
Rocket Attack In Eastern Syria

| December 13, 2021 | 14 Comments
Rocket Attack In Eastern Syria

This is sort of a “breaking news” story from this morning, online. There is a photo at the link below. The story is here. It is brief, and no details have come up yet. If you click on that link below, there is very little news beyond the basic notice. Right now, it’s all […]

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It’s Tanker Tuesday

| June 22, 2021 | 15 Comments
It’s Tanker Tuesday

This happened before some of you children were born, but you may appreciate the battle itself, and compare it with what goes on now. It’s a video about the Battle for the Golan Heights: Israel v. Syria, 1973.

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ISIS bride resurfaces like a turd you just can’t flush

| May 30, 2021 | 48 Comments
ISIS bride resurfaces like a turd you just can’t flush

Hoda Muthana left the US, where she was attending college, several years back to join ISIS in Syria. We talked about her here and here two years ago. Muthana enthusiastically joined in the jihad. She married at least two of the ISIS fighters and had a child by one. Two years ago she decided she’d […]

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Army SFC charged in relation to Syrian firefight

| April 30, 2021 | 20 Comments
Army SFC charged in relation to Syrian firefight

We talked about the battle when it happened back in August. Army authorities have done an investigation and have now charged the SNCO platoon sergeant with two counts of failure to obey a lawful order, two counts of reckless endangerment, one count of communicating threats and three counts of obstructing justice. According to his civilian […]

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Harassing Our Troops

| April 25, 2021 | 10 Comments
Harassing Our Troops

Constantly amazed at the things Vlad will try to do to spook us.  We’re withdrawing (some day) from the Middle East in general and Syria in particular, and yet he’s having his side of the fence go on harassing our people and zapping them with microwave radiation (yes, it is) while we’re just trying to […]

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Update From Syria: We Still Have People There

| March 15, 2021 | 4 Comments
Update From Syria: We Still Have People There

And we are still in Syria because….?  The Kurdish group (Syrian Democratic Forces) seems to be taking their full share of responsibility in Syria. Most of our troops have been recalled. However, according to the article below, we still have 900 people there, and the place is a mess everywhere. From the article:   How […]

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US launches first airstrike under Biden Admin

| February 26, 2021 | 31 Comments
US launches first airstrike under Biden Admin

Joedaprez Thursday, the US launched an airstrike in Syria that targeted Iran-backed militia groups — the first military action taken by the new Biden administration. Pentagon spox said the strike was in retaliation for a Feb. 15 rocket attack against a US military base at Erbil International Airport in Northern Iraq. A US-led coalition contractor […]

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Army vet charged with supporting Syrian terrorists

| November 29, 2020 | 15 Comments
Army vet charged with supporting Syrian terrorists

KoB sends in word on this peach. From Fox News; A New Jersey woman who served in the Army has been charged with providing material support to a Syrian terrorist group. Maria Bell, 53, was arrested Wednesday at her home in Hopatcong, federal prosecutors said. Bell is accused of sending money and other information to […]

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