Hide your children, Killeen

| July 14, 2010

Someone sent me this screen shot of Matthis navel-gazing. So Matthis is thinking about a change of scenery to play with the goofballs at Under the Hood Cafe in Killeen outside the gates of Fort Hood, TX. I don’t see it actually. Killeen isn’t metropolitan enough for an urbane city dweller like Matthis.

In this Facebook missive, he wonders what happened to the IVAW of the Winter Soldier days – he joined AFTER Winter Soldier when it began it’s precipitous fall from an actual anti-war group to an arm of the socialists and ne’er do wells. Just before all of the real Iraq veterans left the organization and left it an empty shell of cowards, drama queens and people like Matthis who were more concerned with their own comforts than actually opposing the war from a practical point-of-view.

Am I the only one who noticed that the exodus from IVAW began soon after Matthis joined? Of course, I fully support his foray into the POS Under the Hood cafe – he can probably destroy it faster than I can.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers, Usual Suspects

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Let him. I will make his worthless life a living hell.


Wow. Matthis in Texas. Somehow I don’t see that.

Casey J Porter

Yeah, if he stayed an extended period of time their would be some major resistance to a rapist in town.

Oh, at the 4:00min mark he is still being very mis-leading about going to Afghanistan, if he went at all…

19D ret

This Crystal Davis chick needs to be reported to all installations. That way if she is serious about trying ot get into a Mental Health clinic, she can be stopped.


Fuckin’ stellar Crystal. And what, EXACTLY, will IVAW do for them once you have used your position to pedal your personal politics, (which is a flagrant violation of just about every mental health profession’s code of ethics, since they pretty much all prohibit dual relationships and undisclosed conflicts of interest)? Hook ’em up with Branum so they can get drummed out of the military and serve the maximum jail sentence? Give ’em a t-shirt and tell them to stand in front of cameras, so the ISO folks look like they have support from someone respected by the mainstream? What does your organization do these days?


I don’t know much about Crystal Davis, if she in fact works in mental health or if she was serious about what she posted on Matthis’ wall, but if there are any IVAW members lurking, I’d recommend you give her some friendly advice to either avoid doing what she purports to desire to do, or knock it the hell off if she currently makes it a practice in whichever field she works in. As I said, it is by most standards a violation of professional ethics and a good way to get sued, reprimanded, fired, stripped of licensure, or all four. And to think IVAW harps on the military for the subterfuge of their recruiting tactics, while their members are “slipping [CLIENTS!] cards under the table.”

Another red letter day for IVAW ethics. If I did know for whom or where Crystal Davis worked, I’d damn sure forward them that screen shot.

Casey J Porter

I’m sure Jonn knows or can find out. And yes you should. Soldiers are their for help, not to be sold on something. Fucking IVAW.

amazing stuff here

This Crystal person must be stopped. How dare she peddle IVAW stuff to injured vets. All political organizations need to be removed and barred from all military installations and veterans hospitals.

“because IVAW blocks traffic from here” That’s gotta be the 100th time I’ve read that on this site, boohoo Jonn. You do the same thing to some (maybe just one) of the readers of your website.

amazing stuff here Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.


I’m going to guess she is not the same Crystal Davis featured in HBO’s “Alive Day” who said (despite losing a leg in Iraq) “I wouldn’t take back a thing… I believe that even if I wasn’t in the military that this would have happened to me some way or another somewhere down the line. I’m glad I was in the military because they can pay for it.”


“This Crystal person must be stopped. How dare she peddle IVAW stuff to injured vets. All political organizations need to be removed and barred from all military installations and veterans hospitals.”

Right, that’s exactly what I said.

In a mental health professional/client relationship, which is recognized as one where the mental health professional is in a position of power in relation to a client who may be highly suggestible, it is extraordinarily unethical and wrong for the counselor (which Crystal’s comments lead me to believe is her area of expertise) to foist their own political agenda, whether casually or blatantly, on a client. Not to mention, since Crystal is a member of IVAW, any person who joins the ranks on her suggestion would be engaged in a dual relationship with her, which is also unethical. You think counselors and psychologists could get away with handing out business cards for the Republican National Committee? Or the NRA? Do tell, which political or activist groups have your blessing as appropriate for counselors to be recruiting for directly from their client base?

If you have a problem with it, call the NASW, the APA, and the AMHCA, and tell them their ethics codes are full of shit, and their members ought to be free to pressure people who are expecting mental health treatment to join any cause of their choosing. I’ll bet you’ll get the most empathetic “Go fuck yourself” you ever heard.


Peskoff- Let me see if I have this straight.
IVAW blocking us from visiting their site, when we can’t leave comments is the same construct as having your messages go through moderation?

I mean….really?


That’s it, TSO, equivalence. The left is so good at it.

Brandon Neely

I doubt Matthis is moving to Killeen from what I have heard UTH is broke and fixing to close its doors.

Casey J Porter

On no! Brandon must be a super spy too! hahaha

Just kidding dude.


“from what I have heard UTH is broke and fixing to close its doors.”

Another victory for capitalism!


Where did you hear that?


Dear ash–don’t act so butt-hurt. I’ve had the same tag on my posts from time to time, even now. Get the sand out of your vag and move on.

Old Trooper

pesky; you’re a moron. I know that’s a captain obvious moment on my part, but it needed to be reiterated. As for mental health professionals; they’re not there to peddle political groups to their patients. They’re there to help the individual, something IVAW doesn’t do for anyone. IVAW is there to feed off of it’s members for political reasons, not to help Veterans.

Brandon; Thanks for the update on UTH.

Army Sergeant

I’m not dipping in for long, and won’t talk about the elections. I’m just here to give a little perspective before everyone launches an all out assault on Crystal.

She said, on facebook, that she was considering something like that, and ended it with a laughter cue. That should not be taken as a serious statement of intent. I’ve considered a lot of stuff I haven’t done. “Airplane ideas”-they’re fun to consider, but you don’t want to let them take off.

That said, I’ve placed SITREP in mental health waiting rooms, that were already stocked with PLENTY of political magazines and religious magazines.


“She said, on facebook, that she was considering something like that, and ended it with a laughter cue.”

Oh, so putting “LOL” after something means we can’t consider the possibility that the person was nonetheless serious? I stipulated above that I don’t know her and didn’t know whether or not she was serious, but I wouldn’t react any differently if I saw a mental health professional write “Got this totally hot client, thinking about jumping his bones, LOL” or “This guy’s whining is really pissing me off, I wish he would just kill himself, LOL.” And my indignation was met immediately by a former IVAW member who apparently believes that it would be ok, so it’s not too hard to believe that current ones would support such an action.

And you can’t seriously be comparing the passive act of some random person placing literature in the waiting area with that of a counselor actively encouraging a client to join an activist group of which she is a member.

Casey J Porter

AS, I did post about you a bit on that “IVAW Losing Focus” post. Nothing bad, I didn’t rip on you, but it would be curious to know how you feel about it. I can not imagine you support all of the new resolutions.

Army Sergeant

I cannot really talk at length about how I feel without going into incoherent rage, so I’m saying nothing until I calm down.

Casey J Porter

lol Well, I can’t say I surprised. I’m not against hold Bush and Co. accountable, but immigration and Gaza, while both important issues, really should have nothing to do with IVAW. But this is the path IVAW has been headed down for a while now.

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