Stupid criminals of the week

| August 8, 2021 | 17 Comments
Stupid criminals of the week

A day late and a dollar short, but here’s the week’s funnies. First up, play stupid games… ‘Gun Prank War’ Has to Stop, North Carolina Police Warn A prank war in one North Carolina town has prompted warnings from local authorities about the potentially deadly consequences after several people called the police. The Roxboro Police […]

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Man tagged for flying Old Glory in front of his business. Village president calls the flag flying “disgraceful”

| July 25, 2021 | 48 Comments
Man tagged for flying Old Glory in front of his business. Village president calls the flag flying “disgraceful”

It seems a small business owner in McHenry County, Illinois has run afoul of local authorities. His crime? Flying the American Flag in front of his business. The Village says that the illegal flags are too close to the street and could cause a traffic hazard. Pictured above are the 3×5 or 4×6, standard sized, […]

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Stupid criminals of the week

| July 24, 2021 | 19 Comments
Stupid criminals of the week

Oklahoma woman wanted for deadly shooting arrested after commenting on police Facebook post An Oklahoma woman is behind bars after posting on a local police department’s Facebook page about warrants for her arrest. Each week, the Tulsa Police Department makes a Facebook post about their ‘Most Wanted’ fugitive of the week. On Wednesday, authorities posted […]

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New book says General Milley was worried about a Trump coup, it was a ‘Reichstag Moment’

| July 15, 2021 | 45 Comments
New book says General Milley was worried about a Trump coup, it was a ‘Reichstag Moment’

Before Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley was trying to learn about “white rage”, he allegedly was concerned President Trump would stage a coup after his defeat in the 2020 election. The book is from two “journalists” at the Washington Post (the far-left rag that isn’t even good as a fish […]

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Professor praises Stalin as ‘one of the great leaders’ of the 20th century

| June 28, 2021 | 60 Comments
Professor praises Stalin as ‘one of the great leaders’ of the 20th century

Prepare to get disgusted with academia again. This guy is Professor Asata Bair. According to his Twitter bio he’s “Professor of economics. Meditation teacher. YouTuber. Pronouns: he, him #Communist.” So it’s no surprise he’s a fan of the OG communist, murderous dictator Joseph Stalin. Stalin you’ll recall is such a great guy, his early reign […]

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Report: Biden Allowing Some U.S. Military Veterans Deported for Crimes to Return

| June 28, 2021 | 5 Comments
Report: Biden Allowing Some U.S. Military Veterans Deported for Crimes to Return

Poe sent in this report on how people are being deported (or lack thereof) and now they are considering un-deporting people. From Breitbart; Some lawfully deported foreigners are being allowed back into the United States if they have relatives in the U.S. military, according to a recent report in the Washington Post. Biden’s U.S. Immigration […]

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Welcome to 2021, where trees are now racist

| June 23, 2021 | 67 Comments
Welcome to 2021, where trees are now racist

It’s really getting hard to differentiate between the fake, satirical news and what’s actually being reported now. Like this example. Fox9 says; Researchers find ‘tree inequity’ for communities of color There’s a new research tool that shows how the number of trees planted in neighborhoods is a direct reflection of income and equity. Researchers from […]

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Chinese scientists wouldn’t do unethical or creepy experiments

| June 22, 2021 | 8 Comments
Chinese scientists wouldn’t do unethical or creepy experiments

Ever wonder how we get something like COVID? This. This is how you get something like COVID. It’s the frickin’ Wild West of science over there. Used to be when someone stitched two live animals together they would be sent to a psychiatric hospital. Now, put them in a lab coat, and they’re “scientists.” I’m […]

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