How Walsh Is Handling Questions About His War College Paper

| August 2, 2014

Many people have been talking about the alleged plagiarism of Senator John Walsh of Montanta. Walsh originally spoke out on the matter – first downplaying the issue, then blaming it on PTS.

So what’s he saying about the matter these days? Watch for yourself:

Kinda looks like he’s avoiding answering the young man’s questions to me. But what do I know?

Category: Big Army, Military issues

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Get this fuckstick a top hat and a cane. Tappa-tappa-tappa!

Bob Zornes

The silence speaks volumes. These people, ALL of them no matter the Party, need to go away.

But they won’t on their own because most politicians have no shame and they rely on the incumbency of their positions, coupled with short memories of constituents to keep them in office. Throw a few crumbs here, a few crumbs there and voila! you have yet another vote from the ill-informed electorate.



From the movie, “Glengarry-Glen Ross”, Alec Baldwin’s character, Blake, said it best.

“I said, the real favor, follow my advice and fire your fuckin’ ass ’cause a loser is a loser.”


The staffer keeps asking “Can I get your name sir”? The next unspoken part is “So I can send it to the IRS to schedule your un-lubricated colonoscopy”.


Damn! Its true! Some people actually never do change, he has that “aw fuck” look going on. Hey! John “Boy” Walsh? Been back to Maryland Avenue and had your ass whipped lately? Hehehe…Heard one of the Maroony girls handed him, his ass. LMAO!


lol @ those big tough staffers trying to protect daddy scumbag.

Scumbag staffers should be targeted as well.


Things don’t appear to be going well for the soon to be ex-Senator. Two polls, one prior to the NYT report, and one that included polling after the news of his plagiarism.

PPP(D): 7/17-7/18 RV 4.1 46-39 Daines +7

Including After:
CBS News/NYT/YouGov: 7/5-7/24 LV 3.6 56-40 Daines +16

Looks like the good people of Montana are making the right choice.

OSC(SW) Retired

It looks good for Steve right now and I hope he wins, but that seat has been held by a Dumocrat for 101 years.

101 years from Thomas Walsh to John Walsh.


Its over.

If you look at the two polls, the jackasses that supported him before still seem to support him (must be the teachers unions where plagiarism is OK).

The independent/undecided have just made up their minds that he’s a s*&tbird.


What’s the chance this soon to be ex-Senator gets recalled and charged under the UCMJ? Would’ve never made Adj Gen without nthe course. That’s a lot of money for a little plagerism.Not to mention a fantastic example to the rest of the force.

A Proud Infidel®™

I loved seeing him squirm like a nightcrawler that just got plucked out of a half-dried cow turd!!


If Senator John Walsh walks, talks, and most certainly looks, like a dickhead….

Then, he must be a dickhead (and a bedwetter, too).

A Proud Infidel®™

And a voracious booger-eating one to boot!!


It would really be tragic if his Army pension got flushed down the drain as a result of this.

Delilah T.

You know, once you get latched onto the government pay funnel, it’s addictive and difficult to break the habit.

There are those, however, who do break the habit. And they are not politicians.

Roger in Republic

This man seems to have a rather elastic sense of truth, honor, and duty.

Green Thumb

Not at all.

He did 25 years or so in the MTNG.
