DC government panel wants memorials to be ‘removed, relocated or contextualized’

DC Mayor Muriel Bowser (D) convened a panel of 34 people back in July to look at public structures named after people to see if their brand of revisionist history could be employed. Mayor Bowser charged the District of Columbia Facilities and Commemorative Expressions (DCFACES) Working Group with evaluating named DC Government-owned facilities and make recommendations as […]
Those are rules for you, peasant, not me

Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) visited a San Francisco hair salon for some work. Normally this is not a news story. However Pelosi did this on Monday August 31. In San Francisco. There local regulations have had salons closed due to COVID. Restrictions have just now been ever so slightly relaxed. Starting September 1st, they could open […]
Army 2LT successfully navigates his head into his own ass

Sorry Gun Bunny, but this is one of yours. Second Lieutenant Nathan Freihofer, a field artillery officer with the 3rd Infantry Division (within the 18th Airborne Corps) made a tasteless joke on TikTok (China’s most successful attempt to break our national security thus far). He wasn’t in uniform, but he’s got other videos where he […]
Stupid criminals of the week

Daycare worker charged for assaulting child – fired for making children eat off the floor like dogs A daycare worker was arrested after surveillance footage captured her hitting and tossing a 5-year-old at a daycare facility in the 4200 block of Thomas Sumter Highway on Aug. 14. Tiana McElveen, 24, of Miller Road, was charged […]
Stupid criminals of the week

Firefighters smash windows of BMW parked in front of hydrant This entitled BMW owner parked in front of a hydrant in NYC recently. FDNY was called to the area for an active three story structure fire. The basement savers were none too pleased with their access to the fire hydrant. What part of “NO PARKING” […]
More toxic leadership, but this one got a star for it

Another 122-page Air Force IG report has come to light. This one deals with the commander of the 50th Space Wing at Schriever AFB, CO. Then-Colonel Jennifer Grant is described by rank-and-file as well as leadership underneath her as “tyrannical” and “toxic.” She reduced many of her subordinates to tears, many left rather than work […]
Stupid criminals of the week

Jeff LPH 3 1963-1966 tipped me off to our first gem. Man shoots at store clerk who asked him to wear a mask, then shoots at the cops who try to arrest him In Pennsylvania on 8/3/20, a day after shooting at a man who asked him to wear a mask in his store, police […]
New police chief disarms his officers

Chief Willie Halliburton of the Portland State University Police has been a cop for 32 years, at the university PD for 5, and for the last month has been chief of the agency. As one of his first official edicts, he’s disarming his officers. That’s right, no more guns, but he assures that they will […]
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