Weekend Open Thread

| February 16, 2024

Over a decade ago, I saw a bunch of Sailors with their PT shirts untucked. The Navy had apparently put out a notice allowing Sailors to have their shirts untucked when leaving organized PT. I remember telling other Sailors, in the early 2000s, that if the Navy got any more relaxed, they’d be leaning all the way back, laying on the ground, and looking up. This projection has evolved to become a metaphor for what the Navy faces if efforts are towards accommodating people’s feelings rather than improving lethality in a combat environment. Enjoy your weekend.

Category: Open thread

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Commissioner Wretched


President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Cong of the Rats, CW, WoT FIRST


Got-Damn CW on a fucking ROLL WITH Butter..
OK then, those of you in the Mid-Atlantic, don’t put those snow shovels away just yet….gonna get snow bitches.
the rest of you can hang tight…
SO, 48-50 something-th and Happy….

(I swear if your assholes don’t push me out of the line for THIS job, well then yay!! )


Oh and did you see Miss Fani….?? It’s all over the place…..


They don’t call her Big Fannie for nothin’.


As opposed to Little Annie Fanny.



Commissioner Wretched

Wow, King … a FRACTION of a second!


A Conglese Rat to you, Good Sir. Throw some coolant to your F5 Key, and good hug your fiber fed modem. My Love to Lois!

Commissioner Wretched

Lois sends her love, King!

Hack Stone

Oh, all knowing and wise Magic 8-Ball, will the weather cooperate this afternoon as the Director of Media Relations for a proud but humble woman owned company that sells outdated and overpriced Red Hat Software hosts a Chili Feed in the parking lot of the Reston Virginia office of All Points Logistics to raise awareness about the follies of defending Phil Monkress and his claims of being a US Navy SEAL? And in your eternal benevolence, please grant Hack Stone First Post on The Weekend Open Thread for February 16, 2024? Magic 8-Ball says…

Hack Stone

A little slow on the draw. Looks like Hack will have to go back to Europe to restore his position on the throne.

Commissioner Wretched

Quoth the Magic 8-Ball … “Nope.”

Hack Stone

Magic 8-Ball says that there is a better chance of Daniel Bernath having an incident free flight than Hack Stone being awarded the highly coveted and rarely awarded First Comment for the Weekend Open Thread. Hack can take solace in knowing that none of you have the highly coveted and rarely awarded Precious Metals Recovery Expert Badge.

Green Thumb

Oh, all knowing and wise Magic 8-Ball: is Phil Monkress still a turd?

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande


President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

(mumble mumble damned fourth)

Hack Stone

It’s your own damn fault for getting your internet service from All Points Logistics.

Green Thumb

There are having problems paying the bills, or so I heard, after Doug Killough cleaned them out.


Commissioner Wretched

We may have to go to the booth for a look at the photo finish on this one. I think I beat the King of Battle by a mere fraction of a second … this has to be one of the closest shaves in WOT history. Incredible timing! I’d like to thank Lois Lane for staying out of my office this week, and Jimmy Olsen for making sure the F-5 key was ready to be hammered.
Now, with that out of the way, the finest of victuals and wines for all my friends at TAH, and trivia for all!

Did a company try to create a device that translates a dog’s thoughts into English?
By Commissioner Wretched
Copyright © 2024

This week, it’s a birthday celebration.

No, not for me; that was back in September. And not for the column, that was back in October.

The birthday in question is that of our sixteenth President, Abraham Lincoln. If he were still with us today, Honest Abe would be turning 215 years old.

The world has changed so very much since Abe was born, and will continue to change – it would be a very dull world if it didn’t change, don’t you think? But leadership like Lincoln’s only comes along once in a century, it seems.

We sure could use someone like Abe Lincoln today, couldn’t we?

And you sure could use some trivia. I just happen to have a fresh batch right here.

