White House Values Treason More Than Honor
Those are not my words, but those of a veteran working as a contractor with the same Army division from which Bowe Bergdahl deserted. This young veteran could not possibly have stated the predominant view of our men and women in arms, still out there, spread round this globe, protecting us round the clock, more clearly. Regardless of all the whitewash the Obama spinmeisters try to put on this Bergdahl situation, the troops know the truth: the man is a deserter, a traitor, and a collaborator with enemy forces – enemy combatants who killed the very Americans seeking to free him. In our troops’ eyes, he is not deserving of the red carpet, brass band, and ticker tape reception our clueless administration had planned as a political triumph and photo-op for our Anointed Leader.
Here is what that veteran has to say about all the Defense Department fanfare surrounding Bergdahl’s release, ginned up, no doubt, by the White House political machine:
When a soldier deserts his post, when he writes that he is ashamed to be an American, when he gives the enemy secrets (and he did), he is no longer “one of us”. He is a traitor. He is not a brother-in-arms.
Soldiers risk their lives for each other every day on the battlefield, there is a trust and respect they have for each other. For Bowe Bergdahl to break that trust and the Secretary of Defense to announce a hero’s welcome instead of a court-martial is a huge let-down.
He isn’t one of their own. He is one of them. He is the enemy.
That’s not something to celebrate.
That, pure and simple, is a concept the never-serving wienies in the White House simply can’t grasp. Chuck Hagel, to his everlasting disgrace, should have been able to pick up on this brewing military sentiment and warn his clueless civilian boss away from such a public relations disaster. But no, old suck-up Chuck, despite his honorable service as a combat infantry NCO in Vietnam, chose the politically expedient, screw-the-troops course of action. Congratulations, Chuck: you could have served honorably, yet just like Bergdahl, you went over to the enemy.
This old infantry sergeant from that long-ago Vietnam War cannot fathom for the life of him how a man who had served honorably and responsibly in that war as an infantry non-com could now serve so dishonorably in this one. But then I must consider that he is an embedded part of an anti-military administration that demonstrates to the world that it values treason more than honor.
Do these inept fools not have a clue as to how demoralizing that is to our own forces and energizing to our enemies?
Our ship of state is a ship of fools.
Crossposted at American Thinker
Category: Big Army
Well said!
‘Do these inept fools not have a clue as to how demoralizing that is to our own forces and energizing to our enemies?’
I don’t know if that was meant in the rhetorical sense, or as a real question, but the answer is a resounding ‘NO’. Nor do they care.
Poetrooper. Thank you for another good article. Meanwhile, Obama at the White House is entertaining illegal immigrants and lauding his love all over them. Illegals, we can house, feed, cloth and keep in fun money as well. Veterans, not so much. Bergdahl, is Obama’s hero and will remain so. He already threw one of his own under the bus over Bergdahl, he’ll toss more if they get closer to him “being wrong or making a bad decision”. Because Obama never does anything he regrets or needs to apologize for. The age or time of the “veteran run Senate and House” are gone. Those from WWII and Korea who served and even if they were Democrats, most appreciated the military, its value and need are gone. The Senate and House are now filled with mostly non veterans who like Obama, see veterans as just another “dependent class”, instead of what we truly are. Bergdahl and Obama and Hagel have and are doing more to demoralize and turn the military upside down than any administration before them. Even Jimmy Carter and that is saying a lot in my mind.
As a non-veteran, it irritates the hell out of me every time I hear some asshole try to compare Welfare and other government handouts to veteran’s benefits. The two are nothing alike.
Welfare requires only that you (supposedly) live here and (allegedly) have a pulse. Based on what I have seen, it also heavily favors those who don’t need it and at best offers lip service to those that really do. Most (not all) of the people collecting Welfare are simply lazy. These system abusers literally steal food from the very mouths of those people who legitimately depend on the program, and they do so without fear of prosecution or repercussion of any kind. In fact, they are frequently rewarded for their loathesome behavior by Democrats and RINOs.
Veterans, on the other hand, have done something to earn their benefits. Something that I didn’t do. Something that 99.55% of the population of America didn’t do. Whether they carried a rifle into danger, flew a bomber, manned a reactor on a sub, drove a truck, wrenched on C-130s, stood watch on a destroyer, filed papers, or dug ditches in Fallon NV, they all volunteered to serve in some capacity in the defense of this nation. 0.45% of Americans today have done that. Many of them bear scars or disfigurements from their service. Some will not live to collect a nickel of GI Bill money.
For every one of them who stepped up, there are over 200 of the rest of us who didn’t bother. I don’t think college money and medical coverage are a lot to ask in return for that.
Regarding Bergdahl, all I can say is this: if either my Grandpa or Step-Grandpa (Navy WWII and Army Korea vets, respectively) were still with us, they’d both be asking when and why we stopped shooting and/or hanging traitors. And if they could see the president glad-handing this little shitweasel…
On a side note, can a former President be tried after leaving office for high crimes and misdemeanors during his term? If so, 2017 could be an interesting year.
I too have wonderd if he could later be charged with all the laws he has broken.
“wondered”. I guess I have read too many posts from VWP.
The Other Whitey…+100 my man. You nailed it!
OW + 1000.
“suck-up Chuck”
“Our ship of state is a ship of fools”
Those two quotes say it all, and are well worth repeating, three ways. . . . . . long, loud, and often.
I thought the writing on the wall regarding Ovomit was immediately clear when he sided with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.
Our President sympathizes with Islamists and for the creation of an Islamic Caliphate.
Try clicking on the link in the article, dingaling. No one is going to do it for you.
polishing brass on the Titanic comes to mind & something about rats and a sinking ship.
B. Hussein 0bama & Company are like the Titanic going full throttle without a rudder on the ship!!!
It’s an opinion piece, not a research paper.
Suck Up Chuck, the RINO, is in place solely so that the Commander of the Chiefs can claim “bi-partisanship” in his regime.
Ugh, I’m gonna be sick.
In no way am I defending that fucktard Bergdahl, but for the sake of truth and integrity, show me real evidence that he collaborated with the Taliban as you claim. And I’m not talking about the word of the e4 mafia and a former LT who couldn’t handle something as simple as unit discipline. Provide that evidence and I’ll shut the fuck up and carry on.
Well hold on there pardner…that kinda talk equates to just plain old communism round here. No room for book learnin’ and such when smarmy, down home, country fried kitsch will do just fine.
And you bess have been in church this Sunday or, well….you just ain’t right in the head.
Fuck you, Hussar. Don’t you have a donkey to blow? Now; run along.
Sounds like you’re typing while taking camel cock up the ass.
Hussar…For someone who always puts off that they take “the high road” you just insulted about three segments of our society there. Myself included. However I have thick skin. I do go to church on Sundays. I am from the south. I do have some book learnin’ and I still consider myself, right in the head. It’s good to see folks like you Hussar. It keeps me aware that there are still people who belittle others for where they came from in out country, how much education they have or don’t have and whether or not they are church attending Christians.
I guess if it weren’t for you and those like you Hussar, I just wouldn’t know my place. Thanks for reminding me.
Have you ever considered that such evidence is currently classified, and you don’t have the need to know?