Big Army
Army needs a new pistol
Fox News reports that the Army thinks that it needs a new pistol. I remember about thirty years ago when they bought that Beretta thing that they were so proud of, replacing the 1911 .45 caliber with the Euro-wienie 9mm. Meanwhile, special forces-type troops have been turning back to the 1911 for it’s hitting power […]
About Berghdal’s “Reintegration” . . . .
Berghdal has lately been “out and about” as part of his “reintegration”. Well, I guess that’s . . . OK. Sorta. Maybe. Bergdahl has been back under US control for nearly a month now. An Army MG has been appointed to investigate his . . . well, let’s just say “unusual” disappearance in Afghanistan. So […]
Army force shaping
According to, notices have gone out to 2500 officers and NCOs that their services are no longer required by the government. The non-commissioned officer-turned-officer knew the service was downsizing after more than a decade of war. But he figured he’d be one of the lucky ones, in part because of his tours in Bosnia, […]
White House Values Treason More Than Honor
Those are not my words, but those of a veteran working as a contractor with the same Army division from which Bowe Bergdahl deserted. This young veteran could not possibly have stated the predominant view of our men and women in arms, still out there, spread round this globe, protecting us round the clock, more […]
BG Sinclair retires as LTC Sinclair
Scotty sends us a link to the Army Times which reports that Brigadier General Jeffrey Sinclair has been forced by the Secretary of the Army to retire as a Lieutenant Colonel, since that was the last grade at which he served “satisfactorily”. This is the first time the Army has reduced a retiring general officer […]
The Senior Military Service Sends Its Regards . . .
. . . and best wishes to the more junior military services: the US Navy, US Marine Corps, US Coast Guard, and US Air Force. The occasion? This Saturday, we will celebrate 239th anniversary of the establishment of the USA’s first military service – the US Army. The US Army was established on 14 June […]
Senators seek to slice flag officers’ pensions
Apparently, in 2007, the Democrat Congress increased general officers’ pensions in order to entice them into staying in the service. The change hiked some pensions by 63%. Apparently, some unnamed dude in USAToday‘s article was scraping by on a mere $272,892 per year. So the Senate is moving to change that; “Cutting the special pension […]
Some People Got Some ‘Splainin’ To Do . . .
. . . and, I’d guess, also need to start working on a new resume. From the Army Times: The National Guard says an artillery shell fired by a Missouri Army National Guard unit during training at Fort Chaffee landed near a home in Franklin County. The incident occurred on Thursday, 5 June 2014. Although […]
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