More DNC “Hot Air”? Well, Sorta.

I am not making this up. From FoxNews: Hundreds of Bernie Sanders supporters are expected to stage a Fart-In Thursday at the Democratic National Convention meeting in Philadelphia. An assortment of Socialists, beatniks, and leftwing rabble-rousers plan to consume massive quantities of pork and beans in preparation for the pungent protest. Normally I’d say “YGBSM!” […]
That’s Gotta Sting

Guess who wants to help “Make America Great Again”? Obama’s Half-Brother To Vote For Trump Malik Obama apparently is registered to vote in Maryland. He says that he’s planning to return to the US to vote in November. He also says that he has “deep disappointment” in his half-brother’s Administration. He’s particularly bothered by the […]
Sore Back? Try Viagra.

New research shows it just might help – especially if the issue is sciatica. No, I’m not joking. I’m dead serious. Here, apparently Viagra helps make one less stiff. And in this case that’s a good thing. (smile)
Two Ways to Save on Groceries

Grocery bills can be a killer. Still, you can’t really avoid them – though many of us eat too much for our own good, one does have to eat. Now, there are two ways to save on those food bills. First: you can shop smarter. Apparently many stores and foods have multiple recurring sale “cycles”; […]
So THAT’S What’s Really Causing Global Warming!

Well, we finally know why the climate is getting hotter, and rivers are drying up. Per a senior Iranian Imam, it’s you ladies’ fault. You’re dressing “immodestly”. No, I’m not kidding. Imam Seyyed Youssef Tabatabi-nejad actually made such a statement recently. Here’s one reference to his recent pronouncement on the subject. Here’s another. There are […]
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