain to me how these people ever passed the bar?


Under the Hood & Coffee Strong have NEVER hidden what they are.


Church’s attorney for trial was John Galligan, a retired ex-jag attorney in Killeen.