Administration’s broken immigration policy

| April 1, 2011

The Washington Times reports that activists are urging Democrats to stop deporting illegal immigrants in a climate where deportations have dramatically increased;

In fiscal 2010, which ended Oct. 1, the federal government removed a record 392,862 aliens, resulting from a surge of nearly 60,000 more deportations of criminal aliens compared with 2009. Deportations of noncriminal immigrants here illegally, meanwhile, fell by more than 50,000.

However, Fox News is reporting that an Arizona sheriff is telling everyone who’ll listen that Federal and State immigration enforcement agencies are being told to reduce the number of arrests of illegal aliens;

Cochise County Sheriff Larry Dever told that a supervisor with the U.S. Border Patrol told him as recently as this month that the federal agency’s office on Arizona’s southern border was under orders to keep apprehension numbers down during specific reporting time periods.

“The senior supervisor agent is telling me about how their mission is now to scare people back,” Dever said in an interview with “He said, ‘I had to go back to my guys and tell them not to catch anybody, that their job is to chase people away. … They were not to catch anyone, arrest anyone.

So our bi-polar immigration policy continues unabated. The revolving door is spinning off it’s hinges. And the President votes “present” on immigration.

Category: Illegal Immigrants

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In order for a policy to be broken, don’t you first have to have one?


Deportations of noncriminal immigrants here illegally
Uh… what?

Old Trooper

No, Jonn, he isn’t voting “present” anymore. Now he votes “absent”.