Iraq Veterans Against the War
VoteVets leads the charge into obscurity
VoteVets, in keeping with their tradition of addressing issues which occur, at best, on the periphery of veterans’ issues has joined with a band of like-minded idiots in an $11 million ad buy opposing Nebraska Senator Ben Nelson (Huffington Post link); The spots, sponsored by SEIU,, the League of Conservation Voters and the Sierra […]
From the other end of the spectrum
Bobby Whittenberg is doing his best to undermine the IVAW from his end of the political spectrum. Matthis expressed his support for Whittenberg and mentioned his desire to leave IVAW as well. Unfortunately, my ninja spy wasn’t fast enough to screen cap it – so you can believe me or not. I know it’s not […]
Letters from IVAW
As a query to IVAW’s Jose Vasquez, the Executive Director, I sent this picture of Matthis and asked Jose if this is the official position of IVAW. Vasquez responded that I should know better. That “Matthis marches to his own drum.” He also added that I should be heartened by the fact that there’s a […]
Under the Hood Cafe is in worse shape than we thought
Last week, Matthis announced his intention to take a semester off from college to help out the IVAW coffeehouse Under the Hood Cafe. Who knew that announcement would have an immediate effect on the cafe, as shown in this photo; I guess the project is in the dump(st)er.
This Whittenberg guy needs real help
The guy in the picture above is former IVAW member Bobby Whittenberg. Bobby is an actual veteran of the Iraq War. He has a Purple Heart to prove it – one reason I’ve been reluctant to say much about him. I’m convinced he’s in need of serious help. Whittenberg has been heavily influenced by VFP […]
Another resignation at IVAW
Mike Kern, one of James Branum’s clients at Fort Hood, has decided to throw in the towel. He seems to be leaving because, like his buddy, Bobby Whittenburg, the group isn’t radical enough for him. And their money is spent on things other than, well, other than things Mike likes. The following was sent to […]
Hide your children, Killeen
Someone sent me this screen shot of Matthis navel-gazing. So Matthis is thinking about a change of scenery to play with the goofballs at Under the Hood Cafe in Killeen outside the gates of Fort Hood, TX. I don’t see it actually. Killeen isn’t metropolitan enough for an urbane city dweller like Matthis. In this […]
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