Marines who lied in Haditha investigation to be dismissed

| April 20, 2012

The Associated Press in the Stars & Stripes reports that the Navy will dismiss two Marines who cut a deal with prosecutors to testify against their squad mates in the Haditha case;

The Marine Corps dropped criminal charges against both men – Sgt. Sanick Dela Cruz and Sgt. Humberto Mendoza – in exchange for their testimony at the trial of former Staff Sgt. Frank Wuterich, the squad leader. Wuterich was the lone Marine convicted in the shooting of unarmed Iraqis in the town of Haditha after a roadside bomb exploded, killing one Marine and wounding two others.

The Navy ought to take a look at the prosecutors, too, and see if there were any connections to a certain deceased bag of shit congressman. Or any political pressure from anyone who sought to make this their standard for the war against terror and the troops fighting that war. And while they’re at it, try to figure why Ray Mabus would name a ship after a certain bag of shit congressman who tried to tear asunder his own service.

I’m pretty sure there are a lot hands to chop off in this incident and blaming a couple of buck sergeants won’t solve the problem.

Category: John Murtha, Marine Corps, Terror War

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Take comfort that Murtha is being skullf@cked by Satan at this very moment.


Skullf**ked by Satan? I heard he was being buggered by Beelzebub.


Still trying to come up with something to add that is not XXX-rated.


OWB: consult this list and you might be able to come up with an alliterative description in the same “spirit” (pun intentional).


There is a scene in the Adam Sandler classic Little Nikki where Hitler comes in for his 230 with Satan. He is dressed in French maids outfit and has to pick a pineapple to be shoved up his arse…something along those line I am thinking for the treacherous congressman.


I never did hear what they did with Wuterich after convicting him. Does anyone know?


OK, addressing the basic point of the article: it looks like the two Marines who eventually “came clean” and cooperated with prosecutors stand a damn good chance of getting a substantially worse (OTH) discharge than the guy who plead guilty (general under honorable). Am I the only one here who’s scratching his/her head and thinking, “WTF?”


Just confirmation, Hondo, that the whole thing was a put-up deal all around.

There should never have been any discussion, much less prosecution, of this incident in the first place.


Just think of those poor Marines and Sailors on the USS John Murtha. Listening to that asshat’s ghost prowl the ship, dragging chains and moaning, for as long as the ship’s in service, or until sanity breaks out and someone renames the ship.