Illegal Immigrants
Administration’s broken immigration policy
The Washington Times reports that activists are urging Democrats to stop deporting illegal immigrants in a climate where deportations have dramatically increased; In fiscal 2010, which ended Oct. 1, the federal government removed a record 392,862 aliens, resulting from a surge of nearly 60,000 more deportations of criminal aliens compared with 2009. Deportations of noncriminal […]
Stolen Valor illegal immigrants
Old Trooper, Cortillean and ROS all sent us a lnk to an article in Fox News about 13 illegal aliens who were smuggled across our southern border dressed as Marines, all named Perez; After the suspicious white van was subjected to secondary inspection, it was determined that the driver of the vehicle and its front […]
More Silliness in Tucson (Yes, I spelled it right this time Rep. Prezelski)
From the AZ Republic: TUCSON – University of Arizona students walking to class Monday were faced with a steel and barbed wire obstacle. A group of students erected a mock border fence right in the middle of campus making it difficult for people to get around. Organizer Francisco Baires tells KGUN-TV that was the point. […]
Crazy Tucson Progressives Gloat About The Threat of Violence
Krysten Sinema is probably one of the most left-wing legislators in the state of Arizona, if not the most left-wing. In fact, she used to be a Green Party member. However, since she sponsored a fairly mundane bill that would increase the penalties for running a drop house, she has been under constant attack by […]
Turn your illegal aliens in to your US Senator
Jacobite sent a link to a story I only caught a bit of this morning on the news. Texas state Rep. Lois Kolkhors proposes a law that allows local enforcement to drop off their illegal immigrants at their local US congressman or Senator; The proposed bill only applies to illegal immigrants about to be released […]
Who needs to build a wall?
I read this the other day, but Old Trooper sends us a link from Fox News’ Adam Housley that reinforces what we’ve all been warning about years – Hezbollah on our southern border working with cartels and building them car bombs as well as infiltrating our border; Watch the latest video at The Obama […]
9th Circus: Rancher must pay invaders
ROS sent us this link to Fox News about an Arizona rancher, Roger Barnett, who has to pay “damages”, amounting to $87,000, to 16 illegal immigrants who he detained on his own property at gun point; The incident occurred in March 2004 when the gun-toting Barnett detained a group of 16 unauthorized immigrants — none […]
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