More DNC “Hot Air”? Well, Sorta.

| July 28, 2016

I am not making this up.  From FoxNews:

Hundreds of Bernie Sanders supporters are expected to stage a Fart-In Thursday at the Democratic National Convention meeting in Philadelphia.

An assortment of Socialists, beatniks, and leftwing rabble-rousers plan to consume massive quantities of pork and beans in preparation for the pungent protest.

Normally I’d say “YGBSM!” about a story like that.  But given the intended “protest” activities, well . . . maybe that would be inviting disaster.

And God help us all if they find enough raw onions, chili peppers, pickled eggs, and stale beer to go with the beans.  (smile)

Category: "Teh Stoopid", "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", Politics, WTF?, YGBSM!!

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It’ll make more sense than the noise out of their mouths…

The Other Whitey

Nice, comrades. Very mature. Not that the DNC is worth better, but still. I guess it makes sense that these people would support the freeze-dried commie with the fake Vah-mawnt accent.


Well, as much as it pains me to say it, I’m behind them completely on this.

I would be more than happy to supply them with truly FABulous smoked sausage with barbecued beans and chopped onions, as well as a pleasing combination of bean burritos and chili con carne heavily loaded with chilis and dark red kidney beans, plus a very nice cucmberish salad of chopped cucumbers and red, spicy radishes.

I think we should all support their very valiant efforts at petomanery.


Green Thumb

And I am sure they, as well as the DNC, will feel the “Bern”…..

Green Thumb

Out their collective asses.

They are about to be exposed to a serious steaming pile and smell of Phil Monkress.


Speaking of which, I wonder which way that turd will vote?


You may be behind them – but safer to be in front of them. Well in front of them.


Not just in front of them, but also well UPWIND of them.

A Proud Infidel®™

Just let every one of them eat a Fiber One® Oats and Peanut Butter bar or an MRE, that’ll do it!

J K Ellis



I dunno if I would be standing behind them, but, to each his own…


This story made me Fart !!!!!!!,


It’ll be a fart off!

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Hell, I thought that the Bernie fans would have made enough of a stink based on their hygiene habits, but now a fart off? Bet the local Taco Bell’s are doing a brisk business today…


Fart proudly! – B. Franklin

sgt. vaarkman 27-48th TFW

I’m heading to Philly to sell some pickled eggs to go with those beers and then getting the hell out of there…quickly! between that stench and the crap that comes out of Hillary’s mouth in her bovine manure acceptance speech, it will increase the CO2 & methane over Philadelphia by 100%

2/17 Air Cav

“Another idea I had that almost came to fruition was directed at the Rochester Philharmonic, which was the establishment’s — and Kodak’s — cultural jewel. I suggested we pick a night when the music would be relatively quiet and buy 100 seats. The 100 blacks scheduled to attend the concert would then be treated to a preshow banquet in the community consisting of nothing but huge portions of baked beans. Can you imagine the inevitable consequences within the symphony hall? The concert would be over before the first movement — another Freudian slip — and Rochester would be immortalized as the site of the world’s first fart-in.”

That quote, my friends, is from none other than Saul Alinsky. The year was 1972.


Pray they avoid kimchi and beer.

I expect a noisy cacaphonpous stinky inarticulate noise…in other words, the DNC as usual.


Well, they can take their Bernie signs away from them and silence their voices by cranking up the volume of the music in the hall, but flatulence-not so much.

Of coarse, I would prefer that they really feel the BURN by lobbing flaming sacks of shit on the stage.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Well at least they will only be full of “air” instead full of shit like the rest of those clowns…

B Woodman

GAS! GAS! GAS! (dons protective mask, then touches hands to shoulders)

John D

If they were serious, they would have gotten sponsored by Fiber One Bars.


I hope that none of those farts are of the juicy variety…

and boy am I glad I live on the other side of the country.

My, My, My

Yup. As with the Gun debate, this is just Another Democrat “Shit In”


Is permission from the EPA required?




After reading this, I, too, have abdominal cramps.


It’s sad they feel this is the thing that they are good at.

Wouldn’t expect any less from that group.

A Proud Infidel®™

Will enough of them even be able to get in anymore? I’ve read accounts of the DNC insiders revoking the credentials of every Bernie supporter they can as well as ads for Actors to attend the convention in their places to fill seats in the auditorium.


Maybe we get lucky and some hipster anarchist Bernie hippy tries to burn the flag inside and the whole place goes off like Napalm.


I would give every last nickel I have to hear the flying monkey theme from the Wizard of Oz played when Hillary walks out to make her acceptance speech.


I’d pay at least $.35 to see someone throw water on her, to find out if she melts. ($.35 was the price of admission when I saw ‘Wizard of Oz with my grandmother.)

2/17 Air Cav

Wide Load Prep

“No ass shots”

“No close ups”

“We need more ‘APPAUSE’ signs

“Find a few hunks–manly looking men and make sure they are in the camera’s eye at least six times. And if you can’t find any manly men, hire some. STAT!”

“Make sure no one–and I mean NO ONE!–is wearing a beret and blue dress!”

2/17 Air Cav

I would probably have a seizure of some sort, laughing hysterically.

Cyber O-3E

I hope they all shit themselves.


At first I thought this was a stupid idea, and it still seems pretty ridiculous.

However, the DNC has been threatening Bernie supporters with arrest for yelling “boo!” or “Bernie” and has been kicking them off the premises.

They have also been cutting off cameras and even used a swat team, and all kinds of petty nonsense to make the DNC look more “unified” under Hillary.

So I guess farting is all that is left for them to do.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

I wonder if TAH’s favorite Bernie Booster is in Philly, screaming and farting over the injustice of the DNC to not kneel before the Socialist God that is Bernie Sanders?

Still “Balls deep for Bernie” Lars?

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

40 comments above and no one yest put this link up? Y’all are slipping.