Commissioner Wretched

Did you know …

… a Soviet leader really believed in purges? When Joseph Stalin (1878-1953) held one of his occasional purges of members of the Communist party leadership, he went to great lengths to ensure that person was gone. He would have their names removed from any historical documents, and would even go so far as to have the person airbrushed out of any official photographs. Stalin wanted no record to remain of the person he would “un-person.” (Gives a new meaning to the old saw, “Here today, gone tomorrow.”)

… schoolwork was real in the Harry Potter series of movies? According to set insiders, when the main actors in the films – Daniel Radcliff (born 1989), Emma Watson (born 1990), and Rupert Grint (born 1988) – were shown doing their “homework” for Hogwarts School for Wizards, they were sometimes actually doing their real-world school homework. (Hope their grades were good.)

… the Earth’s rotation is slowing down? No, you won’t be late (or early) for any appointments because of that, not any time soon. But if you can hang around another, say, 140 million years, you’ll discover that a day will be 25 hours long. Earth’s rotation has slowed over the eons; during the time when dinosaurs ruled the planet, a day was only about 22 hours long. (Now I understand why some days drag on longer than others.)

… a law in Chicago once made it illegal for “ugly” people to be in public? Passed in 1881 in an attempt to eradicate beggars from the public streets, the law prohibited people “who are diseased, maimed, mutilated or in any way deformed” from appearing in any public places. Violators of the law faced fines between $1 and $50, and were sometimes sent out of town. Shockingly, the law stayed on the books until the 1970s. (There are times when I’m ashamed to call Chicago my home town. This is one of them.)

Hack Stone

Phil Monkress must have studied Josef Stalin, because he did a bang up job of scrubbing the All Points Logistics website of any reference to his service as a US Navy SEAL. Not only that, but he also purged one of his senior executives from the Reston Virginia office. 🤑

Green Thumb

No Native Americans to be found, either.

Hack Stone

Adjusted for inflation, that $50 would be in the neighborhood of $1512.

Commissioner Wretched

… a company tried to create a device that would translate a dog’s thoughts into English? The Nordic Society for Invention and Discovery, or NSID, advertised in 2013 that they were trying to invent a device which would be attached to a dog and would translate the dog’s brain waves into English. Called “No More Woof,” they claimed the device would be available by May of 2014 and opened a crowdfunding source for it. The gadget was to be worn on the dog’s head, and would detect neural patterns that corresponded to “I’m hungry,” or “I’m tired,” or “Who are you?” The device wasn’t ready by May of 2014 and isn’t ready today … and investors are finally getting their money back. A spokesman for NSID said that “No More Woof” was a real thing, but that the real difficulty in developing the device is simple – it’s hard to get a dog to allow you to stick something on its head. (I’d really be dogged if I tried to make a joke on this one.)

… Charles Darwin ate an example of every animal he “discovered”? Darwin (1809-1882), the scientist who formulated the Theory of Evolution, was quite the gourmand when it came to newly discovered life. He was a member of the Glutton Club at Cambridge University, a group devoted to “devouring birds and beasts which were before unknown to human palates.” During his voyages on HMS Beagle, Darwin ate: puma, iguana, armadillo, giant tortoise, agouti, rhea, and many other species that normally don’t make it to a human’s dinner table. (Suddenly, I’m hungry …)

Commissioner Wretched

… movie effects have always been very expensive? Nowadays, most effects are generated in computers, which carries its own sometimes-hefty price tag. But back before there were computers, there were real life effects. For instance, in the 1957 classic The Bridge on the River Kwai, an actual full-sized bridge was constructed and an actual train was sent across it for (spoiler alert) the scene where the bridge goes boom. The cost of the effect was $250,000 – an effect that would cost $2,636,220 today. (But it was indeed convincing!)

… you may know an archimime? Well, you probably don’t, since the term is seldom (if ever) used any more. But an archimime was a jester or clown whose job was to attend funerals and impersonate the deceased individual. (There’s room here for a line about a dead-end job, but I’m not going to do it.)

