More Silliness in Tucson (Yes, I spelled it right this time Rep. Prezelski)

| March 22, 2011

From the AZ Republic:

TUCSON – University of Arizona students walking to class Monday were faced with a steel and barbed wire obstacle.

A group of students erected a mock border fence right in the middle of campus making it difficult for people to get around.

Organizer Francisco Baires tells KGUN-TV that was the point. To create an uncomfortable disruption.

Basically what Baires is really saying is that expanding and strengthening physical barriers along the US-Mexico border is an “uncomfortable disruption” for the drug mules, human smugglers, and criminal aliens that cross through the desert. Alarmingly, there is quite a vocal “anti-fence” movement in Southern Arizona that fights against efforts to increase border security along the US-Mexico border, making silly arguments that a fence would harm the environment. Some even compare the border fence to the Berlin Wall (which as everyone here knows, was to keep people in, not keep people out).  However, when you truly understand these people’s core ideology, they are exposed as nothing more than anti-American, one-worlders who don’t even believe in the concept of borders at all.

Category: Illegal Immigrants

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I’m anti-fence…and pro-gun turret…or mine field. Whichever is cheapest, I mean let’s not be unreasonable.


Gun turrets sound good……….


Gun turrets and mine fields both sound good. On our side of a Big F’ing Fence.

B Woodman

Don’t forget the suppressors and NVGs. . . . .