Art Evans dead

| December 23, 2024


Art may not have been a household name, but he was a pretty impressive guy – and a Vietnam vet. He died at the age of 82 from complications from diabetes.

Born Arthur James Evans in Berkeley, Calf., in 1942, Art had a rich and varied life before landing in Hollywood. He was a junior Olympian in championship diving, an accomplished musician of several instruments, and a veteran of the Vietnam War.

Seems many articles mark that he was a Vietnam vet, but I’m finding it hard to get more on which service – given he was born in ’42, his likely time there would have been very early in the conflict. His first recorded role on IMDB shows dates from 1982, so there is obviously a bit of a gap in our knowledge.

How do you know him? Over 120 roles on both the big and small screens – but you know him best from Die Hard 2, in which he plays Barnes, the air traffic controller who takes Bruce Willis out to the aircraft gates (and an ambush).  One of those “I know that guy!” character actors. Rest in peace, Art.


Category: None, We Remember

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A man of many talents for sure. And whatever he did…he did it so well. Rest Easy, Good Sir…see you in the re-runs.

Slow Salute.


Just put this in the WOT, but will put it here, too, since it’s serendipitous that we’re talking about the passing of a Vietnam veteran:

Meant to post this right when the WOT dropped, but got sidetracked — today, with five minutes left, is the one-year anniversary of the passing of frequent TAH / VG (and National Thinker) regular “Poetrooper”.

I’m assuming this isn’t revealing PII, since he was clear about who he was during his time hear, but Russ was a paratrooper who, among other things, served in Vietnam with the 101st, earning a CIB, and later on as an NCO with the 82nd in Bragg.

We disagreed about many things, but I always had a lot of respect for him – I mean, the tenacity of coming back after being wrong again, and again, and again is probably what made him such a good soldier. I’m having a little fun there, yes, but truly, I wish his family all the best at this time, and I’m terribly sorry for their loss:

(Additional info in the WOT, only so there’s one place to remove it if need be.)

RGR 4-78

Rest in Peace Mr. Evans.