… an actor played a historic character to whom he was distantly related? In the 2016 BBC miniseries The Hollow Crown, actor Benedict Cumberbatch (born 1976) portrayed King Richard III of England (1452-1485). Genealogists have determined that Cumberbatch is the second cousin, sixteen times removed, of the king. (What are the odds?)

… you might want to hurkle-durkle one day? Before you go thinking I’ve called you a dirty word, you should know that a hurkle-durkle is an old Scottish term for “lying in bed and lounging after it’s time to go to work.” (I think we should all hurkle-durkle every Monday, myself.)

Now … you know!


Another fine listing of winners/stumpers for Trivia Night, CW. We Thank you kindly, Good Sir. My dog sez…Woof woof woof woof wooof.



Last edited 11 months ago by NDHoosier
Commissioner Wretched

… deleted?

Hack Stone

If Abraham Lincoln was alive today, he would probably be trying to get out of that damn coffin.


Theater owes him a refund, too.

Green Thumb

To vape.


Abe Lincoln was born 12 February 1809.

George Washington was born 22 February 1732.

William Henry Harrison was born 9 February 1773.

Ronald Reagan was born 6 February 1911.

Commissioner Wretched

February … a good month for presidents.

Commissioner Wretched

As Britain converted from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar after Washington’s birth, his birthday could be listed as either 21 February 1731 or 22 February 1732.

Commissioner Wretched

Ooopsie … it should be 11 February 1731.

jeff LPH 3 63-66


Amateur Historian

Happy Friday! Here is a Potential History video on the Pacific Campaign. This one will be about the Yamato, Japan’s most advanced battleship ever built. Pride of the Japanese fleet and the Terror of the Pacific, this ship had the US Navy and it’s Allies quaking in their boots….Nah, just kidding! It was an overpriced boondoggle that did fuck all if anything during the war where she was eventually sunk by a swarm of pissed off American SB2C Helldiver dive bombers and TBF Avenger torpedo bombers. Around the time of her sinking, IJN air power was effectively obliterated, with what was left being regulated to kamikaze attacks. IJN anti-air capabilities were also lackluster when compared to the Americans. In addition to these factors, the Yamato’s size didn’t help her either, with her being a rather large target and requiring a lot of resources to have her be able to do anything. I’d go on a limb and say she did as well as the German Maus and Ratte tanks, if they ever managed to actually implement them in the war (I know. I know. I can already hear you guys clacking away on your keyboards saying it’s stupid to compare a battleship to a tank. That’s like comparing an apple to an orange. And you’d be right. But my point is that the Yamato like those German tanks was stupid heavy (displacing water at 72,000 tons where most other battleships of the time displaced 36,000 tons) and the result of that extra weight meant that she would require more fuel and effort than usual to keep operational. It caused her to go slower too. That, I think, is a point that does translate between land and sea.).

Amateur Historian

So, my own thoughts on Operation Ten-Go: Even if the Americans somehow decided to not sink the Yamato and allowed her to continue to Okinawa, I think the plan would’ve still failed. First, the Yamato wasn’t designed to be beached. That wasn’t it’s intended purpose. This smacks of a plan that was thought up in pure desperation. Second, you would need to get close to the shore without striking an underwater rock (Paging Captain Schettino. Captain Francesco ‘Vada a bordo, cazzo!’ Schettino.) and sinking in the shallow water. Third, even if you did manage to avoid hitting a rock, due to the ships gargantuan size, the helmsman would’ve had the impossible task of maneuvering the ship 100% right to make sure she didn’t list at an angle where she couldn’t fire. Finally, if you somehow managed all that, the guns firing would likely undo all of hard work the helmsman did up to that point (good thing she sank before he would have to do that. Though he might’ve gone down with the ship. In which case, kinda-sorta poor bastard.). That massive amount of force generated by the recoil of those massive guns would’ve had to go somewhere, and seeing how the ship is on a sandbed and not in the water, the Yamato would probably have had less than an hour of shooting time before she’d list at an angle where she couldn’t fire anyway. And that’s assuming the Americans didn’t throw everything they had to silence those guns, maybe causing it to explode like it did in real life from her powder magazine igniting. Anyway, here’s the video of the legendary ship with an unimpressive service history (videogame ad runs from 0:34-1:06):


Japan had rhe right idea converting the third Yamato hull into an aircraft carrier… but should’ve done that more and sooner.

