Open thread
Weekend Open Thread
The middle day of the Roman calendar was referred to as “ides“. Idus was the plural term for ides. The Romans had this day as when debts and interests were settled. This was the “due date” for these payments. Enjoy your weekend!
Weekend Open Thread
We’re almost at that time of the year when we need to set our clocks ahead one hour. This Sunday, March 10, 2024, at 2 a.m., clocks jump forward an hour… Spring forward. Enjoy your weekend!
Weekend Open Thread
Many on the left appear to not have issues with illegal immigration and insist that we should allow all forms of immigration. Yet, this is the same side of the argument that is complaining that people “need a livable minimum wage,” one that could be achieved just by working 40 hours a week. Many on […]
Weekend Open Thread
Back when message boards played a major role for social interaction, one of the ways that moderators tried to keep things “smooth” on the regular forums was to have a flame forum. In this forum, anything went, the community rules for the message board mostly did not apply to this one forum. There was one […]
Holiday Open Thread
Happy Presidents’ Day! This day started as a day to honor George Washington but evolved to honor all those who served as president. This day is officially referred to as “Washington’s Birthday” according to the Office of Personnel Management. Many states also designate this day as a state holiday. Hoping everyone enjoyed the weekend and […]
Weekend Open Thread
Over a decade ago, I saw a bunch of Sailors with their PT shirts untucked. The Navy had apparently put out a notice allowing Sailors to have their shirts untucked when leaving organized PT. I remember telling other Sailors, in the early 2000s, that if the Navy got any more relaxed, they’d be leaning all […]
Weekend Open Thread
During the primary held in Nevada, one of the options won with a huge victory. The color scheme representing this option colored most of the state. This option was the “none of the other candidates” option. The main candidate that came in second in this primary vowed to continue with the campaign. Enjoy your weekend.
Weekend Open Thread
One individual asked a series of questions on Quora. These questions had a common theme, why this person kept getting blocked or why this person could not post in specific locations. A track record of this individual’s interactions showed abrasiveness, poor interpersonal skills, verbal abusiveness, etc. All this individual had to do was look at […]
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