Reality Check
Life In Cuba, Circa 2013
I ran across this while following a link in comments to Jonn’s article about the death of Fidel Castro. To give some perspective to Castro’s “accomplishments”, thought I’d post links to what I found here. The article is by Michael J. Totten, a US journalist. It first appeared in the Spring 2014 City Journal magazine. […]
Here’s At Least One Democrat Who “Gets It”
Yeah, they still exist. This article proves it. Short version: she was an untrustworthy, crappy candidate who couldn’t convince the American public to elect her. End of story.
Just Another Refugee Making A Living In the USA
Isn’t it great? We have a wonderful story today from the DC Metro area. It’s a story of a man fleeing chaos in Somalia. He moved to America decades ago, around the time that Somalia descended into chaos. He’s now a lawful permanent resident. He’s made a wonderful life for himself here in America. In […]
Yeah, That’s Gonna Work Just Great
I guess everyone has heard by now that we have a cease-fire in the Syrian civil war, albeit a rather shaky one. And it also looks like that gang of naive fools and clueless tools currently running the show in DC the current Administration has a plan for what to do if that cease-fire doesn’t […]
A Public Service Safety Reminder
(With appropriate apologies to the late Harry Edward Nilsson III.) Fuel Tank Someone got into de plane, de plane was short on gas Dey then took off in de plane, ended up in de grass Not enough gas in de plane’s fuel tank, dey took it right up Not enough gas in de plane’s fuel […]
Blue Water Navy & Agent Orange
I have this deep and inherent distrust of the government, the way I feel that way is more simplistic than most people would think. The government is made up of people, people by nature are shady as f**k. That is until they know they are being watched and there will be accountability. I prefaced what […]
The Latest ISIS Barbarity
Before and after pictures of the Temple of Bel, Palmyra, Syria Remember the Buddhas of Bamiyan? You know, that World Heritage Site containing ancient statues of Buddah in central Afghanistan that was destroyed by the Taliban in 2001 because they found the statues “offensive” to Islam? Anyone wanna guess what ISIS recently did? Yep – […]
We Remember, but only when it’s Politically Correct
I read an article here about how a city erected a veteran memorial that had a cross in it. That city is now being sued. I read another article here about a small town football team that wanted to wear the names of servicemen killed in action on its jerseys. They were denied by the […]
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