Amateur Historian

True story.

Dennis - not chevy

After the Battle of the Coral Sea, and even before it, I cannot imagine how anyone would want to build a battleship. I know battleships served up through Desert Storm; but, that much steel would have been put to better use making aircraft carriers. An FA-18 can project force quite a bit farther than a 16″ gun.

Amateur Historian

Well, the first demonstration of the power of aircraft in naval operations was Pearl Harbor, but I don’t think it was obvious to either the Americans or the Japanese how much of a game changer it really was. It was a surprise attack, when we were at peace with Japan, when a majority of our battleship crew were not on board on a Sunday. The Japanese might’ve been able to accomplish the same result with other platforms, so long as they weren’t spotted beforehand. In addition, naval thinking at the time was still kind of in the past, with WW1 and the Russo-Japanese war experiences coloring Japanese thought and WW1 and the Spanish-American War experiences coloring ours.

Dennis - not chevy

Interesting. I wonder if the Russian Navy has ever recovered from the Russo-Japanese war; the Soviets never did.

Amateur Historian

Probably. But their pride is probably still in ruins. The Russo-Japanese War was really one-sided.

Amateur Historian


Amateur Historian

As a sidebar, “Preparing for the last war” mindset was something the Italians were the most guilty of during the war. They equipped and tooled their military to fight not only in prolonged trench warfare, but in the mountains north of their country. They realized too late that WW2 was going to be a mobile, combined arms war and they didn’t have the industry to do anything about it.

Anyway, I’m glad that that mindset wasn’t the norm for our interwar military. Otherwise, brass would’ve used the steel that was used for the aircraft carriers we had at the time for a few more battleships instead.


She got poked by a 16″ AP round.



Amateur Historian

Big ouch.

Amateur Historian

Thank you 👍

Amateur Historian

So, I wanted to do two videos so I can keep to my self-imposed deadline of ending the Potential History series next week. But work has been crazy again, I got sick, and put out a lot of text on this one topic alone, geeking out over the Yamato (or rather how terrible she was), that I think it would be better to just do one video this time around. I will get to the end of his series eventually though. Let me know if any of my input on this topic is wrong or requires tweaking. I care more about being factual than right. Have a great weekend.

Amateur Historian


Hack Stone

Hack Stone just received a call from “Jason at United Health Benefits”. He asked Hack how he was doing. Hack responded with “Not well, Jason. I just came back from the doctor. I have been diagnosed with Dippy-Doifle-Itis. The only cure is to be treated in Frantic City, but I don’t have the money to get there.” He then said that he was sorry and he would pray for Hack. Hack then said “I don’t need prayers, I need cash to get to Frantic City to treat my Dippy-Doodle-Itis. Can you give me some cash?” Looks like the only help that Hack was getting from Jason would be prayers. Hack Stone can’t purchase poker chips at the casino with prayers.

Hack Stone

Can someone host a chili feed in order to raise awareness of Dippy-Doodle-Itis? You all can show your support as Hack deals with this health crisis by donning a Water Buffalo Lodge Hat when you participate in the Race For The Cure event.


I’ll provide you with a can of generic chili and my “Poser Chili” recipe…sound good?

Green Thumb

Consider yourself lucky.

You could have contracted a case of the “Phildos”.

