Big Army
Well, This Has to Be Embarassing . . . .
The title kind of says it all. From the Army Times: Army pulls list of names for CSM, SGM key billets The article says that the list was pulled “apparently because some of the selectees did not meet eligibility criteria needed for assignment to the top enlisted positions in one- and two-star general officer […]
New Army PT Gear: Coming to a Clothing Sales Store Near You
Yep: yet another new uniform. You can take a look at the new stuff here. According to the article, it will cost a touch less than the existing PT gear – maybe as much as a whopping $3 less for the set. To cut costs, there’s no reflective lettering on this new uniform. But as […]
SMA Chandler is watching you
Chief Tango sends us a link to the Army Times where they warn that “SMA Chandler is ‘watching you.’“. The Sergeant Major of the Army says that posting your opinion on the internet is fine, and that he gets a kick out of some the websites, but, then there are others; “Some soldiers are completely […]
So, What Are They Saying in Montana?
Wonder what they’re saying in Montana about Senator Walsh and his “unintentional mistake” of copying virtually verbatim around 25% of his War College final paper – including his conclusions – from other sources? As well as citing, but then lifting nearly word-for-word without indicating a direct quote, other sections? Well, let’s look: Montana Standard (Butte): […]
The Army’s new field uniform
So the Army pointy-headed folks at R&D have decided on which pattern they prefer for maximum Cool uniform designs and…surprise…it’s a slight variation of the Multicam pattern that they call Scorpion, again for maximum Cool Points; From Stars & Stripes; The new pattern is said to be very similar to the MultiCam pattern, which became […]
How Walsh Is Handling Questions About His War College Paper
Many people have been talking about the alleged plagiarism of Senator John Walsh of Montanta. Walsh originally spoke out on the matter – first downplaying the issue, then blaming it on PTS. So what’s he saying about the matter these days? Watch for yourself: Kinda looks like he’s avoiding answering the young man’s questions to […]
Walsh plagiarism; the fix is in?
Chief Tango sends us a link to the Associated Press which reports that the investigation into Montana Senator John Walsh’s plagiarism of his thesis at the Army College has been taken over by the Department of Defense instead of the War College’s staff, that we’re told is where responsibility for the investigation would normally reside; […]
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