RSSIraq Veterans Against the War

Scott Olsen: I hate the Marine Corps

| October 28, 2011 | 208 Comments
Scott Olsen: I hate the Marine Corps

Yesterday, we discussed IVAW and Veterans For Peace member, Scott Olsen, who had his head busted by some police “projectile” in Oakland the other night. Our buddy, Gateway Pundit sent us a link to his post today about how Olsen was the founder of the “I Hate The Marine Corps” blog. Gateway Pundit quotes from […]

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Wearing their bloody shirt

| October 27, 2011 | 56 Comments
Wearing their bloody shirt

Everyone is sending links to articles about Scott Olsen, a two-tour veteran of iraq and a member of veterans For peace and Iraq veterans Against the War. olsen was injured when Oakland police attempted to clear the groups of smelly hippies and other protesters from their occupation. olsen, according to news reports, has a fractured […]

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The phonies at the VFP and IVAW

| October 17, 2011 | 8 Comments
The phonies at the VFP and IVAW

One of my ninjas sent me these photos that they found on the internet. The first is tracey harmon, former girlfriend of Adam Kokesh. Now, harmon never deployed, she was in the California guard or Reserves. Her IVAW profile was full of love and understanding. the same kind of love and understanding that she took […]

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Meet Joshua Helton: Leader of Marines, supporter of the occupy movement

| October 6, 2011 | 46 Comments
Meet Joshua Helton: Leader of Marines, supporter of the occupy movement

ALL NEW:  Ok my digital ninjas, let us regroup to what we know.  First off, we know that this was said: OK?  Well that story sets off lots of bells and whistles. Next up, we know from the Marine AKO this: We also know that…Another Marine checks in to say that there is an MP […]

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IVAW on Wall Street

| October 5, 2011 | 41 Comments
IVAW on Wall Street

I’m pretty sure that they’re not there to check on their mutual fund investments. I wonder what their presence there has to do with ending the war – I guess they’re just there to wear the shirts. The ninja who sent this picture to me wonders how many of them have set foot outside of […]

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Marines to “protect” Wall Street protesters

| October 3, 2011 | 60 Comments
Marines to “protect” Wall Street protesters

You’ve probably heard that there were hundreds of protesters arrested on Wall Street> well, Ward reilly, the phony Vietnam Veteran and phony Ranger, in a link sent by Toothless Dawg, posted on his Facebook page that a group of former marines are headed to Wall Street to supposedly “protect” the protesters” from police; “I’m heading […]

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Kokesh and the end of the Footloose episode

| September 29, 2011 | 0 Comments
Kokesh and the end of the Footloose episode

You might remember that i wrote about Adam Kokesh and his crusade to allow dancing at the Jefferson Memorial last Spring. Well the justice system has failed most of America once again – I guess the prosecutor dropped charges against him, Code Pink’s Media Benjamin and Tighe Berry. So here they are celebrating their blow […]

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That “Poverty Draft” thing

| September 27, 2011 | 12 Comments
That “Poverty Draft” thing

Matthis and Adam Kokesh, along with Iraq Veterans Against the War Executive Director Jose Vasquez, encouraged by Charlie Rangel and his push for a draft, are all fond of calling the all-volunteer military fighting our wars in the Middle East a “poverty draft” military, meaning that we recruit from the nation’s ghettos for the cannon […]

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