Commissioner Wretched

We could always stage a telethon for Dippy-Doodle-Itis. Let’s just go dig up Jerry Lewis (he isn’t doing much these days).

A Proud Infidel®™

Today I got a call from “Jason” who sounded like a downtown 7-11 clerk in a big city trying to sell me solar panels. I was in a giving mood, but as soon as I asked for a donation from him to the Grand Astral Temple of the Great Flying Spaghetti Monster, he hung up on me. Oh well, I told him that for a mere $50 donation, our Head Monk would say a Marinara for him, *click!*, so may his Spaghetti Sauce forever taste like cheap ketchup!


The Great Flying Spaghetti Monster, Sauce Be Upon Him!


Happy weekend!

Mike B

The Army is finally starting to clean out their supply system. Ought to make a lot of unit supply custodians very happy. No more having to account for outdated or broken equipment.


USAF Retired

Green Thumb

They will cancel the initiative in a few weeks to save money for more SHARP programs.

Slow Joe

Never close to success


Well, for one thing it’s got a helicopter:


Good flying right there.

Hack Stone

Deplorables in the National Capital Region can catch Maryland State Police pursuing some idiot in a stolen State Highway Maintenance Vehicle right now. Hopefully they take this asshole out with gunfire.

Hack Stone

Cops need to blow his ass away. He must have at least twenty vehicles in his little car chase. Cops surrounding the vehicle now. It’s taking place in Montgomery County, maybe it was Psul of The Ballsack.

A Proud Infidel®™

Denied once again, I blame outdated Red Hat Software and I once again award myself Honorary First.


Epstein did not kill himself.
Phildo continues to fleece taxpayers for money using his false claims of being Native American and a USN SEAL.


Recently saw the pic of Epstein’s head and neck. The ligature wounds on his neck clearly show he was garroted.

Green Thumb



comment image



Hack Stone

Just a reminder to all of the Catholic Deplorables who frequent this den of iniquity that now that we are in the season of Lent, no listening to Meatloaf on Fridays.

A Proud Infidel®™

Yeah, jam on some Phish instead!

A Proud Infidel®™

Oh well, they can jam on some Phish instead!


I won’t do that.


Y’all have a great weekend.


Wondering when you’d show up. *grin*


Illegal invader deported 5 times kills,10-year-old boy, in a hit and run in Midland, TX. Welp, we got millions of invader parasites roaming free from sea to shining sea. Expect lots more of this. At least this was in Texas where there is still some semblance of justice. Sorry for the parents. Too bad the woodchipper isn’t a viable form of justice.
Midland hit-and-run suspect placed on ICE hold (msn.com)


Practice the Three (or Four) “S”s
That SOB (Son Of Biden) would never offend again.

Green Thumb

The False Commander “Phony” Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics) works balls.



This aging “actor”
who had a small line as Gen. Hooker in the movie Gods and Generals,
is out there parading himself in public
as a 30+ year US Marine SNCO and war hero,
with medals from Vietnam, Persian Gulf War, AND GWOT.

All visible in this video.

All contradicts his other “acting” bio he also puts out,
with an expansive timeline of acting credits
(also loaded with crap)
as his IMDB page lists only 2 acting credits.

Mac Butler… in action !!!
Grab yer popcorn, and enjoy.


More here,
by someone who posted in this private group
on the Book of the Fake – Stolen Valor Exposed!


Mac Butler pic just put up on the Book of the Fake group.

Mac Butler on IMDB.

Last edited 11 months ago by MarineDad61

A grown ass man playing dress up?

Awww, ain’t he cute.


More than that.
Here is 1 more….. to get the coffee pots and popcorn going.


Standing by with a hankering for stolen valor.

“33 years” in the Corps, eh? Shit, raise of hands: who here knows this guy?

Fking gd legend! /hudge s


More here, on his Book of the Fake.
He’s doing it right now,
not only over the past few days,
but back awhile, with a long collection of “REELS”.

Coffee and popcorn time.
